July 19th tire install / meeting and greeting of Patriots, Veterans and First Responders.
At God’s Country Les Schwab Paul, Idaho location!

Les Scwab Paul, Idaho 25 W Ellis St. Paul, Idaho 83347 208-438-8444

We will be shooting some great video and talking to this great Patriot location!

Future events being organized more details to follow:
July 27th, event at the “wrapping” of Marines Dream gunship Winnebago at the Queen of Wraps our newest sponsor. We will have a short video shoot, little live “Fakebook” and meeting greeting of employees all of whom are now our new partners supporting our veterans and first responders.
July 29th, Rock Springs Rodeo and celebration of life and sacrifice for one of our own Marines who lost his life during the exit from Afghanistan
July 30th, Cottonwood Heights Car Show and Parade.
July 31-August 4th mobile in Little Glory the Jeep fising but meeting and greeting all I encounter. Will be on the Lower Provo River in campground at the top of the river. Will then be below the Strawberry Resivior at the campground and fishing the river that runs through Heber and Midway. Will be about town in Heber as well find me.
August 5th Coleville special event
August 6th Commemorative Air Force Museum Car Show and 40’s Swing Dance later that night.
August 7th-9th Speed Week on the Salt Flats Wendover, Utah
August 13th Murray City Park Car Show
August 19th Legacy Village Car Show
August 20th Midvale City Park Car Show
August 26th Walsburg Dick Erickison’s Ranch Music concerts and the amazing collection at the ranch.
August 27th Our own event Willys Jeep Rally Kaiser Willys.com and Gartforvets,org. At Hever Airport Commemorative Airforce Museum 10-1pm show and trade parts then drive 1-5 pm
More details of the above to come!