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Fun had by all yesterday and last night honoring our veterans on Memorial Day.
May we never forget those who sacrificed it all so that we may live free. God Bless, until we can all be together again.
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May we all be together again.
It is a day to remember those who volunteered to serve our nation all the way back to 1775, when our patriot brothers and sisters stood for the first fight for our “FREEDOM and LIBERTY”.
Many wars, conflics, interventions, call it whatever the hell you want, right or wrong our military has always been at the tip of spear, defending freedom here at home and around the world. America has been the beacon of light standing as an example to the world that a nation of freedom and liberty is God given and worth everything defending. Since 1775 until today our nation has shed the blood of hundreds of thousands of our youngest men and women who voluntarily stood for the freedoms we fought and died for to become a free nation.
Most young people don’t realize those in uniform are taking their place today in military service. In peace time or war without those willing to step up and serve, there would be a draft, taking the choice to serve away from all young people ages 18-21.
Most young people sadly can’t really tell you why we celebrate Memorial Day. Let us who know how important this day and this weekend is. Take the time to educate our young generation as to why we celebrate and hold dear this day and weekend. Have the barbeques, time off and enoy the parades, but remember those who can’t be here, who did not come home and who died defending our freedoms. Also, remember and honor those who bare the horrible wounds of war physical or emotional, for they have sacrificed so much for us all and still do.
May we remeber them all, stand proud for our country again and honor all those who stand and serve us all in this nation. Our military and our first responders are on the front lines everyday and it is for all of us.
May God Bless the United States of America! May we all meet again in a better place where we can thank those who were called home too soon, who gave their lives and sacrificed so that we could live free until our elderly years with grandchildren and all that goes with a life well lived.
Semper Fidelis America
Captain Montefusco
FBI Salt Lake City Field Office Event!
One of the finest Agents the Captain worked with for many years has retired now. A great time was had by all and many visited the Captain’s jeep.
A day to stop, pray and mourn our losses.
Marines take care of their own!
Big shout out and thank you for two fine Marines who checked in on one of our legends. 1stSgt. Collard and Cpl. Taylor of the 8th Engineers honored Sgt. Nort Townsend on his 97th birthday. Way to go Marines!
Thank you both for taking my call and taking up the mission to see one of our own.