Thank you technology!

This might be the only time the Captain will admit advances in technolgy are a good thing…yes yes I’m old school, you know points and condesor kind of guy.

But now hear this….

After purchasing a new apple phone to replace the missing phone. Days later photos from the cloud finally did show up!!! So we can now honor those veterans I worked so hard to meet at the “Rat Fink” car show. Check out the drop down menu titled “Veteran Encounters” on the site. I am so happy to have recovered the photos. The hell with my pull start Apple 4SE phone. We are now firing on all 8 cylinders with an Apple 13Pro model. Ohra!

Hahaha Rat Fink is awesome.
Gunship Winnebago “Marines Dream” at the Fink show June 3rd
An awesome tribute to this Marine Owner’s service as a Marine in Vietnam and those who did not come home.

Fantatsic time had by all at the Rat Fink Show

Base camp set up Little Glory and Marines Drea Winnebago
Proud to have served and endured.
Proud Marine and owner of this fantastic Pontiac tribute to those who served.
Lance Corproal of Marines! Fire Team leader
Great turn out
Always meeting veterans, this is Robert he served as an Army Combat Engineer 1980-1990.
Marines same mother green experiences as Marines This is a Staff Sergeant of Marines served 1958-1968!
This was the Capatin’s favorite at the show just awesome huge commmins diesel powered.
Classic Rat Fink

One thought on “Thank you technology!”

  1. Captain glad you were able to recover your photos that’s pretty awesome, keep up the good work. we’ll have to get together sometime. have a great day

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