Now this is nice. I met Aaron at the event at Lagoon and as I always take photos with veterans, I always ask those who I speak with to send me photos of their family members who have served us all. So here is Aaron's grandfather who served in WW2 with the Army at the Battle of the Bulge. This is Matt Sosnowski: 1920 to 1991 we now honor him here. Thank you Aaron for following through and sending us all this photo.
Once again always after events, I take the time to find the local memorial to our veterans. No matter how small the town of Magna, Utah is, there is a very nice memorial to our veterans. And yes a few historical items like this recoilless rifle, I think I need that on the roof of Gunship Winnebago.
WW2, Korea and Vietnam. Freedom is not free a memorial to remember all those who did not come home.
To commemorate all of our military branches of our American Armed Forces.
Where would we be without patriotic organizations like the Lions who support projects like this one which stands today from years past.
Just happens this park is right on the route and site of an original Lincoln Highway marker. I love that, the "Lincoln" was the first highway to connect New York to California completed in 1929 but traveled on since 1919. Even the Captain followed this road from New York to Salt Lake City back in 2002 in his 1948 Plymouth P-15 car.
Captain's Plymouth P-15 Lincoln Highway cruiser. Also my wedding car used to take my bride and I from the Church to the reception.
Original plates from 1948 she is just about all stock.
Love these old car interiors, we have owned her for 20 years now.
Few modern gauges to monitor the old girls functions.
Original Re-Elect Truman from 1948. Remember the famous photo of 1948 "Dewey Defeats Truman"
I couldn't resist sharing the historic photo that puts the Plymouth's bumper sticker in context 74 years later. By the way you all know he was a WW1 Army veteran right? But he was not a big fan of the Marine Corps but he ended up eating his own words for things he said about them. At the end of the day he was a politician what do you expect :).
The Captain was the last one to leave the empty field at 6:00 pm. But I am a better man for it. I had the pleasure of meeting this young man. Although he was unable to join the military he is a cool kid. He works security now and thinks a lot like the Captain. He loves American history, our country, and respects those that serve us all in the military and public service. He has plans to see all 50 states via road trips, now you know I love that. We took a drive in Little Glory and he stuck around to help me pack up. Thank You Nova for taking the time to learn all about the mission I am on. I hope to see you again at another event. You are a part of what this entire campaign is all about.
The "Dutch Brothers" Both Veterans of the US Army and proud of it. Winfred age 86 and younger brother nick name "Dutch" age 84 both immigrants that came to America in 1951 after surviving WW2 in Holland. Both proud citizens served with honor and respect as they know how great our country is. They reflected on their memories of the Nazi's cruel treatment of the Dutch people as well as the death, destruction and fear of living through the war. They recalled seeing the V1 ad V2 rockets that were fired at England by the Nazi's. The allied bombers and the raids over Holland. How the Nazi's tried to use the civilian population as human shields around their military targets. How they and their parents were so grateful when they were permitted to come to America. They told of arriving in NY on a container ship and 48 hours later put on a bus headed for Salt Lake City. They stepped up to serve America in the Army. Dutch served 1958-1962 as a Military Policeman here in Utah with the 625th MP's at Ft. Douglas. Winfred served from 1953 to 1955. He volunteered and was a Heavy Weapons Infantry Soldier. Worked with 105 recoiless, 57 mm Mortars, and later as a Truck driver and instructor. He served with the "Big Red One" 1st Army Division as he recalled hahah the "Mother of the Screaming Eagles". Both of these brothers are proud American's and worried about the way things are today and how young Americans are being lead. Both car guys and used to own a 1953 Corvette. Both are trained mechanics and Dutch even has a 1952 M38A1 in his backyard.
I always take time to meet our first responders. Here are members of Unified Fire Department. Two of those in the ranks are veteran Marines. Great patriots who serve us all. Thank You men hope to see you all out there again especially those Marines!
Now this crew was tough. Far Right is Robert he was both a Marine and Army soldier. First a Marine 1987-1988 where he made Chesty Puller proud by having a little trouble or too much fun and found himself to be a civilian again after a year in our Corps. That's ok when the war broke out after 2001, Robert got himself into the Army and served us as a Combat Engineer and Human Resource Specialist. He deployed to Iraq twice 2003 and 2009-10. Paul on his left was first Army Guard 1980-1991 then Army 1991 to 2008 as a Combat Engineer. He served during Desert Storm in Germany and was a Staff Sergeant. To my left is Richard Vietnam Veteran 1966-1969 two tours with 85th Engineers building roads and air strips all over Vietnam.
Alexander here checked in with the Captain. Alexander was a Cavalry Scout. Served us all from 2019 to 2022. He was a Specialist and found himself deployed all over Europe. From Germany, Romania, Albania, Poland, Bulgaria. This scout served with HHC 116th Cavalry Regiment. Awesome guy and family, enjoyed meeting and talking with him very much.
Here is Jason he is a 1992 Graduate of West Point. Senator Hatch sponsored this future cadet turned LtCol. US Army Intelligence Officer. Jason served us all from 1992 to 2012. His tours of duty took him to Afghanistan, Korea, England, Guantanamo Bay and to Lackland Air Base Joint Intelligence Information Operations Command. Jason attended the Marine Corps Command and Staff College as well.
Meet Robert, a proud US Air Force Veteran and Fireman. He served us all from 1978 to 1984 as a Sergeant. He served at Air Base Eielison in Alaska, Air Base Edwards California, Air Base Seymour Johnson in North Carolina, and Air Base Shepard in Texas. HIs time in service as a fireman took him to England and during his time he was trained him up to be at the ready for the Space shuttle missions.