Meet Alyssa US Army, she served us all from 2003 to 2009. She was a Jr. ROTC student prior to here enlisted service and was a Sergeant in the admin section. She was ready to dish it out to the Marines…hahah all good service rivalry love it.
Meet Sam here. Met Sam during my “never pass a garage sale” rule. Sam served us all twice. First from 1975 -1979 as an electronics tech on the USS Enterprise CVN 65. Sam worked on EA6B’s and E6’s both awesome aircraft. He was a Second Class Petty Officer. Sam then served us all as a Murray City Police Officer for 25 years. Thank You Sam for all your years of Service.
040614-N-0119G-020.Atlantic Ocean (June 14, 2004) -- The nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) surges through the water of the Atlantic Ocean. Enterprise is one of seven aircraft carriers involved in Summer Pulse 2004. Summer Pulse 2004 is the simultaneous deployment of seven aircraft carrier strike groups (CSGs), demonstrating the ability of the Navy to provide credible combat power across the globe, in five theaters with other U.S., allied, and coalition military forces. Summer Pulse is the Navy's first deployment under its new Fleet Readiness Plan (FRP). The strike group will conduct a scheduled training exercise followed by overseas Pulse operations. .Official US Navy photo by Photographer's Mate Airman Rob Gaston. .Image released by LT K.R. Stephens, PAO CVN 65.
EA6B Prowlers. Sam worked on these bad boys! These were built by Gruman Aircraft. Gruman was based on Long Island New York where the Captain was born and raised.
Sam here scooped the Captain and picked up a small treasure before the Marines had a chance to secure it. Get there and get there first garage sale rules...hahah
This is Navy veteran Edward 1953-1956, served on DD-788 USS Hollister as a Seaman.
WW2 erra and Korea DD-788 USS Hollister
I met this young 85 year old at the lawn mower repair shop. He as I was shopping for repair parts. I hope to be doing the same when I am 85. He too is a Golden Shellback of the sea. For you pollywogs that is we Navy Marines corssed the equator on ship at the date line.
How handsome and beautiful youth is. A proud day no doubt to be young with an entire life ahead of themselves. Let us not forget those who did not come home. The sacrifices of so many so that we may live free.
Jack was with 3rd Battalion 3rd Marine Division. He served on Guadalcanal, Bouganville, and Guam! Three major campaigns earned the Purple Heart survived these horific battles and carried the losses of his fellow Marines with him always. Very proud Marine who lived until age 97 and everyone of those days as a Marine after earning the Eagle Globe and Anchor. Marines die by the Marine Corps lives forever through Marines who follow in the steps of great men like Jack. Semper Fi my brother. Keep Heaven secure until I get there, for we shall meet when I check in at the gate. I had the pleasure of meeting Jack a few years back and only recently met his daughter Kristen and her husband at their garage sale! It was no accident that the Capatain met Kristen which provided me this opportunity to share another veteran’s service with you all. I would like you all to enjoy this nice article about our brother Jack.
Congratulations Colonel B. D. Sullivan, aka Shrek 27 years service to our nation as a Marine Corps Fighter Pilot...Semper Fidelis
Every bit a ground Marine as an aviator with a tour on the ground with 3rd Battalion 7th Marine Regiment in Ramadi, and tours in the air as an F18 Hornet ground fighter support for all those on the ground needing “Air Artillery”.Marines take all ceremony serious, for their love of the Corps.Sun setting on the final ceremony and words to begin a new tour of duty for the new Commanding Officer and the retired Marine ready to tear it up and take on the next chapter.The new and the old, 5th Generation high tech most advanced fighter in the world F35B Marine fighter flown by Shrek passes the Old Corps 1952 Willys Jeep. Gartforvet’s, “Little Glory”.A great all around fighter bomber the Marine’s work horse fighter for many years the Hornet F-18. Shrek flew with the Black Knights and Commanded the Red Devils VMFA-232.Little Glory and the cab that will cross our great nation May 23 – July 26th 2023.Shrek, Col. B.D. Sullivan and his Dad, Legendary former Silver Eagle of the Marine Corps and Golden Eagle Aviator, Retired Major General M.P. Sullivan call sign “Lancer”.A great time was had by all who flew in to particpate in the Hill Air Force base air show which was followed up by a rewarding pre-retirement bash for the soon to be retired Colonel B. D. Sullivan, aka Shrek.The EGA, “Eagle Globe and Anchor” Barn.V-22 Marine Corps Osprey at VMX-1.Oldest, youngest Marines cut the cake for fun and honored Shrek soon to be retired.NO matter the years served, beginning and ending, always Marines until we all take our final take off. Semper Fidelis.Solid group of Marines that worked at the Airshow and visited the EGA along with their Commanding Officer Shrek,
Harold Bray is the youngest of the survivors and a retired police officer. Thank You Harold Bray for your service to our great nation. For all you endured during the worlds worst times and for the man you are today. Scott Montefusco, Captain of Marines salutes you sir!
Interior Communications Electrician 2nd Class Camille Panes, Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Oliver Ballesteros, Staff Sergeant Thomas Adair, and Staff Sergeant Charles Ryan Carlton surprise Harold Bray, an Indianapolis survivor, visiting him on his 93rd birthday. Bray is known for being one of more than 300 people to survive the sinking of Indianapolis, a Naval cruiser on July 30, 1945. Bray had no idea Sailors and Marines were to come to wish him “Happy Birthday.’ Bray told his story of being on the cruiser and surviving the horror that brought the ship down in 12 minutes. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Meranda Keller)Navy Marine Corps team has landed for one of their own….Recalling that tragic night so that future generations do not forget.All proud servants of our military services and our nationYears of memories of those Harold serviced with and the harrowing episode in his life in the service of our nation during WW2.Photos and painting of his home during WW2 before she was lost along with 888 Sailors and Marines in 1945.We were all young once. Harold Bray was only on the USS Indianapolis for two weeks as this was his first duty station during the war. Unbeknownst to Harold he would take part in the Top Secret mission to deliver the Atomic Bomb components to be dropped on Japan which would end WW2. Tragically this mission would cost the lives of so many, and test the will of so many to survive.
May we never forget all those who served during WW2 and all those who have followed in their service to our great nation. We are blessed that we have men like Harold to pass the story on. We are blessed to have young men and women who volunteer to service in our military today. That young members would take the time to recognize one of their own on his birthday.
Semper Fidels America, and to Harold Bray…Happy Birthday my friend.
One night later the Captain camped 15 miles noth of the Provo river and ended up next to another Marine. Check his pride flying over his awesome Monaco RV.
Marines will always find Marines. The Captain was camped along the Provo river where the camper on the left flank was also a Marine. This is Scott he is a Marine that served from 1995 -1999 as a 0331 Machinegunner. He served with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. Scott is only one of many Marines in his family. Both his grandfathers are Marines of WW2, His Dad and uncles are Marines and Navy veterans. His family has served in every conflict from WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and beyond. Scott and his wife continue to serve us as Deputy Sheriff’s in California. Semper FI, Scott! I do want to mention that one of Scott’s grandfathers was a Marine on the USS Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack! Photos of Scott’s fmily of Marines and Sailors to follow.
One night later at a new campsite 15 miles away the Captain had a new camp beighbor who was also a Marine. As you can tell from his Marne Corps Pride. The Capatain talked with him while he was waxing his beautiful ship Monco RV. Hope to hear from this Marine again.
Tom. He answered an ad I had on line selling what else but car parts. I am selling all sorts of things to help pay these crazy gas prices to keep my campaign going. Well tom need a set of orginial 1965 VW headlights and buckets. He got them and I had another Veteran encounter!
Tom served us all from from 1988 to 2008. He served with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Divison. Served in Germany, Korea, and Iraq. I am positive we will do some events together because he too is a car guy. look at two of his cars below.
Tom In Iraq and Tom chuting with the Golden NIghts.
Awesome VW vehicles. Notice they are in the garage and his moderin car is outside hahahahah.
Rex here USAF three months before injured badly at boot camp. A veteran no doubt he stepped up and volunteered. Donated the ax for the Jeep Thanks Rex!
Now this US Army Veteran just had to ride in Little Glory. We had a great time when he introduced me to his church crew of Patriots you will learn more about later. Raff served us all in the US Army.
Ok granted not a good picture of Daniel here with his eyes closed, but look at that young Marine in his prime in his Boot Camp photo! Dan is a Sergeat of Marines for life. Full of good work ethic, best at what he does working at Les Schwab Tire Paul, Idaho he helped install the tires on Little Glory. Proud to have met my brother on the road we shall meet again when I come through next year on the Great American Road trip across our great nation.
All work no play look, but good natured hard working patriot. NO better friend no worse enemy a Sergeant of Marines!
Brothers for life and beyond in the after life, Marines that earned the Eagle Globe and Anchor.
Now Brandon here is not a veteran but he is a Patriot I enjoyed meeting. He is living and working out near Minadoka, ID where the Captain was doing some recon as to the trail that will be taken during the cross country trip next year. Brandon’s sister is an Air Force Veteran and we may get a photo of here if he sends it along to us. Naturally he liked the the Jeep and the mission we are all on.
Now his Cat is a cool dude. He has a hand shake like a Bear Paw and he is a solid moutain of a man. He has some cool treasures in and about his land but he is a US Navy Seal Veteran of 20 years and 3 months! Former veteran of Naval Special Warfare he retired as a Chief Gunners Mate. Was a member of Seal Team 5 served from 1967 (VietNam vet until 1987) so we actually served together at the end of his career. His name is George Merrill and guess what? He is related to the Frank Merrill of Merrill’s Marauders fame during WW2! How cool is that.
This is Geroge’s brother who is a VietNam vet as well. He served in the National Guard from 1967-1973 was a Spec-4 in Armored Cavalry. He is in a battle with the BIg C but I have no doubt we will kick its ass. He and his brother will come see me when in town down in the swamp of Salt Lake City.
Today we honor a WW2 veteran who made it home but died so young in a horibile accident after returning from war. Submitted by Terry who I met at one of my most recent car show events.
“An uncle I never knew”
Clair C. Anderson, from Fountain Green, Utah. PFC in the United States Army, he was with the 39th infantry in Europe. He was with the first platoon to cross the Rhine into Germany. He was born Nov. 30, 1925 he died in a coal mining accident at Hiawatha, Utah Jan.10, 1947. I’m proud to know of him and his selfless service.
I submit this to honor him.
Terry L. Anderson
Young patriots like Terry’s Uncle didn’t think twice about their responsibility to protect freedom and liberty here in our country. But they also went when called to foreign lands to stand for freedom all over the world. America has been the defender of freedom since her birth as a free nation in 1776.
Very much enjoyed meeting Steve who is a Marine who served from 1953 until 1956. He was a Baker in the Marines and he was a Corporal when he left active duty. He still has his uniforms and photos from graduation. His son is a Marine Corps veteran as well, his son served from 1980 until 1984. His son the Marine was stationed at Naval Weapon station Oakland, California. I intened to visit Steve again down in the Salt Lake City area. We met as all Marines manage to find one another, but we met at this great Cafe called Molly’s in Snowville, Utah. It is a blast from the past right out of the 1960’s. But friendly service home cooking and a great little place, there should be more places like this around.
Draper Days July 16th
US Army 1987-1995 Military Police Corporal.
Justin here was a Corporal as a Marine Corps Data Network Specialist. Yes high tech networking set ups had to be established in the combat theater. Justin deployed to Afghanistan 2010-2011 and served in our Marine Corps from 2007 to 2011. Enjoyed meeting him alog with his family during the Draper Days parade and car show that followed.
Edwin was with the imfamous 25th Infantry US Army 1968-1969. He was in Tanks in Vietnam. Welsome home Edwin.
Ok now Matt here was a mustang, that is he was a prior enlisted soldier before earning his commission as an officer. Matt served from 1990 until 2017! Yes that’s right 27 years. First on up to a Staff Sergeant as a Communications Specialist then as an Infantry Officer ending up as a Green Barret. Matt here did 6 tours over seas. Once to Afghanistan and five times to Iraq. Matt is a proud retired Lt.Col US Army.
Now these to Army guys were set up right next to the Captain at the Draper Days car show. We kidded one another about our services as to who was more proud hahaha but there were two of them and one of me. We had fun. Ron had a very cool rat rod and they had a good time. Both are Vietnam Vets and Ron on right was in service 1968 to 1971, Frank on Left 1970-1973. Frank was a helocopter mechanic and Ron was lucky enough to be in the Army band, so who do you think got lucky? But both served when called and we are thankful for their service forever.
Captain with Corvin US Army Motor Transport Mechanic. He served from 1968 to 1969 in Vietnam. Both Motor T guys, he appreciated the Jeep and the restoration I did on Little Glory.
Finally some Marine backup, as you can see we are the few. Jerry is a Marine and he served from 1971 to 1979. Jerry was in the Fleet Marine Force as a grunt “0311” rifleman and made it up to a Staff Sergeant “0369” in the Infantry. Proud ground pounder and told me so.
Dan and I talked about the old days in service. Dan was a Spec4 US Army Artillery “cannon cocker”. Served from 1980 to 1986.
Gene and I, Navy Marine Corps team. Gene served on several ships the big boy USS Independence CVN-62 alsoserved on two other ships a sub tender and logistics ship. He is a fellow Shell Back for you sea going Marines and Navy.
CV-62 the Independence “Indy”
Les Schwab / Gartforvets Car Show July 14th
One of all the veterans I will meet at our newest sponsor and supporter “Queen of Wraps” in Salt Lake City.
This is Aaron he is an active member of the National Guard. Aaron is also a Captain and he has been serving us since 2011 as an intelligence officer.
Aaron “Captain of Soldiers” and Scott “Captain of Marines…Old Corps”
Vernal Dino Car show in the park.
Ok we have a special Marine here. Gone but not forgotten NO WAY. James Banke served us all in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine. He suffered for years after coming home having to deal with the effects of Agent Orange. But it did not stop him from living life to the max. Loving friends and doing the things that made him happy was what he was all about. His best friend built this car for him and finished it so that during James’ final days here, they were able take a ride togther. This was the exact paint sceme James wanted on his very rare Chyrsler. His buddy remembers him always. I was proud to meet his buddy and remember the brother I never met but love just the same.
Awesome and not stock under the hood!
James, Marine Corps Veteran of Vietnam at home and healthy as best he could be at the time.
So well done.
James wore his Marine Veteran cover with pride despite the sacrifices he and so many others made when the USG exposed so many veterans to Agent Orange and thereafter tried not to accept responsibility for its use and deadly effects on our boys who served in Vietnam. For James it was about the Marine’s he served with.
Very nice memorial. I hope one day someone who loves me chooses to remember me like James’ buddy.
Just awesome. What a car show what great people out here in Vernal.
Very nice tribute
Before his final set of orders home. “Another Marine Reporting in at the Pearly Gates” I am sure we will all meet again. A Marine for life and beyond. We die but the Marine Corps lives forever. Semper Fi Marines
Welcome home Vietnam Veteran Clarence 1965-1973. He served in the Intelligence “ASA” Army Security Agency. We are talking NSA stuff interceptions and code breaking spy stuff. He was a Sergeant and deployed to Vietnam in 1970. He has this awesome Clipper Car!
A Clipper! He has put 90,000 miles on her upgrades under the hood and driveline.
Clarence ASA Agent Vietnam Veteran.
This is Norm he was Army Intelligence Operator 1982-1992.
Norm Army Intel with the Captain
Jason was a Devil Pup as a kid a Jr. Marine. BUT his dad was a Vietnam Marine and proud of it. Check out Jason’s tattoo to honor his Dad’s service as a Marine.
Jason’s tattoo on left the Captain’s on right…Officers don’t get tattoos….Yeah right..hahah not this Officer. You know what, when I got that tattoo while at Camp Pendleton my Executive Officer Major Stein at 7th Motors chewed me out while reporting in as Officer of the Day. He said it was not professional for officers to have tattoos. I asked to speak and said. “Some day sir, you and I will not be in uniform and when not in uniform among the rest of the world, I want the whole world to know I am a U.S. Marine.
Segeant Horn here served 1997 – 2002. He served with U.S. Army’s proud 82nd Airborne and 5th Corps in Germany. Sgt. Horn was all Infantry.
Sgt. Horn proud Patriot meets the Captain.
Now the Captain really enjoyed meeting and speaking with Adam. He was a Major and an Emergency Room Doctor. He completed two tours in Iraq with 1/6th Cav. and served with 86th CSH. He served from 1999 to 2013. You know he saved lives and saw the real wounds of war, but you also know he saved lives and treated our own and others. God bless this Major. Thank you for your support Sir, your kind donation helps me do what I am doing. He has a beautiful family and I met them all.
Adam a life saver, US Army Doctor, Iraqi War Veteran with the Captain.
This Army Veteran Dale has a cool story to tell. He served with 588th Engineer 20th Combat Brigade in Vietnam. He did a tour in 1969 and served from 1968 to 1970. When he came home from Vietnam he purchased a 1969 Camero…guess what he still has it. Here it is in the car show.
69 Chevy Camero Dale’s welcome home from Vietnam car.
Dale and his 69 Chevy
Dale US Army meeting the Captain in front of “Little Glory”.
Steve and Cynthia. Steve a Veteran of the US Air Force is a patriot and shows it on his ride. check it out. Steve served from 1991-1994 with National Guard then 2005-2017 with Air Force.
Displaying pride in our country and our veterans. Dale’s Tailgate
Vernal, Utah Dino Days Rodeo July 7-10th.
This morning we honor the family member of a patriot I met. This is Robert E. Lee who served us all in the US Navy from 1958 to 1962. He is Patriot Lori’s father n law. Lori is a fellow Jeep owner and her husband is a Marine! By the way Lori “Ducked” me with another rubber Ducky.
God Bless you Robert Marines Love the Navy.
Larry US Marine! 1992-1998 a supply guy in our Corps served in Japan and out in “29 stumps” thats 29 Palms, CA. Ohra! Three Marines brothers in arms Ray Allen age 88 Korean War Marine “Sergeant of Marines”.
Larry US Marine served with 1st Bn 7th Marines
Hahaha the Captain is learning so much now I’m a Ducker. Bud the original Duck on right was later abducted or should I say “ubDUCKED”…but his replacement was ready to fill the void.
Randy here has been there done that my friends. Randy was US Army Ranger served two tours in Iraq, one in Afhanistan. Was a Sergeant with Army’s 82nd, 173rd, and 1st Cav. Served us all from 1992 until 2006.
Randy is a real Cowboy, handles Mules and was a Ranger wit the US Army.
Love meeting Marines, here is Jamie served our Marines as a Sergeant 1976 to 1980. Was a real sport jumped in the Jeep and also gave us some Marine Corps Pull Ups!
Jamie the Pullup Machine
Jamie takes to the Jeep with Pin up girl. Great patriots solid people. Semper Fi Mac!
Jamie jambed out some pullups including two for Chesty Puller!
Here are Anthony and Tanya both veterans of our great Armed Forces. Anthony served US Army CID investigator 1999-2020! Retired 1st Sergeant US Army. Served two tours in Iraq, served in Korea and Bolgaria. Tonya served from 2000 to 2004 as a bridging engineer and she did one tour in Iraq.
Anthony and Tonya Patriots and both veterans.
Patriots and veterans who run Operation Brat. Sending care packages and letters from the public to our troops deployed all year long. Keith US Navy Air operator loading ordenance on our fighter bomber aircraft served from 1996 to 2012. Keith pulled 7 tours 4 to Iraq and 3 to Afghanistan! Windy was US Navy 1994-1998 and she was a firefighter.
Navy Vets and Patriots support our troops all year long.
Mac is a retired Marine Sergeant served 1964-1984. Wounded Purple Heart, Vietnam Veteran. Mac here served in the Infantry with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. His son is a Marine Mustang serving now as a Captain of Marines and is about to retire with 22 years of service to us all. That’s Mac’s rig in the background. Ohra Semper Fi Mac!
Jukly 4th Orem City Park with the Utah Military History Group.
Richard here served our Marine Corps from 200 to 2004. He was a Corporal of Marines and made the run up and initial March to Bagdad serving with the 7th Combat Engineers. Semper Fi Mac!
Check his short out FREEDOM!
Art served with the 3rd Marine Division as Military intelligence 1997-2004.
