For those of you who know Willys Jeeps, you know there comes a time in every Jeep Owner’s life when you must make the steering wheel sacrifice. Yes Sports fans, as you can see the horn button mount was buggered up and it just needed to be replaced. This is a big job because NOBODY can remove a steering wheel that has been in place for 69 years. Ok, I know a few of you got lucky but for the most part it can’t be done. So you have to make the sacrifice and cut the wheel off. This steering shaft was not in good shape so a new shaft will be needed as well. Now once you replace the steering shaft you end up rebuilding the steering box too as you will see.

Cutting wheel angle grinder does the trick everytime.

Wheel removed time to spend more money buying parts….

Now we pull the steering box and tear it down. Remove all the parts inspect them for replacement and reuild.

A look at what is inside….$$ more parts needed.

The guts inside the steering box…

Very nasty dirty. Time to get the hands dirty. Steering shaft, ball bearings, sector shaft and seal.

Bushings, bearings, seal, steering shaft and wheel on the way…just another set back. But it is winter and things are moving slow now.
Good time to work on the instrument panel and guages. More parts and more $. The Captain has already pulled parts from another project to save some money. But we will still need some parts. Back to the work bench we go.

I would like to wish all those that have helped me and all those that are visiting my web page a very Merry Christmas. My thoughts and prayers are with those on the front lines serving our nation in the armed forces and our first responders. Have a safe Christmas and a productive New Year. Ohra!