Ok Sports fans we had to go out there and obtain another 1952 Willys M38 military Jeep body. This was a must to speed this build up. Yes the other body we had was going to work but required more work and TIME to get it right. Captain with the help of Colonial Flag Company of Sandy, Utah purchased this tub from someone who was not willing to help with the cause. Despite the price, it still needed work. But the mission must go on.

The Jet Fighter truck hauled the Jeep tub into the yard and to the Vehicle Maintenance Facility. Power washed and degreased she is ready for a little body work.

The Captain’s friend Lalo and good neighbor who wanted to help, went to work on the project.

Lalo is an expert at body repair and maintenance. Thanks to Lalo, despite the short window of time the Captain was ready to prime and paint the body after the repairs were made.

The Captain shot the body with a good coat of primer in preparation of good things to come.

Looking good, she has a day to dry in prep for her next treatment.

Hoisted up high to get underneath and all around the body she is sealed up and ready for the best.

Yes thats right sports fans its OD day. For you military veterans No the Captain doesn’t have Officer of the Day Duty (OD)….But he does have his paint hood on. The Captain’s favorite color of all time besides Red-White and Blue….is OLIVE DRAB. So the M38 is coming back to life…Military life that is!!

Oh yes the glory of Olive Drab. Its beautiful isn’t it!

In the shop drying as we speak, Engine install to be completed next. She “Little Glory as she is named” will be ready come Spring.

Made in the USA the 1952 M38 Willys!