Marine and Marine brothers for life.
I enjoyed meeting and talking withTim, he supported the campaing by taking away a Gartforvets hat to help promote the mission. Tim served from 1959 to 1964 as a Comabt Engineer with the US Army.
Darrell here is a proud veteran of WW2. He served us all from 1945 to 1947. He served in Japan as part of the United States Occupational forces at Sasebo, Japan.
So honored to meet those I followed into service. It really makes me proud to be a veteran when I see these men of past generations of veterans come out to see us all.
Active Duty up! Cayden is serving us now in the US Navy as an Aviation Electritian Mate.
Young and strong here is the Navy Marine Corps team. So proud of our young military members. Wish I could turn back time.
Captain meet Captain, John a Captain in th signal Corps US Army from 1972 to 1976.
Check John’s hat out, a solid patriot.
Joe is a first responder Police Officer in Arizona. Thank you Joe, we support you and your brothers and sisters.
On the job!
Sal is a patriot check that hat out All American Patriot. Sal’s Father served in the military and he is going to send me his Dad’s photo so that we may honor his father for his service to us all.
Jason is was my counterpart (MOS) in the US Army. He served from 2004 to 2007 as a Motor Transport soldier with 115th Maintenance Battalion.
Proud of his service he wears the shirt with Army Pride.
From left to right Steve served from 1984 to 1992 as an Engineer US Army and was a Gulf War verteran at the end of his time in service. Myself then Mike US Army who was also a Combat Engineer from 1989 to 2001. On the right is Zach who is all Infantry…where the rubber meets the road. Zach is a Specialist serving us now with 157th and has been serving since 2020.
Army surrounds the lone Marine. These Army members have families full of Army veterans.
Lee was a US Navy Underwater guy yeah thats right a Submarine guy. Served on a conventional non-nuke submarie USS PickerPickerel SS-524. He served during the Vietnam War 1963-1967. Check out the boat…
USS Pickerel SS-524 in her glory. She was later sold to the Italians in the 1970’s.
Family members with Veterans we honor them all!
Hello Scott, I talked with you at the Hill AFB air show Saturday last, I believe you have an honorable and worthy cause you’re engaged in. You mentioned you were interested in knowning about family member’s veterans, I will share a little about my dad, Arthur Wendell Anderson, who was a Private First Class in the United States Army, from Fountain Green, Utah.Born August 4, 1923 he enlisted when he was 19, refusing an agricultural deferment his mom had obtained for him. I believe he was initially with the second Army. He trained in field artillery and armored artillery at Ft. Knox. He volunteered for the paratrooper jump school and qualified at Ft. Benning. He was proud to serve as an Honor Guard for President Roosevelt’s funeral train as it passed through. Dad was assigned to the Eighth Army and stationed at Manila, Luzon. He was with the motor pool, driving ‘his own’ duce and a half. From there, after Japan’s surrender, dad was transfered to Japan as part of the occupational force along with his truck. He also chauffeured ranking officer’s to transitional meetings along with an interpreter, a Japanese man from Salt Lake City. He drove to Mt. Fuji and saw the ruined cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He sailed by Hawaii twice without stopping. Dad was honorably discharged. At home he married my mom, Carol Sparks, with whom he had corresponded during his time over seas. They raised four children, three sons (all Eagle Scouts) and one daughter, all of whom are successful good citizens. Dad and mom were married for 69 years, both passed away in 2017. Dad was a Scoutmaster for 17 years. I was able to accompany my dad on an ‘Honor Flight’ to Washington DC in May of 2015 to tour the veterans war memorials and the Capitol City, it was a signal honor for me to be his escort.Best Regards, and best of luck for a successful mission.Terry L. AndersonKearns, Utah
Terry thank you so much for following through and sending me this. What a man, what parents you had. I love sharing family veteran stories I wish everyone would follow though as you have to share their stories. We must never forget our veterans service to us all.
Happy in love
Happy GI at work
I’m so proud of those who served before me and whom I have followed into service. I recall meeting Terry and his Dad at the Honor Flight what an honor.
Another family proud to honor their loved ones. Thank you too for allowing me to share your veteran’s service on our website. Here is Kenneth Allen Sargent a WW2 combat wounded Marine.
Purple Heart pinned I’m glad he made it home. Semper Fi
Hill Air Force Base Air Show 6/24-26th/2022
Gus US Marine 2000-2012, two tours Iraq 2004 and 2008, Staff Sergeant his favorite tank “Big Pito” hahaha. Gus was with 1st Tanks and with the Marines tearing down Saddam Hussein’s statute.
Army up! Matthew a Pvt. and Motor T mechanic with the Army’s 365th CBRN, he will have his first year of service come August 15th.
Navy Marine Corps Team Jack here US Navy 1963-1996! a Mustang Officer he retired as a LT. LDO officer. Of the many ships he served on were USS Bennington, USS Camden, USS Halsey, USS Peleliu, and the nighty Moe BD-63 USS Missouri. I too deployed with and had Marines on the Peleliu.
Barry with the Captain checking bin he served us all 1969-1972. Staff Sergeant Telecommunications specialist. Welcome home Barry proud veteran of Vietnam.
Mario guess what service he served in? Dah…Marines! 2005-2011 a Lance Corporal to the end would have made Chesty proud! Mario was with out Air Wing swinging with the wing as we say in the Marines.
Jared served as a Fire Fighter US Air Force a Senior Airman 2003 to 2009.
Mike here he served as a Sergeant in communications and I hope I remember right that he was a soldier in the US Army 1982 1986 .
Aim High Air Force veteran Roger served us all 1982 to 1992 as an F15 Avionics Specialist Staff Sergeant.
1984 to 1988 Scott served us as an operating room tech with the US Army Medical Corps.
Now Thor here only did three tours on the ground in Iraq with the Marines! Oh man, proud member of 2/5 that’s 2nd Battalion 5th Marine Division. Two tours in 2003, 2005, and third tour as a scout sniper with 1st Recon 2nd Platoon 2006. Thor saw action in Fallujah and Ramadi. This is his service dog that had just gulped up water provided by the Captain in his own WW2 Steel Pot helmet on this hot day.
Our own Hill Air Force hosts Daniel and Kellen are two of Air Force finest active duty F35 crew Chiefs…hot damn F35!
Sergeant of Soldiers Bill was with SOEC 1968-1974. Combat medic worked in the Hospitals caring for our own.
Jeff was a Mustang Army Officer served enlisted then Officer in the greatest rank of all “Captain”. Jeff was an MP and an Infantry Officer 2007 and 2008 with tours in Iraq. He served us from 1995 until 2009. Great time meeting these men.
Serving in the US Army from 1975 to 1996 retiring as a Major he was a communications MOS and served in Delta Company.
David was a fire fighter for 34 years, 28 years Sanaquin FD and 4 years Deputy Sheriff.
Allen was first a Marnie then a Soldier then Army National Guard. He served 27 years from 1974 until 2001. He was a Staff Sergeant in avionics.
Daniel served 2000 to 2021! Congrats is in order there he did the entire 21 years to retirement. A Petty Officer 1st class US Navy.
Hell yeah they serve here are young future leaders and patriots of service. They are members of the Cache Valley Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol. Proud to meet and talk with these young responsible boys and girls.
Now Allen here is a big man and a personal guest to the Captain’s home this weekend. He served a tour in Iraq 2007-2008, served in the Army Guard 2006 -2024!. A specialist and proud Army veteran.
Welcome home brother. Now here is a solid proud veteran. Army Air Cav Vietnam 1966-1968, crew chief door gunner in the mighty Army helos of the Air Calvary. He and his crew survived after being shot down in the Shau Valley during a lift out. Sadly five other helos were lost that day but no others survived their crashes. Heroes walk among us and some never came home. God bless those who went to Vietnam or served then. Welcome home all Vietnam Veterans who never received the proper home coming or support from those who were back home here safe and sound. We shal meet again at other events.
Encounters continue we are surrounded by patriots.
This is Bob at your local Home Depot proud veteran US Army 1966-1969. He loves hstory and our country. I always make time to talk with Bob about history. He is proud to wear the hat as a Vietnam Veteran but always tells those he did not go to Vietnam. But this is not necessary, he served and would have gone if ordered. We go where we are sent and everyone knows it. Ohra Bob love you man.
Ok lets be fair to the home improvement businesse, here is Derrick he is a proud verteran of 20 years! Veteran of the US Air Force Staff Sgt aircraft refueler and veteran of Enduring Freedom. But wait there is more… his son Ethan is now currently serving in the Air Force with the Security Forces. see below! Ohra. Derrick has a family of veterans more to come!
A1C Ethan 151st ARW Security Forces looking young and strong trooper….ah I mean Airman! Ohra
June 18th Provo VW show
I met many veterans but I also met many family members of Veterans. I always ask those with family who served to send me photos so that I may honor their loved ones. Sadly many don’t follow through. If you have a family member you wish to honor please send me their information we should never forget any of them. Now those I met.
Very intersting man. Ralph loves and appreciates history too. His mother and father were both WW2 veterans. Dad served in European theater and Mom in Burma during the war. He himself erved in Germany 1972-1975 with the US Army.
Marine and Marine, Brian here is a veteran who served in Iraq with Charlie Company 4th LAR. Brian served us all from 2006 to 2014 a Sergant of Marines he gets it! Solid patriot and I hope to see him again at other events. Ohra Marine Semper Fi Mac…
Not veterans but they have a family of veterans and I wish to honor them. So this “John Wayne” patriot family will send me photos of their loved ones to post here in honor of their veteran family members. God bless America and John Wayne!
Now this young man Josh has 21 years US Army experience behind him now. Yes congratulations is in order for this former Sergeant First Class RETIRED. A veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, he was a proud member of a striker brigade with 2nd Infantry Division. Hope to see him again at the Willys Jeep Rally at Heber Airport August 27th.
June 11th Sounds of Freedom Car Show.
Active Duty here Senior Msgt Michelle has been serving since 1999. Here Dad was a Vietnam Veteran Army Natonal Guard. Here Dad was also a Jeep collector and patriot of America. Here is Michelle with here two children enjoying the car show with the Captain!! Proud supporters of the Gartforvets. Thank you all hope to see you at the air show June 25-26th at Hill. Below is a picture of Bob, Michelle’s Dad who served us all and was a fellow restoration guy who had many jeeps like this M151 he restored. Sure wish I could have met Bob, God Bless.
A young Bob with his M151.
Here is Philp he served us all from 1971-1979. He is US Army veteran served in Germany was a wheeled vehicle mechanic. A true car guy!
Here comes the Air Force again this is Rick on my roght served us all 1973 to 1997 he was a MSgt worked on all the Airforce fighters and is an engineer. Scott on my left served 1985 to 1991 as a Sergeant working on our F15’s
Army veteran Seth he served from 2000 to 2004. Heavy equipment vehicle mechanic. Great guy he gets it!
Active Duty Long Island New York boy like the Captain, here is Ray. Like any New York guy out of New York he wanted to know where the good Pizza was in Utah. It is Estes Pizza in Salt Lake. Anyway Ray is Active Duty he as just two years to go to retire. Since 2005 he has worked Security Forces, and Avionics on C130’s and F35’s.
Now meet Mason, fellow Marine served from 2004-2014. Served with 3rd Radio Bn. He is a big car and truck guy great time at the show.
Tom and I here. Tom served US Navy as a Yeoman frst class 1975-1995
Ben here served 1960-1971 Vietnam Army veteran then Air Force 1980-1990 as an EOD tech.
Owen here served from 1961-1966 he was an Army Soec 4 specialist in communications.
Marines here is Staff Sergeant who served 1958 to 1968 Vietnam veterans…Welcome home brother.
All Marine Vietnam veteran that is his awesome Forebird tribte to his Marines he served with. Semper Fi brother.
Here is Captain Dan…..Captain meets Captain. Dan woth his service/companion dogs. Dan served Air Force 1972-1993.
Finally a Coast Guardsman Dave 1980-1990 and Army Staff Seargant Norman served 1963-1970
Vietnam Veteran Henry lucked out maybe he served the Army in Korea during his hitch 1966-1968.
Robert here served us all 1980 to 1990 Combat Engineers.
Love the hat…Curt here was in the National Guard 1988- 2007, he too was a combat enginneer.
Michael here checking in with the Captain. Michael served two tours in Iraq with the Army and served from 2004 -2016. Good dude no doubt.
Vietnam Veteran who was involved in the last evacution of Siagon!
Ogden 25th street show….veterans poured in…
Sergeant US Army 1981-1986 and US Marine 1986-1992 served with HMX-1 The Marine Presidential Helecopter squadron. Outstanding encounter
This is Alan with the Captain served 2010 to 2015 as a Flight equipment tech. Marine Corporal with HMLT 303 out of Camp Pendleton, California
Happy Marine with family Tryst, Odyssa, Lucian, and little Mathias in Momma’s arms.
Cool cat Master Sergeant Ray served 1980 to 2003! Army through and through
US Army veteran served as a PFC 1986-1988 at Ft. Lenardwood.
Ken here served as a Marine infantry grunt with the 7th Marines 2004 to 2008 Ohra Brother
The whole 9 yards..this is Jay proud US Army Strong served 1967-2009. Jay served as a Command Sgt.Major.
Melvin here served in the Army with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Division and was an artillary man 1968-1970.
Fernando was having a good time, he served wih th 389th construction battalion in Iraq. 2001 to 2009 two tours in Iraq 03-04.
Jim here is all Air Force served as a Jet aircraft mechanic 1974-1994.
Jason here served 1994 to 2006 as a crusher he was in Tanks!
Navy Marine Team here is Claude he served surface Navy. First on Destroyer of WW2 vintage in 1965 the USS Walton Perkins see here here below. Claude also served on the Patrol River Boats in Vietnam went on to serve until 1992.
Walton Perkins proudly served us 1944-1968 what a ship.
Now here is Jared served our Marines from 1994 to 2002. HIs brother was the trainer for “Bart” the huge Grizzl bear made famous in so many movies.
West Jordan Memorial Car show. Meet John served on USS Nimitiz 2003-2018! Mater at Arms 2nd class Petty Officer. Captain’s favorite time in the Marines was riding on the ship across the ocean many times.
Ah yes one of the best. Fernando just graduated US Army boot camp three days ago! He jumped right in to help me set up! Fernando is of course a Private, he is stationed at Ogden with 744th Engineer company. He is trained to blow things up and buid bridges and stuff so look out!
Coast Guard up! This is Victor served us all 1973-1977 from California to Alaska!
Marine to Marine this is Caig served our Marine Corps 1975-1979 he was a Sergeant and a crash crew guy swinging with the wing! Ohra
Heber Creeper run on the rails! Meet Ron US Army Proud 1959-1963. NIce guy and a true train lover. He is a mechanic works on traines now out at the Ruond House in Evanstan, Wyoming! A must follow up visit for the Captain!! We shall meet again Ron and the Captain.
Go Navy, here is Ryan riding the rails he served us all from 2012 to 2020. Ryan served as a 1st Class Petty Officer on the USS Pinckney check her out below! Love that Navy Marine Corps team spirit!
USS Pinckney on duty running strong!
Now this is Bob a fellow officer but US Navy LT. Bob served in Vietnam and served us all from 1966 to 1970. He served with VSU Unit 1 and the Navy Seals. He has come home and he is proud to have served. I enjoyed meeting Bob very much.
Ok now this is __________________ served US Army__________________two tours “he says only two tours” holy crap in Iraq. That tells you just how bad those days were with most doing more than two tours in those bad places Iraq and Afghanistan. Now the Captain has a bone to pick with this soldier. I meet so many people it is hard to keep up and keep track so I asked that he send me his years of service, rank and name. Until then, I sadly can only provide you what I remebered. One other note is that I loved meeting his wonderful family for sure!!!
Look at that smile, talk about a fun happy guy. This is Dave our Air Force guy for the train ride. He was securoty police and intelligence. He served us all from 1990 – 2000. His family was a blast too I sure hope to see them all again at another event. check them out!!!
I love this picture so much really enjoyed meeting the little ones. They just loved the Jeep super fun kids….the future of America lies with them.
Can you say happy young children having a great time with family. That is what the train ride and meeting and greeting them all is about. We talk about history, our veterans and what is important about loving and respecting our country. Especially on Memorial Day weekend. LOve this photo.
Now one of my favorite encounters with our veterns on the train that night. I love my elders for we in service follwed their foot steps. We have carried the standards forward and we an only hope the youth of today will do the same for us. Roy here served from 1948-1952. He served right through the Korean War. He served on the USS Perkins and he was a 2nd Class Petty Officer working electronics and radar. Check out the DD877 in action below
Great shot of Roy’s ship. I loved my time at sea what an experience.
Well the VFW may have canceled the car show due to rain but that did not stop the captain from holding his own car show. Rain never hurt anybody. May not have been a lot of people but sure were some quality people!
Mike served in the US Army 1968-1970. Proud veteran and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and talking with Mike. Here he and I are in front of Big Glory and our flags.
Very proud of his service Mike came to see me after church today.
Now there are special people all around us everyday. Some you have a chance to meet and talk with and some you don’t. Trust me, they are all around you everyday. Here is Jason a solid Christian and he just happens to be a US Marine to boot! I beleive you will be seeing he and I again over of the next 14 months. Really enjoyed meeting this man, then his wife and daugther. Jason served in the Marines 1996-2004, in the 4th Marine Air Wing, was also a recruiter.
We will meet again and you will see this Marine team again!
Jason’s awesome family
Jason and his wife braved the rain and cold to come out and meet me. Ohra!
The best of the best is this incredibile man who also happens to be an Air Force pilot veteran who has trap time flying off Aircraft Carriers! How about that! Mark served us all for 24 years in uniform formerly a KC-135 tanker refueler, Mark kept our fighters on station keeping our guys on the ground safe and lethal. Love this photo! You will be seeing a lot of the captain and Mark but that is just a hunch. Wait until you meet his mega patriot wife Valerie, memeber of the Daughter’s of the American Revolution.
“Tell it to the Marines!” This is Mick, congrats to Mick. He is the proud owner of a brand new side by side. This is where the Captain met his brother Marine at Young Powersports in Centerville.
Mick is one of my own “Marines” served with 3rd Recon 5th Battalion Marines. 1967-1987.
One the Marines truck.
Brand new ready to roll off the lot. Young Power Sports Centerville, Utah
Nice Shirt!
Proud of his service!
Here is the David with Little Glory in the background. We are at another great car show put on by JC Hackett. At the Garage Grill Draper, Utah.
World tour hat of David’s tours.
I met he will never loose that hat. Nice David thank you for your service to us all.
Here we go again go AIR FORCE!! yes Ross was with the Air Force 1970-1975. Ross was aviation avionics specialist. We had a nice time at the Draper Car show. 5/24.
Another Air Force Veteran, this veteran I met while at one of America’s coolest stores Cal Ranch. Here is Jim he served from 1970-1973 with one tour in Vietnam 70-71. Jim worked on operation Palisades Dog which cross trained So Vietnamese soldiers. Great speaking with this veteran big baseball fan too!
So many great talks with our proud veterans. Enjoyed meeting and talking with Joe, US Army Proud 1971-1974. He worked with heavy lift crain helecopters CH54’s he was a Crew Chief engineer.
Now this youngster is active duty reserves. Us Army Private Buchanan! Yes the Captain had to feed him and take him for a ride in Little Glory. And yes! The Captain had to teach him how to drive a clutch. I am happy to say he is a fast learner and he did just fine!
David here served in the Infantry with the 9th division and 5th. !967-1969. Welcome home David.
Dennis with the Captain US Navy 1970-73 3rd class petty officer. Nice Navy Marine Corps team. UVU swap meet 5/20/22
Couple of wise guys…no just kidding US Navy on my left that is David served 1960-1965 on USS Ticondaroga aircraft carrier. Chuck was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army….1956-1964.
Jack pictured here with the Captain Jack also was a National Guard Soldier 1972-1979. He had plenty of Jeep time as the Guard had these M38 Jeeps for many years after they were built.
UVU car show was floaded with patriots and veterans alike. Check out Jerry, a proud National Guard veteran who served from 1960 to 1972. Enjoyed meeting Jerry very much he is a patriot real solid American.
