This is the one of the most difficult weeks for all Americans. All Americans have a connection to that tragic day on earth when we all witnessed what evil humans would do to others. But we also witnessed what humans would do for one another when confronted by such evil. I pray that those I spoke with these last days at events I attended get through this week. But that the young people I spoke with who were to young to remember or did not live through that day learn just what happen. As painful as it is, we must tell what happen and we must share those experiences with future generations. Sharing and remembering those tragic days not only help us all heal but it should unite our spirits of strength in unity as one. As it has been said and I believe united we stand divided we fall we are Americans and that should say it all. May god bless those lost and those who live today to tell what happen and who must continue to heal from what happen that day. God Bless keep the faith.
I know it is hard to watch but share it and talk to those who need to know what happen and all that changed that day. The good the bad and the ugly. Let us heal, talk and share your feeling about it all.