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Great American store! Great young people working there. God Bless America, the Captain loves these stores!
Willys Jeep Rally AUGUST 27TH!!
Old Corps Iwo Jima Veteran – God Speed brother secure a space for us, Semper Fi
Now Hear this Patriots!
Hermtheoverdriveguy has reported in for duty!

Overdrive & Barrel Gear
Yes fellow 4×4, Jeep, and Willys fanatics. It didn’t take long for all those who know performance to recognize a battlefield weakness in our Little Glory Jeep build.
Do you all recognize this? If not, listen up! This is powder in your cartridges, rounds in the chamber, and rounds on target. Ok, ok, let keep it in the motor transport lane. This is fuel in the tank. A genious upgrade a 25% overdrive for your Willys Jeeps. Look at this beauty.
This little guy bolts in place after removing your 26 or 29 tooth Main Drive gear or PTO/transfercase gear. This will atually give your Willys Jeep a 8 speed transmssion. Two reverse and 6 forward. That’s 1st-1st Overdrive, 2nd & 2nd OD, 3rd & 3rd OD….Now that is wicked good. All while keeping your low gear ratios axels as well as high and low range transfercase. Yes, the Captain does operate with these in his personal Jeeps he drives. Yes you can bury the speedometer at 60mph if you dare, and only push 2000 – 2500 rpms. Fun stuff, but we are talking mission here. Little Glory will be crossing the United States on open roads and dirt roads, but she will run like a champ with this capabilty added.
Want to know more? This says it all, and Herm is at the front in the trenches on all this great stuff. Check this out:
Want one? Need to ask a question? Talk to “the man”. You can reach Herm here:
Herm Tilford (dba ATV Mfg. Inc.)
18902 NE 164th St. (Shipping Address)
P.O. Box 805 (USPS Mailing Address)
Brush Prairie, WA 98606
(360) 256-3843 Phone
(360) 892-2220 Fax
Herm is not always available to answer the phone immediately. Please leave a name, number and best time to call. Contact:
Let us give an Ohra and thank you to Herm Tilford and his family for their support of the Captain and this campaign!
Stay tuned for install and test drive with Herm’s build.

Now that’s COOOOL!
Now worries staying cool here thanks to Mike Meditz and everyone at No worries of rebuilding, solder joints, boiling out the old radiator. New is the only way to go. Perfect reproduction fit, drops right in.
After very close inspection by the Capatin, a few small problem were encountered with the transmission and transfer case rebuild from a few months back. Nothing but the best, so the tranny and transfer were removed and redone.
Now she is married up again for good. New seals all the way around, and bolted back in. We have a big surprise coming for that PTO cover…..Can you imagine what will be bolted up there?

All hooked up, ready for fluids, well almost.

It is so nice working with new parts, throw out bearing, spring and fork…but you just got to get your hands dirty or it just isn’t a rebuild..

Stay tuned as we keep building.
One man who who did so much for so many in and out of uniform. God Speed Colonel, keep watch over us all.
A final salute: Funeral for ‘Berlin Candy Bomber’ will be Tuesday in Provo
Gail S. Halvorsen will be buried in the Provo City Cemetery.

(Isaac Hale | The Daily Herald via AP) Gail Halvorsen, also know as the “Candy Bomber,” poses for a portrait at his son’s home in Midway on Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020. He died last week, and his funeral is set for Tuesday in Provo.By Scott D. Pierce | Feb. 21, 2022, 11:06 a.m.
Funeral services for Utah’s Gail S. Halvorsen, the much-saluted “Berlin Candy Bomber,” will be Tuesday morning in Provo.
Halvorsen, a U.S. Air Force cargo pilot, gained fame for dropping treats to children during the Berlin airlift in 1948-49. When the Soviet Union cut off access to West Berlin and stopped supplying food for residents, the United States responded by flying supplies into the city.

(The Associated Press) Gail Halvorsen throws chocolate and chewing gum on parachutes from a “Raisin Bomber” over Berlin in October 1948. Halvorsen died last week at age 101.
More than 23 tons of candy were dropped from U.S. Air Force planes through Halvorsen’s Operation Little Vittles, which made him a hero in Germany, the United States and eventually around the globe. He died Feb. 16 at age 101.
There will be two viewings before the funeral:
• Monday from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Nelson Family Mortuary, 4780 N. University Ave., Provo.
• Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. at the Edgemont Stake Center of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 303 W. 3700 North, Provo.
The funeral will follow at 11 a.m. at the Edgemont meetinghouse. Halvorsen will be interred at the Provo City Cemetery, 610 S. State St.

Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune Former Air Force Col. Gal Halvorsen drops 1000 candy bars from a World War II bomber over Scera Park, in 2015. He died last week and will be buried Tuesday in Provo.
According to the Gail S. Halvorsen Foundation, “long before his passing” the colonel asked that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the following organizations:
• Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation (
• Gail S. Halvorsen Aviation Education Foundation(GailSHalvorsenAviationEducationMemorialFund).
• Primary Children’s Hospital (
The Captain and Gartforvets has reached out to Portraits of Honor to help. I hope you can too! Time is critical and this project will stand forever in honor of so many who gave so much representing the America we know and love. Check this out!

Please visit the web page, watch this great video, donate and follow the project. Semper Fi!
vintage 1948 Plymouth drive. The Mighty Tetons, Duboise, Wyoming. Honoring a fallen Marine.

Everyone should make a trip to this one of a kind museum. Check it out!
Please help Kyle and his family after this tragic accident. Kyle is a Veteran and a hero.
Gofundme for The Copeland family and Veteran Kyle Copeland:
May God Bless this family as the move forward and recover from this life changing tragedy. Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.
Captain Montefusco