Now this was a treat meeting this Marine officer who served same time as the Captain. This is Sefan, served 1983 to 1987 as a “cannon cocker” Ohra! Stefan is also the assistant Dean at UVU. Thanks for all you do for our youth and your great automotive program.
Here comes the Army with Eldon 1972-1977 Sergeant 4th Infantry Division. Great day at the swap meet car show Orem Utah.
Now this is a good one. Yes you have two and they are father and son. Dad, Ron Marines 1951-1953,,, the year of Little Glory a 1952 Willys M38. Dad was a combat engineer. Son Russ, Army 1979-1991, Heavy equipment engineers.
Right in the middle f the wheeling and dealing at the swap meet. Great people, father and son who served us all. Thank you men.
Now we all know Marines can’t spell. So Nakagwa US Airforce Helicopters Crew Chief 1970 and 1971, gave it to me the way it should be NAKAGWA.
Nakawga and the Captain at the M38..
Look out here come the Marines, check Rick out US Marines 1968 to 1971…..But wait there is more to Rick’s story. Rick came back and did another 22 years as a Navy man! Ohra Rick. Well done.
Here comes another Jerry served us all 1964-1966, Sinal Corps VietNam. Welcome home Jerry.
Here comes the Army again the Marines are surrounded and supported well today. Dave 1975-1978, Infantry.
Now meet citizen soldier National Guard 1956-1964, John. Thank you for your service.
John meets the Captain in front of Little Glory.
Ok now we are talking. Want to talk about tough? US Air Force fighter pilot, got to love it. The Captain has an ejection seat in his motor home and guess what? Jeff here knows all about it. That is because Jeff was flying F4’s and F105’s 1969-1981. Awesome man and real patriot.
Always good to see Jeff at the show the college does so much for a youth. Thanks Jeff for your support.
We have more Army today in the “AO” area of operations of this Captain of Marines campaign. Meet Tim, he did the whole 9 yards 1984-2004! US Army Military Police! Ohra Tim great time today a the show.
Love the hat….now you all know ladies wear hats right? Marines wear covers….hahah Tim is a Mega Patriot, glad to meet and be in his company. Thank you for your service brother.
Ok Army link up with the Marines, meet Paul US Army 1967-1970, combat engineer. Welcome home brother thanks for your service, UVU car show today!
What a day so much fun, lots of parts and lots of Patriots! Gunship “Marines Dream Winnebago and Little Glory in the background”.
Now hear this, Met Jack today at the UVU swap meet event 5/20. Yes I know but beleive it or not Jack was a US Navy Veteran 1964-1966. Thanks Brother orah!
Jack and the Captain with 1952 Gartforvets Jeep “Little Glory” in the background first show in public!
Veterans along the way “brothers and sisters”
Happy 97th Birthday “Nort” Sergeant of Marines! Yes everybody another brother from a different mother…Mother Marine Corps. You want to see another good looking Marine..but a Parris Island Marine?
Nort Townsend of Wallace, North Carolina. WW2 Marine turns 97 on May 14th.
Sgt. Nort’s family owned Auto Parts store where the Sgt. still reports for work five days a week. Family owned for 75 years!
Nort at post #1 on duty as Sgt. of the Guard Towndsen Auto Parts.
Sergeant and Captain best ranks in the Corps. Happy Birthday my brother, God Bless I want to be just like you when I grow up!
Ok now this is an exception to the veterans encounters blog because Adam here has a very patriotic US Marine Grandfather who served during the Korean War. His Marine Grandfather JB McCollough wrote a book and Adam was kind enough to give one to me. Adma and I and yes his Marine Grandfather Ohra JB. Semper Fi!
Note the Veteran parking at Lowes and the Captain’s other Jeep a 1943 Willys MB.
Ok, now JB, Adam’s Marine Grandpa and I are brother’s from different mothers or brothers from Mother Green the Marines. Check him out, something about this photo I LOVE!
For you Jeep and Willys fanatics, that is a WW2 Willys MB in Korea 1950’s
On the innocent side, the young boy “JB” who became a man in the Marines! Wow how young.
Stationed in Oceanside at Camp Pendelton, you can see JB grew up fast and became what is known as a true “Hollywood” Marine! Damn, even looks like a Hollwood star! Bet he was popular with the ladies, no doubt.
Every Marine is a rifleman first, JB with one of the Marines 75mm recoiless rifles. Great weapon.
Awaiting photo of Phil US Army National Guard 1963-1970, served with 11th Corps Artillery. Very nice guy a passer by “Megan” took our picture and I’m waiting for her to send it to me. Hope she does as she said she would
Now this was a nice encounter! Meet the double team…Yes Two Air Force veterans Alanzo 20 year veteran and his wife LIsa too. Thank you both for your service. Their boy Dominick was ready to go too! Our first husband and wfe veteran encounter.
OK the Captain meets Active duty….Master Sgt. Griffen, US Air Force. Young and strong but the Air Force won’t have him much longer. In just 19 months, Msgt. Griffen will have completed the “whole 9 yards” he will have 20 years and be elligible to retire. He will be in the “KMA” club. Thank you for your service brother
Meet Bill, US Air Force 1962-1965, Airman 1st Class. Bill was also a first class banterer, proud of his Air Force service he gave me a good ribbing about being a Marine….But you know I gave him a share of equal pride in my own service! What a nice guy, full of vineagr at age 80 and going strong! Thanks for your service Bill.
Rocky meets the Captain, Way to go Rocky, US Army 1966-1991. E8 retired new to the Utah Area. Hope we will see Rocky again at events around the town. Rocky’s son just retired from the US Air Force.
Marcus, US Navy Diver 26 years retired.
Clyde, aka Bill, US Army Retired 75th Rangers, 3 and 5th S/F, Vietnam, Gukd War, Iraq and the war on Terror.
Ira, US Navy 1966-1969 River Boats, Vietnam.
Mark, US Marines Marine Security Guard US Embassy Beirut 1980’s. Semper Fi.
Larry, US Air Force 988-1994 Desert Storm SRA Security Police.
Gone but not forgotten Raymond Leroy Hedberg US Navy Korean War. USS Manchester Bay 1951-54
Patriot, proud of our country and proud to serve. Ray served us all and we veterans followed in his footsteps.
USS Manchester Bay 1953
Everyone remembers that day…Graduation Boot Camp!
Prelude to the drones of today! Hahah
Thank You Ray for your service, God Speed get things sqaured away for us for when we all arrive
Marines will always find Marines. The Captain was camped along the Provo river where the camper on the left flank was also a Marine. This is Scott he is a Marine that served from 1995 -1999 as a 0331 Machinegunner. He served with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. Scott is only one of many Marines in his family. Both his grandfathers are Marines of WW2, His Dad and uncles are Marines and Navy veterans. His family has served in every conflict from WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and beyond. Scott and his wife continue to serve us as Deputy Sheriff’s in California. Semper FI, Scott! I do want to mention that one of Scott’s grandfathers was a Marine on the USS Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack! Photos of Scott’s fmily of Marines and Sailors to follow.
One night later at a new campsite 15 miles away the Captain had a new camp beighbor who was also a Marine. As you can tell from his Marne Corps Pride. The Capatain talked with him while he was waxing his beautiful ship Monco RV. Hope to hear from this Marine again.
Tom. He answered an ad I had on line selling what else but car parts. I am selling all sorts of things to help pay these crazy gas prices to keep my campaign going. Well tom need a set of orginial 1965 VW headlights and buckets. He got them and I had another Veteran encounter!
Tom served us all from from 1988 to 2008. He served with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Divison. Served in Germany, Korea, and Iraq. I am positive we will do some events together because he too is a car guy. look at two of his cars below.
Tom In Iraq and Tom chuting with the Golden NIghts.
Awesome VW vehicles. Notice they are in the garage and his moderin car is outside hahahahah.
Rex here USAF three months before injured badly at boot camp. A veteran no doubt he stepped up and volunteered. Donated the ax for the Jeep Thanks Rex!
Now this US Army Veteran just had to ride in Little Glory. We had a great time when he introduced me to his church crew of Patriots you will learn more about later. Raff served us all in the US Army.
Ok granted not a good picture of Daniel here with his eyes closed, but look at that young Marine in his prime in his Boot Camp photo! Dan is a Sergeat of Marines for life. Full of good work ethic, best at what he does working at Les Schwab Tire Paul, Idaho he helped install the tires on Little Glory. Proud to have met my brother on the road we shall meet again when I come through next year on the Great American Road trip across our great nation.
All work no play look, but good natured hard working patriot. NO better friend no worse enemy a Sergeant of Marines!
Brothers for life and beyond in the after life, Marines that earned the Eagle Globe and Anchor.
Now Brandon here is not a veteran but he is a Patriot I enjoyed meeting. He is living and working out near Minadoka, ID where the Captain was doing some recon as to the trail that will be taken during the cross country trip next year. Brandon’s sister is an Air Force Veteran and we may get a photo of here if he sends it along to us. Naturally he liked the the Jeep and the mission we are all on.
Now his Cat is a cool dude. He has a hand shake like a Bear Paw and he is a solid moutain of a man. He has some cool treasures in and about his land but he is a US Navy Seal Veteran of 20 years and 3 months! Former veteran of Naval Special Warfare he retired as a Chief Gunners Mate. Was a member of Seal Team 5 served from 1967 (VietNam vet until 1987) so we actually served together at the end of his career. His name is George Merrill and guess what? He is related to the Frank Merrill of Merrill’s Marauders fame during WW2! How cool is that.
This is Geroge’s brother who is a VietNam vet as well. He served in the National Guard from 1967-1973 was a Spec-4 in Armored Cavalry. He is in a battle with the BIg C but I have no doubt we will kick its ass. He and his brother will come see me when in town down in the swamp of Salt Lake City.
Today we honor a WW2 veteran who made it home but died so young in a horibile accident after returning from war. Submitted by Terry who I met at one of my most recent car show events.
“An uncle I never knew”
Clair C. Anderson, from Fountain Green, Utah. PFC in the United States Army, he was with the 39th infantry in Europe. He was with the first platoon to cross the Rhine into Germany. He was born Nov. 30, 1925 he died in a coal mining accident at Hiawatha, Utah Jan.10, 1947. I’m proud to know of him and his selfless service.
I submit this to honor him.
Terry L. Anderson
Young patriots like Terry’s Uncle didn’t think twice about their responsibility to protect freedom and liberty here in our country. But they also went when called to foreign lands to stand for freedom all over the world. America has been the defender of freedom since her birth as a free nation in 1776.
Very much enjoyed meeting Steve who is a Marine who served from 1953 until 1956. He was a Baker in the Marines and he was a Corporal when he left active duty. He still has his uniforms and photos from graduation. His son is a Marine Corps veteran as well, his son served from 1980 until 1984. His son the Marine was stationed at Naval Weapon station Oakland, California. I intened to visit Steve again down in the Salt Lake City area. We met as all Marines manage to find one another, but we met at this great Cafe called Molly’s in Snowville, Utah. It is a blast from the past right out of the 1960’s. But friendly service home cooking and a great little place, there should be more places like this around.
Draper Days July 16th
US Army 1987-1995 Military Police Corporal.
Justin here was a Corporal as a Marine Corps Data Network Specialist. Yes high tech networking set ups had to be established in the combat theater. Justin deployed to Afghanistan 2010-2011 and served in our Marine Corps from 2007 to 2011. Enjoyed meeting him alog with his family during the Draper Days parade and car show that followed.
Edwin was with the imfamous 25th Infantry US Army 1968-1969. He was in Tanks in Vietnam. Welsome home Edwin.
Ok now Matt here was a mustang, that is he was a prior enlisted soldier before earning his commission as an officer. Matt served from 1990 until 2017! Yes that’s right 27 years. First on up to a Staff Sergeant as a Communications Specialist then as an Infantry Officer ending up as a Green Barret. Matt here did 6 tours over seas. Once to Afghanistan and five times to Iraq. Matt is a proud retired Lt.Col US Army.
Now these to Army guys were set up right next to the Captain at the Draper Days car show. We kidded one another about our services as to who was more proud hahaha but there were two of them and one of me. We had fun. Ron had a very cool rat rod and they had a good time. Both are Vietnam Vets and Ron on right was in service 1968 to 1971, Frank on Left 1970-1973. Frank was a helocopter mechanic and Ron was lucky enough to be in the Army band, so who do you think got lucky? But both served when called and we are thankful for their service forever.
Captain with Corvin US Army Motor Transport Mechanic. He served from 1968 to 1969 in Vietnam. Both Motor T guys, he appreciated the Jeep and the restoration I did on Little Glory.
Finally some Marine backup, as you can see we are the few. Jerry is a Marine and he served from 1971 to 1979. Jerry was in the Fleet Marine Force as a grunt “0311” rifleman and made it up to a Staff Sergeant “0369” in the Infantry. Proud ground pounder and told me so.
Dan and I talked about the old days in service. Dan was a Spec4 US Army Artillery “cannon cocker”. Served from 1980 to 1986.
Gene and I, Navy Marine Corps team. Gene served on several ships the big boy USS Independence CVN-62 alsoserved on two other ships a sub tender and logistics ship. He is a fellow Shell Back for you sea going Marines and Navy.
CV-62 the Independence “Indy”
Les Schwab / Gartforvets Car Show July 14th
One of all the veterans I will meet at our newest sponsor and supporter “Queen of Wraps” in Salt Lake City.
This is Aaron he is an active member of the National Guard. Aaron is also a Captain and he has been serving us since 2011 as an intelligence officer.
Aaron “Captain of Soldiers” and Scott “Captain of Marines…Old Corps”
Vernal Dino Car show in the park.
Ok we have a special Marine here. Gone but not forgotten NO WAY. James Banke served us all in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine. He suffered for years after coming home having to deal with the effects of Agent Orange. But it did not stop him from living life to the max. Loving friends and doing the things that made him happy was what he was all about. His best friend built this car for him and finished it so that during James’ final days here, they were able take a ride togther. This was the exact paint sceme James wanted on his very rare Chyrsler. His buddy remembers him always. I was proud to meet his buddy and remember the brother I never met but love just the same.
Awesome and not stock under the hood!
James, Marine Corps Veteran of Vietnam at home and healthy as best he could be at the time.
So well done.
James wore his Marine Veteran cover with pride despite the sacrifices he and so many others made when the USG exposed so many veterans to Agent Orange and thereafter tried not to accept responsibility for its use and deadly effects on our boys who served in Vietnam. For James it was about the Marine’s he served with.
Very nice memorial. I hope one day someone who loves me chooses to remember me like James’ buddy.
Just awesome. What a car show what great people out here in Vernal.
Very nice tribute
Before his final set of orders home. “Another Marine Reporting in at the Pearly Gates” I am sure we will all meet again. A Marine for life and beyond. We die but the Marine Corps lives forever. Semper Fi Marines
Welcome home Vietnam Veteran Clarence 1965-1973. He served in the Intelligence “ASA” Army Security Agency. We are talking NSA stuff interceptions and code breaking spy stuff. He was a Sergeant and deployed to Vietnam in 1970. He has this awesome Clipper Car!
A Clipper! He has put 90,000 miles on her upgrades under the hood and driveline.
Clarence ASA Agent Vietnam Veteran.
This is Norm he was Army Intelligence Operator 1982-1992.
Norm Army Intel with the Captain
Jason was a Devil Pup as a kid a Jr. Marine. BUT his dad was a Vietnam Marine and proud of it. Check out Jason’s tattoo to honor his Dad’s service as a Marine.
Jason’s tattoo on left the Captain’s on right…Officers don’t get tattoos….Yeah right..hahah not this Officer. You know what, when I got that tattoo while at Camp Pendleton my Executive Officer Major Stein at 7th Motors chewed me out while reporting in as Officer of the Day. He said it was not professional for officers to have tattoos. I asked to speak and said. “Some day sir, you and I will not be in uniform and when not in uniform among the rest of the world, I want the whole world to know I am a U.S. Marine.
Segeant Horn here served 1997 – 2002. He served with U.S. Army’s proud 82nd Airborne and 5th Corps in Germany. Sgt. Horn was all Infantry.
Sgt. Horn proud Patriot meets the Captain.
Now the Captain really enjoyed meeting and speaking with Adam. He was a Major and an Emergency Room Doctor. He completed two tours in Iraq with 1/6th Cav. and served with 86th CSH. He served from 1999 to 2013. You know he saved lives and saw the real wounds of war, but you also know he saved lives and treated our own and others. God bless this Major. Thank you for your support Sir, your kind donation helps me do what I am doing. He has a beautiful family and I met them all.
Adam a life saver, US Army Doctor, Iraqi War Veteran with the Captain.
This Army Veteran Dale has a cool story to tell. He served with 588th Engineer 20th Combat Brigade in Vietnam. He did a tour in 1969 and served from 1968 to 1970. When he came home from Vietnam he purchased a 1969 Camero…guess what he still has it. Here it is in the car show.
69 Chevy Camero Dale’s welcome home from Vietnam car.
Dale and his 69 Chevy
Dale US Army meeting the Captain in front of “Little Glory”.
Steve and Cynthia. Steve a Veteran of the US Air Force is a patriot and shows it on his ride. check it out. Steve served from 1991-1994 with National Guard then 2005-2017 with Air Force.
Displaying pride in our country and our veterans. Dale’s Tailgate
Vernal, Utah Dino Days Rodeo July 7-10th.
This morning we honor the family member of a patriot I met. This is Robert E. Lee who served us all in the US Navy from 1958 to 1962. He is Patriot Lori’s father n law. Lori is a fellow Jeep owner and her husband is a Marine! By the way Lori “Ducked” me with another rubber Ducky.
God Bless you Robert Marines Love the Navy.
Larry US Marine! 1992-1998 a supply guy in our Corps served in Japan and out in “29 stumps” thats 29 Palms, CA. Ohra! Three Marines brothers in arms Ray Allen age 88 Korean War Marine “Sergeant of Marines”.
Larry US Marine served with 1st Bn 7th Marines
Hahaha the Captain is learning so much now I’m a Ducker. Bud the original Duck on right was later abducted or should I say “ubDUCKED”…but his replacement was ready to fill the void.
Randy here has been there done that my friends. Randy was US Army Ranger served two tours in Iraq, one in Afhanistan. Was a Sergeant with Army’s 82nd, 173rd, and 1st Cav. Served us all from 1992 until 2006.
Randy is a real Cowboy, handles Mules and was a Ranger wit the US Army.
Love meeting Marines, here is Jamie served our Marines as a Sergeant 1976 to 1980. Was a real sport jumped in the Jeep and also gave us some Marine Corps Pull Ups!
Jamie the Pullup Machine
Jamie takes to the Jeep with Pin up girl. Great patriots solid people. Semper Fi Mac!
Jamie jambed out some pullups including two for Chesty Puller!
Here are Anthony and Tanya both veterans of our great Armed Forces. Anthony served US Army CID investigator 1999-2020! Retired 1st Sergeant US Army. Served two tours in Iraq, served in Korea and Bolgaria. Tonya served from 2000 to 2004 as a bridging engineer and she did one tour in Iraq.
Anthony and Tonya Patriots and both veterans.
Patriots and veterans who run Operation Brat. Sending care packages and letters from the public to our troops deployed all year long. Keith US Navy Air operator loading ordenance on our fighter bomber aircraft served from 1996 to 2012. Keith pulled 7 tours 4 to Iraq and 3 to Afghanistan! Windy was US Navy 1994-1998 and she was a firefighter.
Navy Vets and Patriots support our troops all year long.
Mac is a retired Marine Sergeant served 1964-1984. Wounded Purple Heart, Vietnam Veteran. Mac here served in the Infantry with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. His son is a Marine Mustang serving now as a Captain of Marines and is about to retire with 22 years of service to us all. That’s Mac’s rig in the background. Ohra Semper Fi Mac!
Jukly 4th Orem City Park with the Utah Military History Group.
Richard here served our Marine Corps from 200 to 2004. He was a Corporal of Marines and made the run up and initial March to Bagdad serving with the 7th Combat Engineers. Semper Fi Mac!
Check his short out FREEDOM!
Art served with the 3rd Marine Division as Military intelligence 1997-2004.
Marine and Marine brothers for life.
I enjoyed meeting and talking withTim, he supported the campaing by taking away a Gartforvets hat to help promote the mission. Tim served from 1959 to 1964 as a Comabt Engineer with the US Army.
