US Army
Now Rusty here had a very difficult job, one nobody in the military wants. Graves registration. Accounting for the dead. Rusy was a Staff Sergeant,

Our love for Corpsman
Aspiring country band, Walker McGuire have penned a song dedicated to the “Docs” and Corpsman out there. These medics are unsung heroes and don’t always get the
Army 1969-1970
Phil here was drafted 69-70, served “Over there” with 188th Black Widows worked on and kept them Huey’s flying. His Dad was in the 29th

Marines and Army defector!
Captain Scptt with John and TY, both Marines and TY far right also srved with the Army National Guard, just kidding with the defector thing

Captain Scott and Stephan U.S. Air Force Veteran Stephan or I should say Tech Sergeant, served us all from 2012 to 2022. He served in

Marines air land and sea!
Sergeant of Marines Ben here with Captain Scott Sgt. Ben had a the huge responsibility of keeping our heavy lift CH-53 Helo’s flying. He served