Darrell here is a proud veteran of WW2. He served us all from 1945 to 1947. He served in Japan as part of the United States Occupational forces at Sasebo, Japan.
So honored to meet those I followed into service. It really makes me proud to be a veteran when I see these men of past generations of veterans come out to see us all.
Active Duty up! Cayden is serving us now in the US Navy as an Aviation Electritian Mate.
Young and strong here is the Navy Marine Corps team. So proud of our young military members. Wish I could turn back time.
Captain meet Captain, John a Captain in th signal Corps US Army from 1972 to 1976.
Check John’s hat out, a solid patriot.
Joe is a first responder Police Officer in Arizona. Thank you Joe, we support you and your brothers and sisters.
On the job!
Sal is a patriot check that hat out All American Patriot. Sal’s Father served in the military and he is going to send me his Dad’s photo so that we may honor his father for his service to us all.
Jason is was my counterpart (MOS) in the US Army. He served from 2004 to 2007 as a Motor Transport soldier with 115th Maintenance Battalion.
Proud of his service he wears the shirt with Army Pride.
From left to right Steve served from 1984 to 1992 as an Engineer US Army and was a Gulf War verteran at the end of his time in service. Myself then Mike US Army who was also a Combat Engineer from 1989 to 2001. On the right is Zach who is all Infantry…where the rubber meets the road. Zach is a Specialist serving us now with 157th and has been serving since 2020.
Army surrounds the lone Marine. These Army members have families full of Army veterans.
Lee was a US Navy Underwater guy yeah thats right a Submarine guy. Served on a conventional non-nuke submarie USS PickerPickerel SS-524. He served during the Vietnam War 1963-1967. Check out the boat…
USS Pickerel SS-524 in her glory. She was later sold to the Italians in the 1970’s.
Family members with Veterans we honor them all!
Hello Scott, I talked with you at the Hill AFB air show Saturday last, I believe you have an honorable and worthy cause you’re engaged in. You mentioned you were interested in knowning about family member’s veterans, I will share a little about my dad, Arthur Wendell Anderson, who was a Private First Class in the United States Army, from Fountain Green, Utah.Born August 4, 1923 he enlisted when he was 19, refusing an agricultural deferment his mom had obtained for him. I believe he was initially with the second Army. He trained in field artillery and armored artillery at Ft. Knox. He volunteered for the paratrooper jump school and qualified at Ft. Benning. He was proud to serve as an Honor Guard for President Roosevelt’s funeral train as it passed through. Dad was assigned to the Eighth Army and stationed at Manila, Luzon. He was with the motor pool, driving ‘his own’ duce and a half. From there, after Japan’s surrender, dad was transfered to Japan as part of the occupational force along with his truck. He also chauffeured ranking officer’s to transitional meetings along with an interpreter, a Japanese man from Salt Lake City. He drove to Mt. Fuji and saw the ruined cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He sailed by Hawaii twice without stopping. Dad was honorably discharged. At home he married my mom, Carol Sparks, with whom he had corresponded during his time over seas. They raised four children, three sons (all Eagle Scouts) and one daughter, all of whom are successful good citizens. Dad and mom were married for 69 years, both passed away in 2017. Dad was a Scoutmaster for 17 years. I was able to accompany my dad on an ‘Honor Flight’ to Washington DC in May of 2015 to tour the veterans war memorials and the Capitol City, it was a signal honor for me to be his escort.Best Regards, and best of luck for a successful mission.Terry L. AndersonKearns, Utah
Terry thank you so much for following through and sending me this. What a man, what parents you had. I love sharing family veteran stories I wish everyone would follow though as you have to share their stories. We must never forget our veterans service to us all.
Happy in love
Happy GI at work
I’m so proud of those who served before me and whom I have followed into service. I recall meeting Terry and his Dad at the Honor Flight what an honor.
Another family proud to honor their loved ones. Thank you too for allowing me to share your veteran’s service on our website. Here is Kenneth Allen Sargent a WW2 combat wounded Marine.
Purple Heart pinned I’m glad he made it home. Semper Fi
Hill Air Force Base Air Show 6/24-26th/2022
Gus US Marine 2000-2012, two tours Iraq 2004 and 2008, Staff Sergeant his favorite tank “Big Pito” hahaha. Gus was with 1st Tanks and with the Marines tearing down Saddam Hussein’s statute.
Army up! Matthew a Pvt. and Motor T mechanic with the Army’s 365th CBRN, he will have his first year of service come August 15th.
Navy Marine Corps Team Jack here US Navy 1963-1996! a Mustang Officer he retired as a LT. LDO officer. Of the many ships he served on were USS Bennington, USS Camden, USS Halsey, USS Peleliu, and the nighty Moe BD-63 USS Missouri. I too deployed with and had Marines on the Peleliu.
Barry with the Captain checking bin he served us all 1969-1972. Staff Sergeant Telecommunications specialist. Welcome home Barry proud veteran of Vietnam.
Mario guess what service he served in? Dah…Marines! 2005-2011 a Lance Corporal to the end would have made Chesty proud! Mario was with out Air Wing swinging with the wing as we say in the Marines.
Jared served as a Fire Fighter US Air Force a Senior Airman 2003 to 2009.
Mike here he served as a Sergeant in communications and I hope I remember right that he was a soldier in the US Army 1982 1986 .
Aim High Air Force veteran Roger served us all 1982 to 1992 as an F15 Avionics Specialist Staff Sergeant.
1984 to 1988 Scott served us as an operating room tech with the US Army Medical Corps.
Now Thor here only did three tours on the ground in Iraq with the Marines! Oh man, proud member of 2/5 that’s 2nd Battalion 5th Marine Division. Two tours in 2003, 2005, and third tour as a scout sniper with 1st Recon 2nd Platoon 2006. Thor saw action in Fallujah and Ramadi. This is his service dog that had just gulped up water provided by the Captain in his own WW2 Steel Pot helmet on this hot day.
Our own Hill Air Force hosts Daniel and Kellen are two of Air Force finest active duty F35 crew Chiefs…hot damn F35!
Sergeant of Soldiers Bill was with SOEC 1968-1974. Combat medic worked in the Hospitals caring for our own.
Jeff was a Mustang Army Officer served enlisted then Officer in the greatest rank of all “Captain”. Jeff was an MP and an Infantry Officer 2007 and 2008 with tours in Iraq. He served us from 1995 until 2009. Great time meeting these men.
Serving in the US Army from 1975 to 1996 retiring as a Major he was a communications MOS and served in Delta Company.
David was a fire fighter for 34 years, 28 years Sanaquin FD and 4 years Deputy Sheriff.
Allen was first a Marnie then a Soldier then Army National Guard. He served 27 years from 1974 until 2001. He was a Staff Sergeant in avionics.
Daniel served 2000 to 2021! Congrats is in order there he did the entire 21 years to retirement. A Petty Officer 1st class US Navy.
Hell yeah they serve here are young future leaders and patriots of service. They are members of the Cache Valley Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol. Proud to meet and talk with these young responsible boys and girls.
Now Allen here is a big man and a personal guest to the Captain’s home this weekend. He served a tour in Iraq 2007-2008, served in the Army Guard 2006 -2024!. A specialist and proud Army veteran.
Welcome home brother. Now here is a solid proud veteran. Army Air Cav Vietnam 1966-1968, crew chief door gunner in the mighty Army helos of the Air Calvary. He and his crew survived after being shot down in the Shau Valley during a lift out. Sadly five other helos were lost that day but no others survived their crashes. Heroes walk among us and some never came home. God bless those who went to Vietnam or served then. Welcome home all Vietnam Veterans who never received the proper home coming or support from those who were back home here safe and sound. We shal meet again at other events.
Encounters continue we are surrounded by patriots.
This is Bob at your local Home Depot proud veteran US Army 1966-1969. He loves hstory and our country. I always make time to talk with Bob about history. He is proud to wear the hat as a Vietnam Veteran but always tells those he did not go to Vietnam. But this is not necessary, he served and would have gone if ordered. We go where we are sent and everyone knows it. Ohra Bob love you man.
Ok lets be fair to the home improvement businesse, here is Derrick he is a proud verteran of 20 years! Veteran of the US Air Force Staff Sgt aircraft refueler and veteran of Enduring Freedom. But wait there is more… his son Ethan is now currently serving in the Air Force with the Security Forces. see below! Ohra. Derrick has a family of veterans more to come!
A1C Ethan 151st ARW Security Forces looking young and strong trooper….ah I mean Airman! Ohra
June 18th Provo VW show
I met many veterans but I also met many family members of Veterans. I always ask those with family who served to send me photos so that I may honor their loved ones. Sadly many don’t follow through. If you have a family member you wish to honor please send me their information we should never forget any of them. Now those I met.
Very intersting man. Ralph loves and appreciates history too. His mother and father were both WW2 veterans. Dad served in European theater and Mom in Burma during the war. He himself erved in Germany 1972-1975 with the US Army.
Marine and Marine, Brian here is a veteran who served in Iraq with Charlie Company 4th LAR. Brian served us all from 2006 to 2014 a Sergant of Marines he gets it! Solid patriot and I hope to see him again at other events. Ohra Marine Semper Fi Mac…
Not veterans but they have a family of veterans and I wish to honor them. So this “John Wayne” patriot family will send me photos of their loved ones to post here in honor of their veteran family members. God bless America and John Wayne!
Now this young man Josh has 21 years US Army experience behind him now. Yes congratulations is in order for this former Sergeant First Class RETIRED. A veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, he was a proud member of a striker brigade with 2nd Infantry Division. Hope to see him again at the Willys Jeep Rally at Heber Airport August 27th.
June 11th Sounds of Freedom Car Show.
Active Duty here Senior Msgt Michelle has been serving since 1999. Here Dad was a Vietnam Veteran Army Natonal Guard. Here Dad was also a Jeep collector and patriot of America. Here is Michelle with here two children enjoying the car show with the Captain!! Proud supporters of the Gartforvets. Thank you all hope to see you at the air show June 25-26th at Hill. Below is a picture of Bob, Michelle’s Dad who served us all and was a fellow restoration guy who had many jeeps like this M151 he restored. Sure wish I could have met Bob, God Bless.
A young Bob with his M151.
Here is Philp he served us all from 1971-1979. He is US Army veteran served in Germany was a wheeled vehicle mechanic. A true car guy!
Here comes the Air Force again this is Rick on my roght served us all 1973 to 1997 he was a MSgt worked on all the Airforce fighters and is an engineer. Scott on my left served 1985 to 1991 as a Sergeant working on our F15’s
Army veteran Seth he served from 2000 to 2004. Heavy equipment vehicle mechanic. Great guy he gets it!
Active Duty Long Island New York boy like the Captain, here is Ray. Like any New York guy out of New York he wanted to know where the good Pizza was in Utah. It is Estes Pizza in Salt Lake. Anyway Ray is Active Duty he as just two years to go to retire. Since 2005 he has worked Security Forces, and Avionics on C130’s and F35’s.
Now meet Mason, fellow Marine served from 2004-2014. Served with 3rd Radio Bn. He is a big car and truck guy great time at the show.
Tom and I here. Tom served US Navy as a Yeoman frst class 1975-1995
Ben here served 1960-1971 Vietnam Army veteran then Air Force 1980-1990 as an EOD tech.
Owen here served from 1961-1966 he was an Army Soec 4 specialist in communications.
Marines here is Staff Sergeant who served 1958 to 1968 Vietnam veterans…Welcome home brother.
All Marine Vietnam veteran that is his awesome Forebird tribte to his Marines he served with. Semper Fi brother.
Here is Captain Dan…..Captain meets Captain. Dan woth his service/companion dogs. Dan served Air Force 1972-1993.
Finally a Coast Guardsman Dave 1980-1990 and Army Staff Seargant Norman served 1963-1970
Vietnam Veteran Henry lucked out maybe he served the Army in Korea during his hitch 1966-1968.
Robert here served us all 1980 to 1990 Combat Engineers.
Love the hat…Curt here was in the National Guard 1988- 2007, he too was a combat enginneer.
Michael here checking in with the Captain. Michael served two tours in Iraq with the Army and served from 2004 -2016. Good dude no doubt.
Vietnam Veteran who was involved in the last evacution of Siagon!
Ogden 25th street show….veterans poured in…
Sergeant US Army 1981-1986 and US Marine 1986-1992 served with HMX-1 The Marine Presidential Helecopter squadron. Outstanding encounter
This is Alan with the Captain served 2010 to 2015 as a Flight equipment tech. Marine Corporal with HMLT 303 out of Camp Pendleton, California
Happy Marine with family Tryst, Odyssa, Lucian, and little Mathias in Momma’s arms.
Cool cat Master Sergeant Ray served 1980 to 2003! Army through and through
US Army veteran served as a PFC 1986-1988 at Ft. Lenardwood.
Ken here served as a Marine infantry grunt with the 7th Marines 2004 to 2008 Ohra Brother
The whole 9 yards..this is Jay proud US Army Strong served 1967-2009. Jay served as a Command Sgt.Major.
Melvin here served in the Army with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Division and was an artillary man 1968-1970.
Fernando was having a good time, he served wih th 389th construction battalion in Iraq. 2001 to 2009 two tours in Iraq 03-04.
Jim here is all Air Force served as a Jet aircraft mechanic 1974-1994.
Jason here served 1994 to 2006 as a crusher he was in Tanks!
Navy Marine Team here is Claude he served surface Navy. First on Destroyer of WW2 vintage in 1965 the USS Walton Perkins see here here below. Claude also served on the Patrol River Boats in Vietnam went on to serve until 1992.
Walton Perkins proudly served us 1944-1968 what a ship.
Now here is Jared served our Marines from 1994 to 2002. HIs brother was the trainer for “Bart” the huge Grizzl bear made famous in so many movies.
West Jordan Memorial Car show. Meet John served on USS Nimitiz 2003-2018! Mater at Arms 2nd class Petty Officer. Captain’s favorite time in the Marines was riding on the ship across the ocean many times.
Ah yes one of the best. Fernando just graduated US Army boot camp three days ago! He jumped right in to help me set up! Fernando is of course a Private, he is stationed at Ogden with 744th Engineer company. He is trained to blow things up and buid bridges and stuff so look out!
Coast Guard up! This is Victor served us all 1973-1977 from California to Alaska!
Marine to Marine this is Caig served our Marine Corps 1975-1979 he was a Sergeant and a crash crew guy swinging with the wing! Ohra
Heber Creeper run on the rails! Meet Ron US Army Proud 1959-1963. NIce guy and a true train lover. He is a mechanic works on traines now out at the Ruond House in Evanstan, Wyoming! A must follow up visit for the Captain!! We shall meet again Ron and the Captain.
Go Navy, here is Ryan riding the rails he served us all from 2012 to 2020. Ryan served as a 1st Class Petty Officer on the USS Pinckney check her out below! Love that Navy Marine Corps team spirit!
USS Pinckney on duty running strong!
Now this is Bob a fellow officer but US Navy LT. Bob served in Vietnam and served us all from 1966 to 1970. He served with VSU Unit 1 and the Navy Seals. He has come home and he is proud to have served. I enjoyed meeting Bob very much.
Ok now this is __________________ served US Army__________________two tours “he says only two tours” holy crap in Iraq. That tells you just how bad those days were with most doing more than two tours in those bad places Iraq and Afghanistan. Now the Captain has a bone to pick with this soldier. I meet so many people it is hard to keep up and keep track so I asked that he send me his years of service, rank and name. Until then, I sadly can only provide you what I remebered. One other note is that I loved meeting his wonderful family for sure!!!
Look at that smile, talk about a fun happy guy. This is Dave our Air Force guy for the train ride. He was securoty police and intelligence. He served us all from 1990 – 2000. His family was a blast too I sure hope to see them all again at another event. check them out!!!
I love this picture so much really enjoyed meeting the little ones. They just loved the Jeep super fun kids….the future of America lies with them.
Can you say happy young children having a great time with family. That is what the train ride and meeting and greeting them all is about. We talk about history, our veterans and what is important about loving and respecting our country. Especially on Memorial Day weekend. LOve this photo.
Now one of my favorite encounters with our veterns on the train that night. I love my elders for we in service follwed their foot steps. We have carried the standards forward and we an only hope the youth of today will do the same for us. Roy here served from 1948-1952. He served right through the Korean War. He served on the USS Perkins and he was a 2nd Class Petty Officer working electronics and radar. Check out the DD877 in action below
Great shot of Roy’s ship. I loved my time at sea what an experience.
Well the VFW may have canceled the car show due to rain but that did not stop the captain from holding his own car show. Rain never hurt anybody. May not have been a lot of people but sure were some quality people!
Mike served in the US Army 1968-1970. Proud veteran and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and talking with Mike. Here he and I are in front of Big Glory and our flags.
Very proud of his service Mike came to see me after church today.
Now there are special people all around us everyday. Some you have a chance to meet and talk with and some you don’t. Trust me, they are all around you everyday. Here is Jason a solid Christian and he just happens to be a US Marine to boot! I beleive you will be seeing he and I again over of the next 14 months. Really enjoyed meeting this man, then his wife and daugther. Jason served in the Marines 1996-2004, in the 4th Marine Air Wing, was also a recruiter.
We will meet again and you will see this Marine team again!
Jason’s awesome family
Jason and his wife braved the rain and cold to come out and meet me. Ohra!
The best of the best is this incredibile man who also happens to be an Air Force pilot veteran who has trap time flying off Aircraft Carriers! How about that! Mark served us all for 24 years in uniform formerly a KC-135 tanker refueler, Mark kept our fighters on station keeping our guys on the ground safe and lethal. Love this photo! You will be seeing a lot of the captain and Mark but that is just a hunch. Wait until you meet his mega patriot wife Valerie, memeber of the Daughter’s of the American Revolution.
“Tell it to the Marines!” This is Mick, congrats to Mick. He is the proud owner of a brand new side by side. This is where the Captain met his brother Marine at Young Powersports in Centerville.
Mick is one of my own “Marines” served with 3rd Recon 5th Battalion Marines. 1967-1987.
One the Marines truck.
Brand new ready to roll off the lot. Young Power Sports Centerville, Utah
Nice Shirt!
Proud of his service!
Here is the David with Little Glory in the background. We are at another great car show put on by JC Hackett. At the Garage Grill Draper, Utah.
World tour hat of David’s tours.
I met he will never loose that hat. Nice David thank you for your service to us all.
Here we go again go AIR FORCE!! yes Ross was with the Air Force 1970-1975. Ross was aviation avionics specialist. We had a nice time at the Draper Car show. 5/24.
Another Air Force Veteran, this veteran I met while at one of America’s coolest stores Cal Ranch. Here is Jim he served from 1970-1973 with one tour in Vietnam 70-71. Jim worked on operation Palisades Dog which cross trained So Vietnamese soldiers. Great speaking with this veteran big baseball fan too!
So many great talks with our proud veterans. Enjoyed meeting and talking with Joe, US Army Proud 1971-1974. He worked with heavy lift crain helecopters CH54’s he was a Crew Chief engineer.
Now this youngster is active duty reserves. Us Army Private Buchanan! Yes the Captain had to feed him and take him for a ride in Little Glory. And yes! The Captain had to teach him how to drive a clutch. I am happy to say he is a fast learner and he did just fine!
David here served in the Infantry with the 9th division and 5th. !967-1969. Welcome home David.
Dennis with the Captain US Navy 1970-73 3rd class petty officer. Nice Navy Marine Corps team. UVU swap meet 5/20/22
Couple of wise guys…no just kidding US Navy on my left that is David served 1960-1965 on USS Ticondaroga aircraft carrier. Chuck was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army….1956-1964.
Jack pictured here with the Captain Jack also was a National Guard Soldier 1972-1979. He had plenty of Jeep time as the Guard had these M38 Jeeps for many years after they were built.
UVU car show was floaded with patriots and veterans alike. Check out Jerry, a proud National Guard veteran who served from 1960 to 1972. Enjoyed meeting Jerry very much he is a patriot real solid American.
Now this was a treat meeting this Marine officer who served same time as the Captain. This is Sefan, served 1983 to 1987 as a “cannon cocker” Ohra! Stefan is also the assistant Dean at UVU. Thanks for all you do for our youth and your great automotive program.
Here comes the Army with Eldon 1972-1977 Sergeant 4th Infantry Division. Great day at the swap meet car show Orem Utah.
Now this is a good one. Yes you have two and they are father and son. Dad, Ron Marines 1951-1953,,, the year of Little Glory a 1952 Willys M38. Dad was a combat engineer. Son Russ, Army 1979-1991, Heavy equipment engineers.
Right in the middle f the wheeling and dealing at the swap meet. Great people, father and son who served us all. Thank you men.
Now we all know Marines can’t spell. So Nakagwa US Airforce Helicopters Crew Chief 1970 and 1971, gave it to me the way it should be NAKAGWA.
Nakawga and the Captain at the M38..
Look out here come the Marines, check Rick out US Marines 1968 to 1971…..But wait there is more to Rick’s story. Rick came back and did another 22 years as a Navy man! Ohra Rick. Well done.
Here comes another Jerry served us all 1964-1966, Sinal Corps VietNam. Welcome home Jerry.
Here comes the Army again the Marines are surrounded and supported well today. Dave 1975-1978, Infantry.
Now meet citizen soldier National Guard 1956-1964, John. Thank you for your service.
John meets the Captain in front of Little Glory.
Ok now we are talking. Want to talk about tough? US Air Force fighter pilot, got to love it. The Captain has an ejection seat in his motor home and guess what? Jeff here knows all about it. That is because Jeff was flying F4’s and F105’s 1969-1981. Awesome man and real patriot.
Always good to see Jeff at the show the college does so much for a youth. Thanks Jeff for your support.
We have more Army today in the “AO” area of operations of this Captain of Marines campaign. Meet Tim, he did the whole 9 yards 1984-2004! US Army Military Police! Ohra Tim great time today a the show.
Love the hat….now you all know ladies wear hats right? Marines wear covers….hahah Tim is a Mega Patriot, glad to meet and be in his company. Thank you for your service brother.
Ok Army link up with the Marines, meet Paul US Army 1967-1970, combat engineer. Welcome home brother thanks for your service, UVU car show today!
What a day so much fun, lots of parts and lots of Patriots! Gunship “Marines Dream Winnebago and Little Glory in the background”.
Now hear this, Met Jack today at the UVU swap meet event 5/20. Yes I know but beleive it or not Jack was a US Navy Veteran 1964-1966. Thanks Brother orah!
Jack and the Captain with 1952 Gartforvets Jeep “Little Glory” in the background first show in public!
Veterans along the way “brothers and sisters”
Happy 97th Birthday “Nort” Sergeant of Marines! Yes everybody another brother from a different mother…Mother Marine Corps. You want to see another good looking Marine..but a Parris Island Marine?
Nort Townsend of Wallace, North Carolina. WW2 Marine turns 97 on May 14th.
Sgt. Nort’s family owned Auto Parts store where the Sgt. still reports for work five days a week. Family owned for 75 years!
Nort at post #1 on duty as Sgt. of the Guard Towndsen Auto Parts.
Sergeant and Captain best ranks in the Corps. Happy Birthday my brother, God Bless I want to be just like you when I grow up!
Ok now this is an exception to the veterans encounters blog because Adam here has a very patriotic US Marine Grandfather who served during the Korean War. His Marine Grandfather JB McCollough wrote a book and Adam was kind enough to give one to me. Adma and I and yes his Marine Grandfather Ohra JB. Semper Fi!
Note the Veteran parking at Lowes and the Captain’s other Jeep a 1943 Willys MB.
Ok, now JB, Adam’s Marine Grandpa and I are brother’s from different mothers or brothers from Mother Green the Marines. Check him out, something about this photo I LOVE!
For you Jeep and Willys fanatics, that is a WW2 Willys MB in Korea 1950’s
On the innocent side, the young boy “JB” who became a man in the Marines! Wow how young.
Stationed in Oceanside at Camp Pendelton, you can see JB grew up fast and became what is known as a true “Hollywood” Marine! Damn, even looks like a Hollwood star! Bet he was popular with the ladies, no doubt.
Every Marine is a rifleman first, JB with one of the Marines 75mm recoiless rifles. Great weapon.
Awaiting photo of Phil US Army National Guard 1963-1970, served with 11th Corps Artillery. Very nice guy a passer by “Megan” took our picture and I’m waiting for her to send it to me. Hope she does as she said she would
Now this was a nice encounter! Meet the double team…Yes Two Air Force veterans Alanzo 20 year veteran and his wife LIsa too. Thank you both for your service. Their boy Dominick was ready to go too! Our first husband and wfe veteran encounter.
OK the Captain meets Active duty….Master Sgt. Griffen, US Air Force. Young and strong but the Air Force won’t have him much longer. In just 19 months, Msgt. Griffen will have completed the “whole 9 yards” he will have 20 years and be elligible to retire. He will be in the “KMA” club. Thank you for your service brother
Meet Bill, US Air Force 1962-1965, Airman 1st Class. Bill was also a first class banterer, proud of his Air Force service he gave me a good ribbing about being a Marine….But you know I gave him a share of equal pride in my own service! What a nice guy, full of vineagr at age 80 and going strong! Thanks for your service Bill.
Rocky meets the Captain, Way to go Rocky, US Army 1966-1991. E8 retired new to the Utah Area. Hope we will see Rocky again at events around the town. Rocky’s son just retired from the US Air Force.
Marcus, US Navy Diver 26 years retired.
Clyde, aka Bill, US Army Retired 75th Rangers, 3 and 5th S/F, Vietnam, Gukd War, Iraq and the war on Terror.
Ira, US Navy 1966-1969 River Boats, Vietnam.
Mark, US Marines Marine Security Guard US Embassy Beirut 1980’s. Semper Fi.
Larry, US Air Force 988-1994 Desert Storm SRA Security Police.
Gone but not forgotten Raymond Leroy Hedberg US Navy Korean War. USS Manchester Bay 1951-54
Patriot, proud of our country and proud to serve. Ray served us all and we veterans followed in his footsteps.
USS Manchester Bay 1953
Everyone remembers that day…Graduation Boot Camp!
Prelude to the drones of today! Hahah
Thank You Ray for your service, God Speed get things sqaured away for us for when we all arrive
Marines will always find Marines. The Captain was camped along the Provo river where the camper on the left flank was also a Marine. This is Scott he is a Marine that served from 1995 -1999 as a 0331 Machinegunner. He served with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. Scott is only one of many Marines in his family. Both his grandfathers are Marines of WW2, His Dad and uncles are Marines and Navy veterans. His family has served in every conflict from WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and beyond. Scott and his wife continue to serve us as Deputy Sheriff’s in California. Semper FI, Scott! I do want to mention that one of Scott’s grandfathers was a Marine on the USS Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack! Photos of Scott’s fmily of Marines and Sailors to follow.
One night later at a new campsite 15 miles away the Captain had a new camp beighbor who was also a Marine. As you can tell from his Marne Corps Pride. The Capatain talked with him while he was waxing his beautiful ship Monco RV. Hope to hear from this Marine again.
Tom. He answered an ad I had on line selling what else but car parts. I am selling all sorts of things to help pay these crazy gas prices to keep my campaign going. Well tom need a set of orginial 1965 VW headlights and buckets. He got them and I had another Veteran encounter!
Tom served us all from from 1988 to 2008. He served with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Divison. Served in Germany, Korea, and Iraq. I am positive we will do some events together because he too is a car guy. look at two of his cars below.
Tom In Iraq and Tom chuting with the Golden NIghts.
Awesome VW vehicles. Notice they are in the garage and his moderin car is outside hahahahah.
Rex here USAF three months before injured badly at boot camp. A veteran no doubt he stepped up and volunteered. Donated the ax for the Jeep Thanks Rex!
Now this US Army Veteran just had to ride in Little Glory. We had a great time when he introduced me to his church crew of Patriots you will learn more about later. Raff served us all in the US Army.
Ok granted not a good picture of Daniel here with his eyes closed, but look at that young Marine in his prime in his Boot Camp photo! Dan is a Sergeat of Marines for life. Full of good work ethic, best at what he does working at Les Schwab Tire Paul, Idaho he helped install the tires on Little Glory. Proud to have met my brother on the road we shall meet again when I come through next year on the Great American Road trip across our great nation.
All work no play look, but good natured hard working patriot. NO better friend no worse enemy a Sergeant of Marines!
Brothers for life and beyond in the after life, Marines that earned the Eagle Globe and Anchor.
Now Brandon here is not a veteran but he is a Patriot I enjoyed meeting. He is living and working out near Minadoka, ID where the Captain was doing some recon as to the trail that will be taken during the cross country trip next year. Brandon’s sister is an Air Force Veteran and we may get a photo of here if he sends it along to us. Naturally he liked the the Jeep and the mission we are all on.
Now his Cat is a cool dude. He has a hand shake like a Bear Paw and he is a solid moutain of a man. He has some cool treasures in and about his land but he is a US Navy Seal Veteran of 20 years and 3 months! Former veteran of Naval Special Warfare he retired as a Chief Gunners Mate. Was a member of Seal Team 5 served from 1967 (VietNam vet until 1987) so we actually served together at the end of his career. His name is George Merrill and guess what? He is related to the Frank Merrill of Merrill’s Marauders fame during WW2! How cool is that.
This is Geroge’s brother who is a VietNam vet as well. He served in the National Guard from 1967-1973 was a Spec-4 in Armored Cavalry. He is in a battle with the BIg C but I have no doubt we will kick its ass. He and his brother will come see me when in town down in the swamp of Salt Lake City.
Today we honor a WW2 veteran who made it home but died so young in a horibile accident after returning from war. Submitted by Terry who I met at one of my most recent car show events.
“An uncle I never knew”
Clair C. Anderson, from Fountain Green, Utah. PFC in the United States Army, he was with the 39th infantry in Europe. He was with the first platoon to cross the Rhine into Germany. He was born Nov. 30, 1925 he died in a coal mining accident at Hiawatha, Utah Jan.10, 1947. I’m proud to know of him and his selfless service.
I submit this to honor him.
Terry L. Anderson
Young patriots like Terry’s Uncle didn’t think twice about their responsibility to protect freedom and liberty here in our country. But they also went when called to foreign lands to stand for freedom all over the world. America has been the defender of freedom since her birth as a free nation in 1776.
Very much enjoyed meeting Steve who is a Marine who served from 1953 until 1956. He was a Baker in the Marines and he was a Corporal when he left active duty. He still has his uniforms and photos from graduation. His son is a Marine Corps veteran as well, his son served from 1980 until 1984. His son the Marine was stationed at Naval Weapon station Oakland, California. I intened to visit Steve again down in the Salt Lake City area. We met as all Marines manage to find one another, but we met at this great Cafe called Molly’s in Snowville, Utah. It is a blast from the past right out of the 1960’s. But friendly service home cooking and a great little place, there should be more places like this around.
Draper Days July 16th
US Army 1987-1995 Military Police Corporal.
Justin here was a Corporal as a Marine Corps Data Network Specialist. Yes high tech networking set ups had to be established in the combat theater. Justin deployed to Afghanistan 2010-2011 and served in our Marine Corps from 2007 to 2011. Enjoyed meeting him alog with his family during the Draper Days parade and car show that followed.
Edwin was with the imfamous 25th Infantry US Army 1968-1969. He was in Tanks in Vietnam. Welsome home Edwin.
Ok now Matt here was a mustang, that is he was a prior enlisted soldier before earning his commission as an officer. Matt served from 1990 until 2017! Yes that’s right 27 years. First on up to a Staff Sergeant as a Communications Specialist then as an Infantry Officer ending up as a Green Barret. Matt here did 6 tours over seas. Once to Afghanistan and five times to Iraq. Matt is a proud retired Lt.Col US Army.
Now these to Army guys were set up right next to the Captain at the Draper Days car show. We kidded one another about our services as to who was more proud hahaha but there were two of them and one of me. We had fun. Ron had a very cool rat rod and they had a good time. Both are Vietnam Vets and Ron on right was in service 1968 to 1971, Frank on Left 1970-1973. Frank was a helocopter mechanic and Ron was lucky enough to be in the Army band, so who do you think got lucky? But both served when called and we are thankful for their service forever.
Captain with Corvin US Army Motor Transport Mechanic. He served from 1968 to 1969 in Vietnam. Both Motor T guys, he appreciated the Jeep and the restoration I did on Little Glory.
Finally some Marine backup, as you can see we are the few. Jerry is a Marine and he served from 1971 to 1979. Jerry was in the Fleet Marine Force as a grunt “0311” rifleman and made it up to a Staff Sergeant “0369” in the Infantry. Proud ground pounder and told me so.
Dan and I talked about the old days in service. Dan was a Spec4 US Army Artillery “cannon cocker”. Served from 1980 to 1986.
Gene and I, Navy Marine Corps team. Gene served on several ships the big boy USS Independence CVN-62 alsoserved on two other ships a sub tender and logistics ship. He is a fellow Shell Back for you sea going Marines and Navy.
CV-62 the Independence “Indy”
Les Schwab / Gartforvets Car Show July 14th
One of all the veterans I will meet at our newest sponsor and supporter “Queen of Wraps” in Salt Lake City.
This is Aaron he is an active member of the National Guard. Aaron is also a Captain and he has been serving us since 2011 as an intelligence officer.
Aaron “Captain of Soldiers” and Scott “Captain of Marines…Old Corps”
Vernal Dino Car show in the park.
Ok we have a special Marine here. Gone but not forgotten NO WAY. James Banke served us all in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine. He suffered for years after coming home having to deal with the effects of Agent Orange. But it did not stop him from living life to the max. Loving friends and doing the things that made him happy was what he was all about. His best friend built this car for him and finished it so that during James’ final days here, they were able take a ride togther. This was the exact paint sceme James wanted on his very rare Chyrsler. His buddy remembers him always. I was proud to meet his buddy and remember the brother I never met but love just the same.
Awesome and not stock under the hood!
James, Marine Corps Veteran of Vietnam at home and healthy as best he could be at the time.
So well done.
James wore his Marine Veteran cover with pride despite the sacrifices he and so many others made when the USG exposed so many veterans to Agent Orange and thereafter tried not to accept responsibility for its use and deadly effects on our boys who served in Vietnam. For James it was about the Marine’s he served with.
Very nice memorial. I hope one day someone who loves me chooses to remember me like James’ buddy.
Just awesome. What a car show what great people out here in Vernal.
Very nice tribute
Before his final set of orders home. “Another Marine Reporting in at the Pearly Gates” I am sure we will all meet again. A Marine for life and beyond. We die but the Marine Corps lives forever. Semper Fi Marines
Welcome home Vietnam Veteran Clarence 1965-1973. He served in the Intelligence “ASA” Army Security Agency. We are talking NSA stuff interceptions and code breaking spy stuff. He was a Sergeant and deployed to Vietnam in 1970. He has this awesome Clipper Car!
A Clipper! He has put 90,000 miles on her upgrades under the hood and driveline.
Clarence ASA Agent Vietnam Veteran.
This is Norm he was Army Intelligence Operator 1982-1992.
Norm Army Intel with the Captain
Jason was a Devil Pup as a kid a Jr. Marine. BUT his dad was a Vietnam Marine and proud of it. Check out Jason’s tattoo to honor his Dad’s service as a Marine.
Jason’s tattoo on left the Captain’s on right…Officers don’t get tattoos….Yeah right..hahah not this Officer. You know what, when I got that tattoo while at Camp Pendleton my Executive Officer Major Stein at 7th Motors chewed me out while reporting in as Officer of the Day. He said it was not professional for officers to have tattoos. I asked to speak and said. “Some day sir, you and I will not be in uniform and when not in uniform among the rest of the world, I want the whole world to know I am a U.S. Marine.
Segeant Horn here served 1997 – 2002. He served with U.S. Army’s proud 82nd Airborne and 5th Corps in Germany. Sgt. Horn was all Infantry.
Sgt. Horn proud Patriot meets the Captain.
Now the Captain really enjoyed meeting and speaking with Adam. He was a Major and an Emergency Room Doctor. He completed two tours in Iraq with 1/6th Cav. and served with 86th CSH. He served from 1999 to 2013. You know he saved lives and saw the real wounds of war, but you also know he saved lives and treated our own and others. God bless this Major. Thank you for your support Sir, your kind donation helps me do what I am doing. He has a beautiful family and I met them all.
Adam a life saver, US Army Doctor, Iraqi War Veteran with the Captain.
This Army Veteran Dale has a cool story to tell. He served with 588th Engineer 20th Combat Brigade in Vietnam. He did a tour in 1969 and served from 1968 to 1970. When he came home from Vietnam he purchased a 1969 Camero…guess what he still has it. Here it is in the car show.
69 Chevy Camero Dale’s welcome home from Vietnam car.
Dale and his 69 Chevy
Dale US Army meeting the Captain in front of “Little Glory”.
Steve and Cynthia. Steve a Veteran of the US Air Force is a patriot and shows it on his ride. check it out. Steve served from 1991-1994 with National Guard then 2005-2017 with Air Force.
Displaying pride in our country and our veterans. Dale’s Tailgate
Vernal, Utah Dino Days Rodeo July 7-10th.
This morning we honor the family member of a patriot I met. This is Robert E. Lee who served us all in the US Navy from 1958 to 1962. He is Patriot Lori’s father n law. Lori is a fellow Jeep owner and her husband is a Marine! By the way Lori “Ducked” me with another rubber Ducky.
God Bless you Robert Marines Love the Navy.
Larry US Marine! 1992-1998 a supply guy in our Corps served in Japan and out in “29 stumps” thats 29 Palms, CA. Ohra! Three Marines brothers in arms Ray Allen age 88 Korean War Marine “Sergeant of Marines”.
Larry US Marine served with 1st Bn 7th Marines
Hahaha the Captain is learning so much now I’m a Ducker. Bud the original Duck on right was later abducted or should I say “ubDUCKED”…but his replacement was ready to fill the void.
Randy here has been there done that my friends. Randy was US Army Ranger served two tours in Iraq, one in Afhanistan. Was a Sergeant with Army’s 82nd, 173rd, and 1st Cav. Served us all from 1992 until 2006.
Randy is a real Cowboy, handles Mules and was a Ranger wit the US Army.
Love meeting Marines, here is Jamie served our Marines as a Sergeant 1976 to 1980. Was a real sport jumped in the Jeep and also gave us some Marine Corps Pull Ups!
Jamie the Pullup Machine
Jamie takes to the Jeep with Pin up girl. Great patriots solid people. Semper Fi Mac!
Jamie jambed out some pullups including two for Chesty Puller!
Here are Anthony and Tanya both veterans of our great Armed Forces. Anthony served US Army CID investigator 1999-2020! Retired 1st Sergeant US Army. Served two tours in Iraq, served in Korea and Bolgaria. Tonya served from 2000 to 2004 as a bridging engineer and she did one tour in Iraq.
Anthony and Tonya Patriots and both veterans.
Patriots and veterans who run Operation Brat. Sending care packages and letters from the public to our troops deployed all year long. Keith US Navy Air operator loading ordenance on our fighter bomber aircraft served from 1996 to 2012. Keith pulled 7 tours 4 to Iraq and 3 to Afghanistan! Windy was US Navy 1994-1998 and she was a firefighter.
Navy Vets and Patriots support our troops all year long.
Mac is a retired Marine Sergeant served 1964-1984. Wounded Purple Heart, Vietnam Veteran. Mac here served in the Infantry with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. His son is a Marine Mustang serving now as a Captain of Marines and is about to retire with 22 years of service to us all. That’s Mac’s rig in the background. Ohra Semper Fi Mac!
Jukly 4th Orem City Park with the Utah Military History Group.
Richard here served our Marine Corps from 200 to 2004. He was a Corporal of Marines and made the run up and initial March to Bagdad serving with the 7th Combat Engineers. Semper Fi Mac!
Check his short out FREEDOM!
Art served with the 3rd Marine Division as Military intelligence 1997-2004.
Marine and Marine brothers for life.
I enjoyed meeting and talking withTim, he supported the campaing by taking away a Gartforvets hat to help promote the mission. Tim served from 1959 to 1964 as a Comabt Engineer with the US Army.
Darrell here is a proud veteran of WW2. He served us all from 1945 to 1947. He served in Japan as part of the United States Occupational forces at Sasebo, Japan.
So honored to meet those I followed into service. It really makes me proud to be a veteran when I see these men of past generations of veterans come out to see us all.
Active Duty up! Cayden is serving us now in the US Navy as an Aviation Electritian Mate.
Young and strong here is the Navy Marine Corps team. So proud of our young military members. Wish I could turn back time.
Captain meet Captain, John a Captain in th signal Corps US Army from 1972 to 1976.
Check John’s hat out, a solid patriot.
Joe is a first responder Police Officer in Arizona. Thank you Joe, we support you and your brothers and sisters.
On the job!
Sal is a patriot check that hat out All American Patriot. Sal’s Father served in the military and he is going to send me his Dad’s photo so that we may honor his father for his service to us all.
Jason is was my counterpart (MOS) in the US Army. He served from 2004 to 2007 as a Motor Transport soldier with 115th Maintenance Battalion.
Proud of his service he wears the shirt with Army Pride.
From left to right Steve served from 1984 to 1992 as an Engineer US Army and was a Gulf War verteran at the end of his time in service. Myself then Mike US Army who was also a Combat Engineer from 1989 to 2001. On the right is Zach who is all Infantry…where the rubber meets the road. Zach is a Specialist serving us now with 157th and has been serving since 2020.
Army surrounds the lone Marine. These Army members have families full of Army veterans.
Lee was a US Navy Underwater guy yeah thats right a Submarine guy. Served on a conventional non-nuke submarie USS PickerPickerel SS-524. He served during the Vietnam War 1963-1967. Check out the boat…
USS Pickerel SS-524 in her glory. She was later sold to the Italians in the 1970’s.
Family members with Veterans we honor them all!
Hello Scott, I talked with you at the Hill AFB air show Saturday last, I believe you have an honorable and worthy cause you’re engaged in. You mentioned you were interested in knowning about family member’s veterans, I will share a little about my dad, Arthur Wendell Anderson, who was a Private First Class in the United States Army, from Fountain Green, Utah.Born August 4, 1923 he enlisted when he was 19, refusing an agricultural deferment his mom had obtained for him. I believe he was initially with the second Army. He trained in field artillery and armored artillery at Ft. Knox. He volunteered for the paratrooper jump school and qualified at Ft. Benning. He was proud to serve as an Honor Guard for President Roosevelt’s funeral train as it passed through. Dad was assigned to the Eighth Army and stationed at Manila, Luzon. He was with the motor pool, driving ‘his own’ duce and a half. From there, after Japan’s surrender, dad was transfered to Japan as part of the occupational force along with his truck. He also chauffeured ranking officer’s to transitional meetings along with an interpreter, a Japanese man from Salt Lake City. He drove to Mt. Fuji and saw the ruined cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He sailed by Hawaii twice without stopping. Dad was honorably discharged. At home he married my mom, Carol Sparks, with whom he had corresponded during his time over seas. They raised four children, three sons (all Eagle Scouts) and one daughter, all of whom are successful good citizens. Dad and mom were married for 69 years, both passed away in 2017. Dad was a Scoutmaster for 17 years. I was able to accompany my dad on an ‘Honor Flight’ to Washington DC in May of 2015 to tour the veterans war memorials and the Capitol City, it was a signal honor for me to be his escort.Best Regards, and best of luck for a successful mission.Terry L. AndersonKearns, Utah
Terry thank you so much for following through and sending me this. What a man, what parents you had. I love sharing family veteran stories I wish everyone would follow though as you have to share their stories. We must never forget our veterans service to us all.
Happy in love
Happy GI at work
I’m so proud of those who served before me and whom I have followed into service. I recall meeting Terry and his Dad at the Honor Flight what an honor.
Another family proud to honor their loved ones. Thank you too for allowing me to share your veteran’s service on our website. Here is Kenneth Allen Sargent a WW2 combat wounded Marine.
Purple Heart pinned I’m glad he made it home. Semper Fi
Hill Air Force Base Air Show 6/24-26th/2022
Gus US Marine 2000-2012, two tours Iraq 2004 and 2008, Staff Sergeant his favorite tank “Big Pito” hahaha. Gus was with 1st Tanks and with the Marines tearing down Saddam Hussein’s statute.
Army up! Matthew a Pvt. and Motor T mechanic with the Army’s 365th CBRN, he will have his first year of service come August 15th.
Navy Marine Corps Team Jack here US Navy 1963-1996! a Mustang Officer he retired as a LT. LDO officer. Of the many ships he served on were USS Bennington, USS Camden, USS Halsey, USS Peleliu, and the nighty Moe BD-63 USS Missouri. I too deployed with and had Marines on the Peleliu.
Barry with the Captain checking bin he served us all 1969-1972. Staff Sergeant Telecommunications specialist. Welcome home Barry proud veteran of Vietnam.
Mario guess what service he served in? Dah…Marines! 2005-2011 a Lance Corporal to the end would have made Chesty proud! Mario was with out Air Wing swinging with the wing as we say in the Marines.
Jared served as a Fire Fighter US Air Force a Senior Airman 2003 to 2009.
Mike here he served as a Sergeant in communications and I hope I remember right that he was a soldier in the US Army 1982 1986 .
Aim High Air Force veteran Roger served us all 1982 to 1992 as an F15 Avionics Specialist Staff Sergeant.
1984 to 1988 Scott served us as an operating room tech with the US Army Medical Corps.
Now Thor here only did three tours on the ground in Iraq with the Marines! Oh man, proud member of 2/5 that’s 2nd Battalion 5th Marine Division. Two tours in 2003, 2005, and third tour as a scout sniper with 1st Recon 2nd Platoon 2006. Thor saw action in Fallujah and Ramadi. This is his service dog that had just gulped up water provided by the Captain in his own WW2 Steel Pot helmet on this hot day.
Our own Hill Air Force hosts Daniel and Kellen are two of Air Force finest active duty F35 crew Chiefs…hot damn F35!
Sergeant of Soldiers Bill was with SOEC 1968-1974. Combat medic worked in the Hospitals caring for our own.
Jeff was a Mustang Army Officer served enlisted then Officer in the greatest rank of all “Captain”. Jeff was an MP and an Infantry Officer 2007 and 2008 with tours in Iraq. He served us from 1995 until 2009. Great time meeting these men.
Serving in the US Army from 1975 to 1996 retiring as a Major he was a communications MOS and served in Delta Company.
David was a fire fighter for 34 years, 28 years Sanaquin FD and 4 years Deputy Sheriff.
Allen was first a Marnie then a Soldier then Army National Guard. He served 27 years from 1974 until 2001. He was a Staff Sergeant in avionics.
Daniel served 2000 to 2021! Congrats is in order there he did the entire 21 years to retirement. A Petty Officer 1st class US Navy.
Hell yeah they serve here are young future leaders and patriots of service. They are members of the Cache Valley Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol. Proud to meet and talk with these young responsible boys and girls.
Now Allen here is a big man and a personal guest to the Captain’s home this weekend. He served a tour in Iraq 2007-2008, served in the Army Guard 2006 -2024!. A specialist and proud Army veteran.
Welcome home brother. Now here is a solid proud veteran. Army Air Cav Vietnam 1966-1968, crew chief door gunner in the mighty Army helos of the Air Calvary. He and his crew survived after being shot down in the Shau Valley during a lift out. Sadly five other helos were lost that day but no others survived their crashes. Heroes walk among us and some never came home. God bless those who went to Vietnam or served then. Welcome home all Vietnam Veterans who never received the proper home coming or support from those who were back home here safe and sound. We shal meet again at other events.
Encounters continue we are surrounded by patriots.
This is Bob at your local Home Depot proud veteran US Army 1966-1969. He loves hstory and our country. I always make time to talk with Bob about history. He is proud to wear the hat as a Vietnam Veteran but always tells those he did not go to Vietnam. But this is not necessary, he served and would have gone if ordered. We go where we are sent and everyone knows it. Ohra Bob love you man.
Ok lets be fair to the home improvement businesse, here is Derrick he is a proud verteran of 20 years! Veteran of the US Air Force Staff Sgt aircraft refueler and veteran of Enduring Freedom. But wait there is more… his son Ethan is now currently serving in the Air Force with the Security Forces. see below! Ohra. Derrick has a family of veterans more to come!
A1C Ethan 151st ARW Security Forces looking young and strong trooper….ah I mean Airman! Ohra
June 18th Provo VW show
I met many veterans but I also met many family members of Veterans. I always ask those with family who served to send me photos so that I may honor their loved ones. Sadly many don’t follow through. If you have a family member you wish to honor please send me their information we should never forget any of them. Now those I met.
Very intersting man. Ralph loves and appreciates history too. His mother and father were both WW2 veterans. Dad served in European theater and Mom in Burma during the war. He himself erved in Germany 1972-1975 with the US Army.
Marine and Marine, Brian here is a veteran who served in Iraq with Charlie Company 4th LAR. Brian served us all from 2006 to 2014 a Sergant of Marines he gets it! Solid patriot and I hope to see him again at other events. Ohra Marine Semper Fi Mac…
Not veterans but they have a family of veterans and I wish to honor them. So this “John Wayne” patriot family will send me photos of their loved ones to post here in honor of their veteran family members. God bless America and John Wayne!
Now this young man Josh has 21 years US Army experience behind him now. Yes congratulations is in order for this former Sergeant First Class RETIRED. A veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, he was a proud member of a striker brigade with 2nd Infantry Division. Hope to see him again at the Willys Jeep Rally at Heber Airport August 27th.
June 11th Sounds of Freedom Car Show.
Active Duty here Senior Msgt Michelle has been serving since 1999. Here Dad was a Vietnam Veteran Army Natonal Guard. Here Dad was also a Jeep collector and patriot of America. Here is Michelle with here two children enjoying the car show with the Captain!! Proud supporters of the Gartforvets. Thank you all hope to see you at the air show June 25-26th at Hill. Below is a picture of Bob, Michelle’s Dad who served us all and was a fellow restoration guy who had many jeeps like this M151 he restored. Sure wish I could have met Bob, God Bless.
A young Bob with his M151.
Here is Philp he served us all from 1971-1979. He is US Army veteran served in Germany was a wheeled vehicle mechanic. A true car guy!
Here comes the Air Force again this is Rick on my roght served us all 1973 to 1997 he was a MSgt worked on all the Airforce fighters and is an engineer. Scott on my left served 1985 to 1991 as a Sergeant working on our F15’s
Army veteran Seth he served from 2000 to 2004. Heavy equipment vehicle mechanic. Great guy he gets it!
Active Duty Long Island New York boy like the Captain, here is Ray. Like any New York guy out of New York he wanted to know where the good Pizza was in Utah. It is Estes Pizza in Salt Lake. Anyway Ray is Active Duty he as just two years to go to retire. Since 2005 he has worked Security Forces, and Avionics on C130’s and F35’s.
Now meet Mason, fellow Marine served from 2004-2014. Served with 3rd Radio Bn. He is a big car and truck guy great time at the show.
Tom and I here. Tom served US Navy as a Yeoman frst class 1975-1995
Ben here served 1960-1971 Vietnam Army veteran then Air Force 1980-1990 as an EOD tech.
Owen here served from 1961-1966 he was an Army Soec 4 specialist in communications.
Marines here is Staff Sergeant who served 1958 to 1968 Vietnam veterans…Welcome home brother.
All Marine Vietnam veteran that is his awesome Forebird tribte to his Marines he served with. Semper Fi brother.
Here is Captain Dan…..Captain meets Captain. Dan woth his service/companion dogs. Dan served Air Force 1972-1993.
Finally a Coast Guardsman Dave 1980-1990 and Army Staff Seargant Norman served 1963-1970
Vietnam Veteran Henry lucked out maybe he served the Army in Korea during his hitch 1966-1968.
Robert here served us all 1980 to 1990 Combat Engineers.
Love the hat…Curt here was in the National Guard 1988- 2007, he too was a combat enginneer.
Michael here checking in with the Captain. Michael served two tours in Iraq with the Army and served from 2004 -2016. Good dude no doubt.
Vietnam Veteran who was involved in the last evacution of Siagon!
Ogden 25th street show….veterans poured in…
Sergeant US Army 1981-1986 and US Marine 1986-1992 served with HMX-1 The Marine Presidential Helecopter squadron. Outstanding encounter
This is Alan with the Captain served 2010 to 2015 as a Flight equipment tech. Marine Corporal with HMLT 303 out of Camp Pendleton, California
Happy Marine with family Tryst, Odyssa, Lucian, and little Mathias in Momma’s arms.
Cool cat Master Sergeant Ray served 1980 to 2003! Army through and through
US Army veteran served as a PFC 1986-1988 at Ft. Lenardwood.
Ken here served as a Marine infantry grunt with the 7th Marines 2004 to 2008 Ohra Brother
The whole 9 yards..this is Jay proud US Army Strong served 1967-2009. Jay served as a Command Sgt.Major.
Melvin here served in the Army with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Division and was an artillary man 1968-1970.
Fernando was having a good time, he served wih th 389th construction battalion in Iraq. 2001 to 2009 two tours in Iraq 03-04.
Jim here is all Air Force served as a Jet aircraft mechanic 1974-1994.
Jason here served 1994 to 2006 as a crusher he was in Tanks!
Navy Marine Team here is Claude he served surface Navy. First on Destroyer of WW2 vintage in 1965 the USS Walton Perkins see here here below. Claude also served on the Patrol River Boats in Vietnam went on to serve until 1992.
Walton Perkins proudly served us 1944-1968 what a ship.
Now here is Jared served our Marines from 1994 to 2002. HIs brother was the trainer for “Bart” the huge Grizzl bear made famous in so many movies.
West Jordan Memorial Car show. Meet John served on USS Nimitiz 2003-2018! Mater at Arms 2nd class Petty Officer. Captain’s favorite time in the Marines was riding on the ship across the ocean many times.
Ah yes one of the best. Fernando just graduated US Army boot camp three days ago! He jumped right in to help me set up! Fernando is of course a Private, he is stationed at Ogden with 744th Engineer company. He is trained to blow things up and buid bridges and stuff so look out!
Coast Guard up! This is Victor served us all 1973-1977 from California to Alaska!
Marine to Marine this is Caig served our Marine Corps 1975-1979 he was a Sergeant and a crash crew guy swinging with the wing! Ohra
Heber Creeper run on the rails! Meet Ron US Army Proud 1959-1963. NIce guy and a true train lover. He is a mechanic works on traines now out at the Ruond House in Evanstan, Wyoming! A must follow up visit for the Captain!! We shall meet again Ron and the Captain.
Go Navy, here is Ryan riding the rails he served us all from 2012 to 2020. Ryan served as a 1st Class Petty Officer on the USS Pinckney check her out below! Love that Navy Marine Corps team spirit!
USS Pinckney on duty running strong!
Now this is Bob a fellow officer but US Navy LT. Bob served in Vietnam and served us all from 1966 to 1970. He served with VSU Unit 1 and the Navy Seals. He has come home and he is proud to have served. I enjoyed meeting Bob very much.
Ok now this is __________________ served US Army__________________two tours “he says only two tours” holy crap in Iraq. That tells you just how bad those days were with most doing more than two tours in those bad places Iraq and Afghanistan. Now the Captain has a bone to pick with this soldier. I meet so many people it is hard to keep up and keep track so I asked that he send me his years of service, rank and name. Until then, I sadly can only provide you what I remebered. One other note is that I loved meeting his wonderful family for sure!!!
Look at that smile, talk about a fun happy guy. This is Dave our Air Force guy for the train ride. He was securoty police and intelligence. He served us all from 1990 – 2000. His family was a blast too I sure hope to see them all again at another event. check them out!!!
I love this picture so much really enjoyed meeting the little ones. They just loved the Jeep super fun kids….the future of America lies with them.
Can you say happy young children having a great time with family. That is what the train ride and meeting and greeting them all is about. We talk about history, our veterans and what is important about loving and respecting our country. Especially on Memorial Day weekend. LOve this photo.
Now one of my favorite encounters with our veterns on the train that night. I love my elders for we in service follwed their foot steps. We have carried the standards forward and we an only hope the youth of today will do the same for us. Roy here served from 1948-1952. He served right through the Korean War. He served on the USS Perkins and he was a 2nd Class Petty Officer working electronics and radar. Check out the DD877 in action below
Great shot of Roy’s ship. I loved my time at sea what an experience.
Well the VFW may have canceled the car show due to rain but that did not stop the captain from holding his own car show. Rain never hurt anybody. May not have been a lot of people but sure were some quality people!
Mike served in the US Army 1968-1970. Proud veteran and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and talking with Mike. Here he and I are in front of Big Glory and our flags.
Very proud of his service Mike came to see me after church today.
Now there are special people all around us everyday. Some you have a chance to meet and talk with and some you don’t. Trust me, they are all around you everyday. Here is Jason a solid Christian and he just happens to be a US Marine to boot! I beleive you will be seeing he and I again over of the next 14 months. Really enjoyed meeting this man, then his wife and daugther. Jason served in the Marines 1996-2004, in the 4th Marine Air Wing, was also a recruiter.
We will meet again and you will see this Marine team again!
Jason’s awesome family
Jason and his wife braved the rain and cold to come out and meet me. Ohra!
The best of the best is this incredibile man who also happens to be an Air Force pilot veteran who has trap time flying off Aircraft Carriers! How about that! Mark served us all for 24 years in uniform formerly a KC-135 tanker refueler, Mark kept our fighters on station keeping our guys on the ground safe and lethal. Love this photo! You will be seeing a lot of the captain and Mark but that is just a hunch. Wait until you meet his mega patriot wife Valerie, memeber of the Daughter’s of the American Revolution.
“Tell it to the Marines!” This is Mick, congrats to Mick. He is the proud owner of a brand new side by side. This is where the Captain met his brother Marine at Young Powersports in Centerville.
Mick is one of my own “Marines” served with 3rd Recon 5th Battalion Marines. 1967-1987.
One the Marines truck.
Brand new ready to roll off the lot. Young Power Sports Centerville, Utah
Nice Shirt!
Proud of his service!
Here is the David with Little Glory in the background. We are at another great car show put on by JC Hackett. At the Garage Grill Draper, Utah.
World tour hat of David’s tours.
I met he will never loose that hat. Nice David thank you for your service to us all.
Here we go again go AIR FORCE!! yes Ross was with the Air Force 1970-1975. Ross was aviation avionics specialist. We had a nice time at the Draper Car show. 5/24.
Another Air Force Veteran, this veteran I met while at one of America’s coolest stores Cal Ranch. Here is Jim he served from 1970-1973 with one tour in Vietnam 70-71. Jim worked on operation Palisades Dog which cross trained So Vietnamese soldiers. Great speaking with this veteran big baseball fan too!
So many great talks with our proud veterans. Enjoyed meeting and talking with Joe, US Army Proud 1971-1974. He worked with heavy lift crain helecopters CH54’s he was a Crew Chief engineer.
Now this youngster is active duty reserves. Us Army Private Buchanan! Yes the Captain had to feed him and take him for a ride in Little Glory. And yes! The Captain had to teach him how to drive a clutch. I am happy to say he is a fast learner and he did just fine!
David here served in the Infantry with the 9th division and 5th. !967-1969. Welcome home David.
Dennis with the Captain US Navy 1970-73 3rd class petty officer. Nice Navy Marine Corps team. UVU swap meet 5/20/22
Couple of wise guys…no just kidding US Navy on my left that is David served 1960-1965 on USS Ticondaroga aircraft carrier. Chuck was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army….1956-1964.
Jack pictured here with the Captain Jack also was a National Guard Soldier 1972-1979. He had plenty of Jeep time as the Guard had these M38 Jeeps for many years after they were built.
UVU car show was floaded with patriots and veterans alike. Check out Jerry, a proud National Guard veteran who served from 1960 to 1972. Enjoyed meeting Jerry very much he is a patriot real solid American.
Now this was a treat meeting this Marine officer who served same time as the Captain. This is Sefan, served 1983 to 1987 as a “cannon cocker” Ohra! Stefan is also the assistant Dean at UVU. Thanks for all you do for our youth and your great automotive program.
Here comes the Army with Eldon 1972-1977 Sergeant 4th Infantry Division. Great day at the swap meet car show Orem Utah.
Now this is a good one. Yes you have two and they are father and son. Dad, Ron Marines 1951-1953,,, the year of Little Glory a 1952 Willys M38. Dad was a combat engineer. Son Russ, Army 1979-1991, Heavy equipment engineers.
Right in the middle f the wheeling and dealing at the swap meet. Great people, father and son who served us all. Thank you men.
Now we all know Marines can’t spell. So Nakagwa US Airforce Helicopters Crew Chief 1970 and 1971, gave it to me the way it should be NAKAGWA.
Nakawga and the Captain at the M38..
Look out here come the Marines, check Rick out US Marines 1968 to 1971…..But wait there is more to Rick’s story. Rick came back and did another 22 years as a Navy man! Ohra Rick. Well done.
Here comes another Jerry served us all 1964-1966, Sinal Corps VietNam. Welcome home Jerry.
Here comes the Army again the Marines are surrounded and supported well today. Dave 1975-1978, Infantry.
Now meet citizen soldier National Guard 1956-1964, John. Thank you for your service.
John meets the Captain in front of Little Glory.
Ok now we are talking. Want to talk about tough? US Air Force fighter pilot, got to love it. The Captain has an ejection seat in his motor home and guess what? Jeff here knows all about it. That is because Jeff was flying F4’s and F105’s 1969-1981. Awesome man and real patriot.
Always good to see Jeff at the show the college does so much for a youth. Thanks Jeff for your support.
We have more Army today in the “AO” area of operations of this Captain of Marines campaign. Meet Tim, he did the whole 9 yards 1984-2004! US Army Military Police! Ohra Tim great time today a the show.
Love the hat….now you all know ladies wear hats right? Marines wear covers….hahah Tim is a Mega Patriot, glad to meet and be in his company. Thank you for your service brother.
Ok Army link up with the Marines, meet Paul US Army 1967-1970, combat engineer. Welcome home brother thanks for your service, UVU car show today!
What a day so much fun, lots of parts and lots of Patriots! Gunship “Marines Dream Winnebago and Little Glory in the background”.
Now hear this, Met Jack today at the UVU swap meet event 5/20. Yes I know but beleive it or not Jack was a US Navy Veteran 1964-1966. Thanks Brother orah!
Jack and the Captain with 1952 Gartforvets Jeep “Little Glory” in the background first show in public!
Veterans along the way “brothers and sisters”
Happy 97th Birthday “Nort” Sergeant of Marines! Yes everybody another brother from a different mother…Mother Marine Corps. You want to see another good looking Marine..but a Parris Island Marine?
Nort Townsend of Wallace, North Carolina. WW2 Marine turns 97 on May 14th.
Sgt. Nort’s family owned Auto Parts store where the Sgt. still reports for work five days a week. Family owned for 75 years!
Nort at post #1 on duty as Sgt. of the Guard Towndsen Auto Parts.
Sergeant and Captain best ranks in the Corps. Happy Birthday my brother, God Bless I want to be just like you when I grow up!
Ok now this is an exception to the veterans encounters blog because Adam here has a very patriotic US Marine Grandfather who served during the Korean War. His Marine Grandfather JB McCollough wrote a book and Adam was kind enough to give one to me. Adma and I and yes his Marine Grandfather Ohra JB. Semper Fi!
Note the Veteran parking at Lowes and the Captain’s other Jeep a 1943 Willys MB.
Ok, now JB, Adam’s Marine Grandpa and I are brother’s from different mothers or brothers from Mother Green the Marines. Check him out, something about this photo I LOVE!
For you Jeep and Willys fanatics, that is a WW2 Willys MB in Korea 1950’s
On the innocent side, the young boy “JB” who became a man in the Marines! Wow how young.
Stationed in Oceanside at Camp Pendelton, you can see JB grew up fast and became what is known as a true “Hollywood” Marine! Damn, even looks like a Hollwood star! Bet he was popular with the ladies, no doubt.
Every Marine is a rifleman first, JB with one of the Marines 75mm recoiless rifles. Great weapon.
Awaiting photo of Phil US Army National Guard 1963-1970, served with 11th Corps Artillery. Very nice guy a passer by “Megan” took our picture and I’m waiting for her to send it to me. Hope she does as she said she would
Now this was a nice encounter! Meet the double team…Yes Two Air Force veterans Alanzo 20 year veteran and his wife LIsa too. Thank you both for your service. Their boy Dominick was ready to go too! Our first husband and wfe veteran encounter.
OK the Captain meets Active duty….Master Sgt. Griffen, US Air Force. Young and strong but the Air Force won’t have him much longer. In just 19 months, Msgt. Griffen will have completed the “whole 9 yards” he will have 20 years and be elligible to retire. He will be in the “KMA” club. Thank you for your service brother
Meet Bill, US Air Force 1962-1965, Airman 1st Class. Bill was also a first class banterer, proud of his Air Force service he gave me a good ribbing about being a Marine….But you know I gave him a share of equal pride in my own service! What a nice guy, full of vineagr at age 80 and going strong! Thanks for your service Bill.
Rocky meets the Captain, Way to go Rocky, US Army 1966-1991. E8 retired new to the Utah Area. Hope we will see Rocky again at events around the town. Rocky’s son just retired from the US Air Force.
Marcus, US Navy Diver 26 years retired.
Clyde, aka Bill, US Army Retired 75th Rangers, 3 and 5th S/F, Vietnam, Gukd War, Iraq and the war on Terror.
Ira, US Navy 1966-1969 River Boats, Vietnam.
Mark, US Marines Marine Security Guard US Embassy Beirut 1980’s. Semper Fi.
Larry, US Air Force 988-1994 Desert Storm SRA Security Police.
Gone but not forgotten Raymond Leroy Hedberg US Navy Korean War. USS Manchester Bay 1951-54
Patriot, proud of our country and proud to serve. Ray served us all and we veterans followed in his footsteps.
USS Manchester Bay 1953
Everyone remembers that day…Graduation Boot Camp!
Prelude to the drones of today! Hahah
Thank You Ray for your service, God Speed get things sqaured away for us for when we all arrive
Marines will always find Marines. The Captain was camped along the Provo river where the camper on the left flank was also a Marine. This is Scott he is a Marine that served from 1995 -1999 as a 0331 Machinegunner. He served with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. Scott is only one of many Marines in his family. Both his grandfathers are Marines of WW2, His Dad and uncles are Marines and Navy veterans. His family has served in every conflict from WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and beyond. Scott and his wife continue to serve us as Deputy Sheriff’s in California. Semper FI, Scott! I do want to mention that one of Scott’s grandfathers was a Marine on the USS Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack! Photos of Scott’s fmily of Marines and Sailors to follow.
One night later at a new campsite 15 miles away the Captain had a new camp beighbor who was also a Marine. As you can tell from his Marne Corps Pride. The Capatain talked with him while he was waxing his beautiful ship Monco RV. Hope to hear from this Marine again.
Tom. He answered an ad I had on line selling what else but car parts. I am selling all sorts of things to help pay these crazy gas prices to keep my campaign going. Well tom need a set of orginial 1965 VW headlights and buckets. He got them and I had another Veteran encounter!
Tom served us all from from 1988 to 2008. He served with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Divison. Served in Germany, Korea, and Iraq. I am positive we will do some events together because he too is a car guy. look at two of his cars below.
Tom In Iraq and Tom chuting with the Golden NIghts.
Awesome VW vehicles. Notice they are in the garage and his moderin car is outside hahahahah.
Rex here USAF three months before injured badly at boot camp. A veteran no doubt he stepped up and volunteered. Donated the ax for the Jeep Thanks Rex!
Now this US Army Veteran just had to ride in Little Glory. We had a great time when he introduced me to his church crew of Patriots you will learn more about later. Raff served us all in the US Army.
Ok granted not a good picture of Daniel here with his eyes closed, but look at that young Marine in his prime in his Boot Camp photo! Dan is a Sergeat of Marines for life. Full of good work ethic, best at what he does working at Les Schwab Tire Paul, Idaho he helped install the tires on Little Glory. Proud to have met my brother on the road we shall meet again when I come through next year on the Great American Road trip across our great nation.
All work no play look, but good natured hard working patriot. NO better friend no worse enemy a Sergeant of Marines!
Brothers for life and beyond in the after life, Marines that earned the Eagle Globe and Anchor.
Now Brandon here is not a veteran but he is a Patriot I enjoyed meeting. He is living and working out near Minadoka, ID where the Captain was doing some recon as to the trail that will be taken during the cross country trip next year. Brandon’s sister is an Air Force Veteran and we may get a photo of here if he sends it along to us. Naturally he liked the the Jeep and the mission we are all on.
Now his Cat is a cool dude. He has a hand shake like a Bear Paw and he is a solid moutain of a man. He has some cool treasures in and about his land but he is a US Navy Seal Veteran of 20 years and 3 months! Former veteran of Naval Special Warfare he retired as a Chief Gunners Mate. Was a member of Seal Team 5 served from 1967 (VietNam vet until 1987) so we actually served together at the end of his career. His name is George Merrill and guess what? He is related to the Frank Merrill of Merrill’s Marauders fame during WW2! How cool is that.
This is Geroge’s brother who is a VietNam vet as well. He served in the National Guard from 1967-1973 was a Spec-4 in Armored Cavalry. He is in a battle with the BIg C but I have no doubt we will kick its ass. He and his brother will come see me when in town down in the swamp of Salt Lake City.
Today we honor a WW2 veteran who made it home but died so young in a horibile accident after returning from war. Submitted by Terry who I met at one of my most recent car show events.
“An uncle I never knew”
Clair C. Anderson, from Fountain Green, Utah. PFC in the United States Army, he was with the 39th infantry in Europe. He was with the first platoon to cross the Rhine into Germany. He was born Nov. 30, 1925 he died in a coal mining accident at Hiawatha, Utah Jan.10, 1947. I’m proud to know of him and his selfless service.
I submit this to honor him.
Terry L. Anderson
Young patriots like Terry’s Uncle didn’t think twice about their responsibility to protect freedom and liberty here in our country. But they also went when called to foreign lands to stand for freedom all over the world. America has been the defender of freedom since her birth as a free nation in 1776.
Very much enjoyed meeting Steve who is a Marine who served from 1953 until 1956. He was a Baker in the Marines and he was a Corporal when he left active duty. He still has his uniforms and photos from graduation. His son is a Marine Corps veteran as well, his son served from 1980 until 1984. His son the Marine was stationed at Naval Weapon station Oakland, California. I intened to visit Steve again down in the Salt Lake City area. We met as all Marines manage to find one another, but we met at this great Cafe called Molly’s in Snowville, Utah. It is a blast from the past right out of the 1960’s. But friendly service home cooking and a great little place, there should be more places like this around.
Draper Days July 16th
US Army 1987-1995 Military Police Corporal.
Justin here was a Corporal as a Marine Corps Data Network Specialist. Yes high tech networking set ups had to be established in the combat theater. Justin deployed to Afghanistan 2010-2011 and served in our Marine Corps from 2007 to 2011. Enjoyed meeting him alog with his family during the Draper Days parade and car show that followed.
Edwin was with the imfamous 25th Infantry US Army 1968-1969. He was in Tanks in Vietnam. Welsome home Edwin.
Ok now Matt here was a mustang, that is he was a prior enlisted soldier before earning his commission as an officer. Matt served from 1990 until 2017! Yes that’s right 27 years. First on up to a Staff Sergeant as a Communications Specialist then as an Infantry Officer ending up as a Green Barret. Matt here did 6 tours over seas. Once to Afghanistan and five times to Iraq. Matt is a proud retired Lt.Col US Army.
Now these to Army guys were set up right next to the Captain at the Draper Days car show. We kidded one another about our services as to who was more proud hahaha but there were two of them and one of me. We had fun. Ron had a very cool rat rod and they had a good time. Both are Vietnam Vets and Ron on right was in service 1968 to 1971, Frank on Left 1970-1973. Frank was a helocopter mechanic and Ron was lucky enough to be in the Army band, so who do you think got lucky? But both served when called and we are thankful for their service forever.
Captain with Corvin US Army Motor Transport Mechanic. He served from 1968 to 1969 in Vietnam. Both Motor T guys, he appreciated the Jeep and the restoration I did on Little Glory.
Finally some Marine backup, as you can see we are the few. Jerry is a Marine and he served from 1971 to 1979. Jerry was in the Fleet Marine Force as a grunt “0311” rifleman and made it up to a Staff Sergeant “0369” in the Infantry. Proud ground pounder and told me so.
Dan and I talked about the old days in service. Dan was a Spec4 US Army Artillery “cannon cocker”. Served from 1980 to 1986.
Gene and I, Navy Marine Corps team. Gene served on several ships the big boy USS Independence CVN-62 alsoserved on two other ships a sub tender and logistics ship. He is a fellow Shell Back for you sea going Marines and Navy.
CV-62 the Independence “Indy”
Les Schwab / Gartforvets Car Show July 14th
One of all the veterans I will meet at our newest sponsor and supporter “Queen of Wraps” in Salt Lake City.
This is Aaron he is an active member of the National Guard. Aaron is also a Captain and he has been serving us since 2011 as an intelligence officer.
Aaron “Captain of Soldiers” and Scott “Captain of Marines…Old Corps”
Vernal Dino Car show in the park.
Ok we have a special Marine here. Gone but not forgotten NO WAY. James Banke served us all in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine. He suffered for years after coming home having to deal with the effects of Agent Orange. But it did not stop him from living life to the max. Loving friends and doing the things that made him happy was what he was all about. His best friend built this car for him and finished it so that during James’ final days here, they were able take a ride togther. This was the exact paint sceme James wanted on his very rare Chyrsler. His buddy remembers him always. I was proud to meet his buddy and remember the brother I never met but love just the same.
Awesome and not stock under the hood!
James, Marine Corps Veteran of Vietnam at home and healthy as best he could be at the time.
So well done.
James wore his Marine Veteran cover with pride despite the sacrifices he and so many others made when the USG exposed so many veterans to Agent Orange and thereafter tried not to accept responsibility for its use and deadly effects on our boys who served in Vietnam. For James it was about the Marine’s he served with.
Very nice memorial. I hope one day someone who loves me chooses to remember me like James’ buddy.
Just awesome. What a car show what great people out here in Vernal.
Very nice tribute
Before his final set of orders home. “Another Marine Reporting in at the Pearly Gates” I am sure we will all meet again. A Marine for life and beyond. We die but the Marine Corps lives forever. Semper Fi Marines
Welcome home Vietnam Veteran Clarence 1965-1973. He served in the Intelligence “ASA” Army Security Agency. We are talking NSA stuff interceptions and code breaking spy stuff. He was a Sergeant and deployed to Vietnam in 1970. He has this awesome Clipper Car!
A Clipper! He has put 90,000 miles on her upgrades under the hood and driveline.
Clarence ASA Agent Vietnam Veteran.
This is Norm he was Army Intelligence Operator 1982-1992.
Norm Army Intel with the Captain
Jason was a Devil Pup as a kid a Jr. Marine. BUT his dad was a Vietnam Marine and proud of it. Check out Jason’s tattoo to honor his Dad’s service as a Marine.
Jason’s tattoo on left the Captain’s on right…Officers don’t get tattoos….Yeah right..hahah not this Officer. You know what, when I got that tattoo while at Camp Pendleton my Executive Officer Major Stein at 7th Motors chewed me out while reporting in as Officer of the Day. He said it was not professional for officers to have tattoos. I asked to speak and said. “Some day sir, you and I will not be in uniform and when not in uniform among the rest of the world, I want the whole world to know I am a U.S. Marine.
Segeant Horn here served 1997 – 2002. He served with U.S. Army’s proud 82nd Airborne and 5th Corps in Germany. Sgt. Horn was all Infantry.
Sgt. Horn proud Patriot meets the Captain.
Now the Captain really enjoyed meeting and speaking with Adam. He was a Major and an Emergency Room Doctor. He completed two tours in Iraq with 1/6th Cav. and served with 86th CSH. He served from 1999 to 2013. You know he saved lives and saw the real wounds of war, but you also know he saved lives and treated our own and others. God bless this Major. Thank you for your support Sir, your kind donation helps me do what I am doing. He has a beautiful family and I met them all.
Adam a life saver, US Army Doctor, Iraqi War Veteran with the Captain.
This Army Veteran Dale has a cool story to tell. He served with 588th Engineer 20th Combat Brigade in Vietnam. He did a tour in 1969 and served from 1968 to 1970. When he came home from Vietnam he purchased a 1969 Camero…guess what he still has it. Here it is in the car show.
69 Chevy Camero Dale’s welcome home from Vietnam car.
Dale and his 69 Chevy
Dale US Army meeting the Captain in front of “Little Glory”.
Steve and Cynthia. Steve a Veteran of the US Air Force is a patriot and shows it on his ride. check it out. Steve served from 1991-1994 with National Guard then 2005-2017 with Air Force.
Displaying pride in our country and our veterans. Dale’s Tailgate
Vernal, Utah Dino Days Rodeo July 7-10th.
This morning we honor the family member of a patriot I met. This is Robert E. Lee who served us all in the US Navy from 1958 to 1962. He is Patriot Lori’s father n law. Lori is a fellow Jeep owner and her husband is a Marine! By the way Lori “Ducked” me with another rubber Ducky.
God Bless you Robert Marines Love the Navy.
Larry US Marine! 1992-1998 a supply guy in our Corps served in Japan and out in “29 stumps” thats 29 Palms, CA. Ohra! Three Marines brothers in arms Ray Allen age 88 Korean War Marine “Sergeant of Marines”.
Larry US Marine served with 1st Bn 7th Marines
Hahaha the Captain is learning so much now I’m a Ducker. Bud the original Duck on right was later abducted or should I say “ubDUCKED”…but his replacement was ready to fill the void.
Randy here has been there done that my friends. Randy was US Army Ranger served two tours in Iraq, one in Afhanistan. Was a Sergeant with Army’s 82nd, 173rd, and 1st Cav. Served us all from 1992 until 2006.
Randy is a real Cowboy, handles Mules and was a Ranger wit the US Army.
Love meeting Marines, here is Jamie served our Marines as a Sergeant 1976 to 1980. Was a real sport jumped in the Jeep and also gave us some Marine Corps Pull Ups!
Jamie the Pullup Machine
Jamie takes to the Jeep with Pin up girl. Great patriots solid people. Semper Fi Mac!
Jamie jambed out some pullups including two for Chesty Puller!
Here are Anthony and Tanya both veterans of our great Armed Forces. Anthony served US Army CID investigator 1999-2020! Retired 1st Sergeant US Army. Served two tours in Iraq, served in Korea and Bolgaria. Tonya served from 2000 to 2004 as a bridging engineer and she did one tour in Iraq.
Anthony and Tonya Patriots and both veterans.
Patriots and veterans who run Operation Brat. Sending care packages and letters from the public to our troops deployed all year long. Keith US Navy Air operator loading ordenance on our fighter bomber aircraft served from 1996 to 2012. Keith pulled 7 tours 4 to Iraq and 3 to Afghanistan! Windy was US Navy 1994-1998 and she was a firefighter.
Navy Vets and Patriots support our troops all year long.
Mac is a retired Marine Sergeant served 1964-1984. Wounded Purple Heart, Vietnam Veteran. Mac here served in the Infantry with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. His son is a Marine Mustang serving now as a Captain of Marines and is about to retire with 22 years of service to us all. That’s Mac’s rig in the background. Ohra Semper Fi Mac!
Jukly 4th Orem City Park with the Utah Military History Group.
Richard here served our Marine Corps from 200 to 2004. He was a Corporal of Marines and made the run up and initial March to Bagdad serving with the 7th Combat Engineers. Semper Fi Mac!
Check his short out FREEDOM!
Art served with the 3rd Marine Division as Military intelligence 1997-2004.
Marine and Marine brothers for life.
I enjoyed meeting and talking withTim, he supported the campaing by taking away a Gartforvets hat to help promote the mission. Tim served from 1959 to 1964 as a Comabt Engineer with the US Army.
Darrell here is a proud veteran of WW2. He served us all from 1945 to 1947. He served in Japan as part of the United States Occupational forces at Sasebo, Japan.
So honored to meet those I followed into service. It really makes me proud to be a veteran when I see these men of past generations of veterans come out to see us all.
Active Duty up! Cayden is serving us now in the US Navy as an Aviation Electritian Mate.
Young and strong here is the Navy Marine Corps team. So proud of our young military members. Wish I could turn back time.
Captain meet Captain, John a Captain in th signal Corps US Army from 1972 to 1976.
Check John’s hat out, a solid patriot.
Joe is a first responder Police Officer in Arizona. Thank you Joe, we support you and your brothers and sisters.
On the job!
Sal is a patriot check that hat out All American Patriot. Sal’s Father served in the military and he is going to send me his Dad’s photo so that we may honor his father for his service to us all.
Jason is was my counterpart (MOS) in the US Army. He served from 2004 to 2007 as a Motor Transport soldier with 115th Maintenance Battalion.
Proud of his service he wears the shirt with Army Pride.
From left to right Steve served from 1984 to 1992 as an Engineer US Army and was a Gulf War verteran at the end of his time in service. Myself then Mike US Army who was also a Combat Engineer from 1989 to 2001. On the right is Zach who is all Infantry…where the rubber meets the road. Zach is a Specialist serving us now with 157th and has been serving since 2020.
Army surrounds the lone Marine. These Army members have families full of Army veterans.
Lee was a US Navy Underwater guy yeah thats right a Submarine guy. Served on a conventional non-nuke submarie USS PickerPickerel SS-524. He served during the Vietnam War 1963-1967. Check out the boat…
USS Pickerel SS-524 in her glory. She was later sold to the Italians in the 1970’s.
Family members with Veterans we honor them all!
Hello Scott, I talked with you at the Hill AFB air show Saturday last, I believe you have an honorable and worthy cause you’re engaged in. You mentioned you were interested in knowning about family member’s veterans, I will share a little about my dad, Arthur Wendell Anderson, who was a Private First Class in the United States Army, from Fountain Green, Utah.Born August 4, 1923 he enlisted when he was 19, refusing an agricultural deferment his mom had obtained for him. I believe he was initially with the second Army. He trained in field artillery and armored artillery at Ft. Knox. He volunteered for the paratrooper jump school and qualified at Ft. Benning. He was proud to serve as an Honor Guard for President Roosevelt’s funeral train as it passed through. Dad was assigned to the Eighth Army and stationed at Manila, Luzon. He was with the motor pool, driving ‘his own’ duce and a half. From there, after Japan’s surrender, dad was transfered to Japan as part of the occupational force along with his truck. He also chauffeured ranking officer’s to transitional meetings along with an interpreter, a Japanese man from Salt Lake City. He drove to Mt. Fuji and saw the ruined cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He sailed by Hawaii twice without stopping. Dad was honorably discharged. At home he married my mom, Carol Sparks, with whom he had corresponded during his time over seas. They raised four children, three sons (all Eagle Scouts) and one daughter, all of whom are successful good citizens. Dad and mom were married for 69 years, both passed away in 2017. Dad was a Scoutmaster for 17 years. I was able to accompany my dad on an ‘Honor Flight’ to Washington DC in May of 2015 to tour the veterans war memorials and the Capitol City, it was a signal honor for me to be his escort.Best Regards, and best of luck for a successful mission.Terry L. AndersonKearns, Utah
Terry thank you so much for following through and sending me this. What a man, what parents you had. I love sharing family veteran stories I wish everyone would follow though as you have to share their stories. We must never forget our veterans service to us all.
Happy in love
Happy GI at work
I’m so proud of those who served before me and whom I have followed into service. I recall meeting Terry and his Dad at the Honor Flight what an honor.
Another family proud to honor their loved ones. Thank you too for allowing me to share your veteran’s service on our website. Here is Kenneth Allen Sargent a WW2 combat wounded Marine.
Purple Heart pinned I’m glad he made it home. Semper Fi
Hill Air Force Base Air Show 6/24-26th/2022
Gus US Marine 2000-2012, two tours Iraq 2004 and 2008, Staff Sergeant his favorite tank “Big Pito” hahaha. Gus was with 1st Tanks and with the Marines tearing down Saddam Hussein’s statute.
Army up! Matthew a Pvt. and Motor T mechanic with the Army’s 365th CBRN, he will have his first year of service come August 15th.
Navy Marine Corps Team Jack here US Navy 1963-1996! a Mustang Officer he retired as a LT. LDO officer. Of the many ships he served on were USS Bennington, USS Camden, USS Halsey, USS Peleliu, and the nighty Moe BD-63 USS Missouri. I too deployed with and had Marines on the Peleliu.
Barry with the Captain checking bin he served us all 1969-1972. Staff Sergeant Telecommunications specialist. Welcome home Barry proud veteran of Vietnam.
Mario guess what service he served in? Dah…Marines! 2005-2011 a Lance Corporal to the end would have made Chesty proud! Mario was with out Air Wing swinging with the wing as we say in the Marines.
Jared served as a Fire Fighter US Air Force a Senior Airman 2003 to 2009.
Mike here he served as a Sergeant in communications and I hope I remember right that he was a soldier in the US Army 1982 1986 .
Aim High Air Force veteran Roger served us all 1982 to 1992 as an F15 Avionics Specialist Staff Sergeant.
1984 to 1988 Scott served us as an operating room tech with the US Army Medical Corps.
Now Thor here only did three tours on the ground in Iraq with the Marines! Oh man, proud member of 2/5 that’s 2nd Battalion 5th Marine Division. Two tours in 2003, 2005, and third tour as a scout sniper with 1st Recon 2nd Platoon 2006. Thor saw action in Fallujah and Ramadi. This is his service dog that had just gulped up water provided by the Captain in his own WW2 Steel Pot helmet on this hot day.
Our own Hill Air Force hosts Daniel and Kellen are two of Air Force finest active duty F35 crew Chiefs…hot damn F35!
Sergeant of Soldiers Bill was with SOEC 1968-1974. Combat medic worked in the Hospitals caring for our own.
Jeff was a Mustang Army Officer served enlisted then Officer in the greatest rank of all “Captain”. Jeff was an MP and an Infantry Officer 2007 and 2008 with tours in Iraq. He served us from 1995 until 2009. Great time meeting these men.
Serving in the US Army from 1975 to 1996 retiring as a Major he was a communications MOS and served in Delta Company.
David was a fire fighter for 34 years, 28 years Sanaquin FD and 4 years Deputy Sheriff.
Allen was first a Marnie then a Soldier then Army National Guard. He served 27 years from 1974 until 2001. He was a Staff Sergeant in avionics.
Daniel served 2000 to 2021! Congrats is in order there he did the entire 21 years to retirement. A Petty Officer 1st class US Navy.
Hell yeah they serve here are young future leaders and patriots of service. They are members of the Cache Valley Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol. Proud to meet and talk with these young responsible boys and girls.
Now Allen here is a big man and a personal guest to the Captain’s home this weekend. He served a tour in Iraq 2007-2008, served in the Army Guard 2006 -2024!. A specialist and proud Army veteran.
Welcome home brother. Now here is a solid proud veteran. Army Air Cav Vietnam 1966-1968, crew chief door gunner in the mighty Army helos of the Air Calvary. He and his crew survived after being shot down in the Shau Valley during a lift out. Sadly five other helos were lost that day but no others survived their crashes. Heroes walk among us and some never came home. God bless those who went to Vietnam or served then. Welcome home all Vietnam Veterans who never received the proper home coming or support from those who were back home here safe and sound. We shal meet again at other events.
Encounters continue we are surrounded by patriots.
This is Bob at your local Home Depot proud veteran US Army 1966-1969. He loves hstory and our country. I always make time to talk with Bob about history. He is proud to wear the hat as a Vietnam Veteran but always tells those he did not go to Vietnam. But this is not necessary, he served and would have gone if ordered. We go where we are sent and everyone knows it. Ohra Bob love you man.
Ok lets be fair to the home improvement businesse, here is Derrick he is a proud verteran of 20 years! Veteran of the US Air Force Staff Sgt aircraft refueler and veteran of Enduring Freedom. But wait there is more… his son Ethan is now currently serving in the Air Force with the Security Forces. see below! Ohra. Derrick has a family of veterans more to come!
A1C Ethan 151st ARW Security Forces looking young and strong trooper….ah I mean Airman! Ohra
June 18th Provo VW show
I met many veterans but I also met many family members of Veterans. I always ask those with family who served to send me photos so that I may honor their loved ones. Sadly many don’t follow through. If you have a family member you wish to honor please send me their information we should never forget any of them. Now those I met.
Very intersting man. Ralph loves and appreciates history too. His mother and father were both WW2 veterans. Dad served in European theater and Mom in Burma during the war. He himself erved in Germany 1972-1975 with the US Army.
Marine and Marine, Brian here is a veteran who served in Iraq with Charlie Company 4th LAR. Brian served us all from 2006 to 2014 a Sergant of Marines he gets it! Solid patriot and I hope to see him again at other events. Ohra Marine Semper Fi Mac…
Not veterans but they have a family of veterans and I wish to honor them. So this “John Wayne” patriot family will send me photos of their loved ones to post here in honor of their veteran family members. God bless America and John Wayne!
Now this young man Josh has 21 years US Army experience behind him now. Yes congratulations is in order for this former Sergeant First Class RETIRED. A veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, he was a proud member of a striker brigade with 2nd Infantry Division. Hope to see him again at the Willys Jeep Rally at Heber Airport August 27th.
June 11th Sounds of Freedom Car Show.
Active Duty here Senior Msgt Michelle has been serving since 1999. Here Dad was a Vietnam Veteran Army Natonal Guard. Here Dad was also a Jeep collector and patriot of America. Here is Michelle with here two children enjoying the car show with the Captain!! Proud supporters of the Gartforvets. Thank you all hope to see you at the air show June 25-26th at Hill. Below is a picture of Bob, Michelle’s Dad who served us all and was a fellow restoration guy who had many jeeps like this M151 he restored. Sure wish I could have met Bob, God Bless.
A young Bob with his M151.
Here is Philp he served us all from 1971-1979. He is US Army veteran served in Germany was a wheeled vehicle mechanic. A true car guy!
Here comes the Air Force again this is Rick on my roght served us all 1973 to 1997 he was a MSgt worked on all the Airforce fighters and is an engineer. Scott on my left served 1985 to 1991 as a Sergeant working on our F15’s
Army veteran Seth he served from 2000 to 2004. Heavy equipment vehicle mechanic. Great guy he gets it!
Active Duty Long Island New York boy like the Captain, here is Ray. Like any New York guy out of New York he wanted to know where the good Pizza was in Utah. It is Estes Pizza in Salt Lake. Anyway Ray is Active Duty he as just two years to go to retire. Since 2005 he has worked Security Forces, and Avionics on C130’s and F35’s.
Now meet Mason, fellow Marine served from 2004-2014. Served with 3rd Radio Bn. He is a big car and truck guy great time at the show.
Tom and I here. Tom served US Navy as a Yeoman frst class 1975-1995
Ben here served 1960-1971 Vietnam Army veteran then Air Force 1980-1990 as an EOD tech.
Owen here served from 1961-1966 he was an Army Soec 4 specialist in communications.
Marines here is Staff Sergeant who served 1958 to 1968 Vietnam veterans…Welcome home brother.
All Marine Vietnam veteran that is his awesome Forebird tribte to his Marines he served with. Semper Fi brother.
Here is Captain Dan…..Captain meets Captain. Dan woth his service/companion dogs. Dan served Air Force 1972-1993.
Finally a Coast Guardsman Dave 1980-1990 and Army Staff Seargant Norman served 1963-1970
Vietnam Veteran Henry lucked out maybe he served the Army in Korea during his hitch 1966-1968.
Robert here served us all 1980 to 1990 Combat Engineers.
Love the hat…Curt here was in the National Guard 1988- 2007, he too was a combat enginneer.
Michael here checking in with the Captain. Michael served two tours in Iraq with the Army and served from 2004 -2016. Good dude no doubt.
Vietnam Veteran who was involved in the last evacution of Siagon!
Ogden 25th street show….veterans poured in…
Sergeant US Army 1981-1986 and US Marine 1986-1992 served with HMX-1 The Marine Presidential Helecopter squadron. Outstanding encounter
This is Alan with the Captain served 2010 to 2015 as a Flight equipment tech. Marine Corporal with HMLT 303 out of Camp Pendleton, California
Happy Marine with family Tryst, Odyssa, Lucian, and little Mathias in Momma’s arms.
Cool cat Master Sergeant Ray served 1980 to 2003! Army through and through
US Army veteran served as a PFC 1986-1988 at Ft. Lenardwood.
Ken here served as a Marine infantry grunt with the 7th Marines 2004 to 2008 Ohra Brother
The whole 9 yards..this is Jay proud US Army Strong served 1967-2009. Jay served as a Command Sgt.Major.
Melvin here served in the Army with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Division and was an artillary man 1968-1970.
Fernando was having a good time, he served wih th 389th construction battalion in Iraq. 2001 to 2009 two tours in Iraq 03-04.
Jim here is all Air Force served as a Jet aircraft mechanic 1974-1994.
Jason here served 1994 to 2006 as a crusher he was in Tanks!
Navy Marine Team here is Claude he served surface Navy. First on Destroyer of WW2 vintage in 1965 the USS Walton Perkins see here here below. Claude also served on the Patrol River Boats in Vietnam went on to serve until 1992.
Walton Perkins proudly served us 1944-1968 what a ship.
Now here is Jared served our Marines from 1994 to 2002. HIs brother was the trainer for “Bart” the huge Grizzl bear made famous in so many movies.
West Jordan Memorial Car show. Meet John served on USS Nimitiz 2003-2018! Mater at Arms 2nd class Petty Officer. Captain’s favorite time in the Marines was riding on the ship across the ocean many times.
Ah yes one of the best. Fernando just graduated US Army boot camp three days ago! He jumped right in to help me set up! Fernando is of course a Private, he is stationed at Ogden with 744th Engineer company. He is trained to blow things up and buid bridges and stuff so look out!
Coast Guard up! This is Victor served us all 1973-1977 from California to Alaska!
Marine to Marine this is Caig served our Marine Corps 1975-1979 he was a Sergeant and a crash crew guy swinging with the wing! Ohra
Heber Creeper run on the rails! Meet Ron US Army Proud 1959-1963. NIce guy and a true train lover. He is a mechanic works on traines now out at the Ruond House in Evanstan, Wyoming! A must follow up visit for the Captain!! We shall meet again Ron and the Captain.
Go Navy, here is Ryan riding the rails he served us all from 2012 to 2020. Ryan served as a 1st Class Petty Officer on the USS Pinckney check her out below! Love that Navy Marine Corps team spirit!
USS Pinckney on duty running strong!
Now this is Bob a fellow officer but US Navy LT. Bob served in Vietnam and served us all from 1966 to 1970. He served with VSU Unit 1 and the Navy Seals. He has come home and he is proud to have served. I enjoyed meeting Bob very much.
Ok now this is __________________ served US Army__________________two tours “he says only two tours” holy crap in Iraq. That tells you just how bad those days were with most doing more than two tours in those bad places Iraq and Afghanistan. Now the Captain has a bone to pick with this soldier. I meet so many people it is hard to keep up and keep track so I asked that he send me his years of service, rank and name. Until then, I sadly can only provide you what I remebered. One other note is that I loved meeting his wonderful family for sure!!!
Look at that smile, talk about a fun happy guy. This is Dave our Air Force guy for the train ride. He was securoty police and intelligence. He served us all from 1990 – 2000. His family was a blast too I sure hope to see them all again at another event. check them out!!!
I love this picture so much really enjoyed meeting the little ones. They just loved the Jeep super fun kids….the future of America lies with them.
Can you say happy young children having a great time with family. That is what the train ride and meeting and greeting them all is about. We talk about history, our veterans and what is important about loving and respecting our country. Especially on Memorial Day weekend. LOve this photo.
Now one of my favorite encounters with our veterns on the train that night. I love my elders for we in service follwed their foot steps. We have carried the standards forward and we an only hope the youth of today will do the same for us. Roy here served from 1948-1952. He served right through the Korean War. He served on the USS Perkins and he was a 2nd Class Petty Officer working electronics and radar. Check out the DD877 in action below
Great shot of Roy’s ship. I loved my time at sea what an experience.
Well the VFW may have canceled the car show due to rain but that did not stop the captain from holding his own car show. Rain never hurt anybody. May not have been a lot of people but sure were some quality people!
Mike served in the US Army 1968-1970. Proud veteran and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and talking with Mike. Here he and I are in front of Big Glory and our flags.
Very proud of his service Mike came to see me after church today.
Now there are special people all around us everyday. Some you have a chance to meet and talk with and some you don’t. Trust me, they are all around you everyday. Here is Jason a solid Christian and he just happens to be a US Marine to boot! I beleive you will be seeing he and I again over of the next 14 months. Really enjoyed meeting this man, then his wife and daugther. Jason served in the Marines 1996-2004, in the 4th Marine Air Wing, was also a recruiter.
We will meet again and you will see this Marine team again!
Jason’s awesome family
Jason and his wife braved the rain and cold to come out and meet me. Ohra!
The best of the best is this incredibile man who also happens to be an Air Force pilot veteran who has trap time flying off Aircraft Carriers! How about that! Mark served us all for 24 years in uniform formerly a KC-135 tanker refueler, Mark kept our fighters on station keeping our guys on the ground safe and lethal. Love this photo! You will be seeing a lot of the captain and Mark but that is just a hunch. Wait until you meet his mega patriot wife Valerie, memeber of the Daughter’s of the American Revolution.
“Tell it to the Marines!” This is Mick, congrats to Mick. He is the proud owner of a brand new side by side. This is where the Captain met his brother Marine at Young Powersports in Centerville.
Mick is one of my own “Marines” served with 3rd Recon 5th Battalion Marines. 1967-1987.
One the Marines truck.
Brand new ready to roll off the lot. Young Power Sports Centerville, Utah
Nice Shirt!
Proud of his service!
Here is the David with Little Glory in the background. We are at another great car show put on by JC Hackett. At the Garage Grill Draper, Utah.
World tour hat of David’s tours.
I met he will never loose that hat. Nice David thank you for your service to us all.
Here we go again go AIR FORCE!! yes Ross was with the Air Force 1970-1975. Ross was aviation avionics specialist. We had a nice time at the Draper Car show. 5/24.
Another Air Force Veteran, this veteran I met while at one of America’s coolest stores Cal Ranch. Here is Jim he served from 1970-1973 with one tour in Vietnam 70-71. Jim worked on operation Palisades Dog which cross trained So Vietnamese soldiers. Great speaking with this veteran big baseball fan too!
So many great talks with our proud veterans. Enjoyed meeting and talking with Joe, US Army Proud 1971-1974. He worked with heavy lift crain helecopters CH54’s he was a Crew Chief engineer.
Now this youngster is active duty reserves. Us Army Private Buchanan! Yes the Captain had to feed him and take him for a ride in Little Glory. And yes! The Captain had to teach him how to drive a clutch. I am happy to say he is a fast learner and he did just fine!
David here served in the Infantry with the 9th division and 5th. !967-1969. Welcome home David.
Dennis with the Captain US Navy 1970-73 3rd class petty officer. Nice Navy Marine Corps team. UVU swap meet 5/20/22
Couple of wise guys…no just kidding US Navy on my left that is David served 1960-1965 on USS Ticondaroga aircraft carrier. Chuck was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army….1956-1964.
Jack pictured here with the Captain Jack also was a National Guard Soldier 1972-1979. He had plenty of Jeep time as the Guard had these M38 Jeeps for many years after they were built.
UVU car show was floaded with patriots and veterans alike. Check out Jerry, a proud National Guard veteran who served from 1960 to 1972. Enjoyed meeting Jerry very much he is a patriot real solid American.
Now this was a treat meeting this Marine officer who served same time as the Captain. This is Sefan, served 1983 to 1987 as a “cannon cocker” Ohra! Stefan is also the assistant Dean at UVU. Thanks for all you do for our youth and your great automotive program.
Here comes the Army with Eldon 1972-1977 Sergeant 4th Infantry Division. Great day at the swap meet car show Orem Utah.
Now this is a good one. Yes you have two and they are father and son. Dad, Ron Marines 1951-1953,,, the year of Little Glory a 1952 Willys M38. Dad was a combat engineer. Son Russ, Army 1979-1991, Heavy equipment engineers.
Right in the middle f the wheeling and dealing at the swap meet. Great people, father and son who served us all. Thank you men.
Now we all know Marines can’t spell. So Nakagwa US Airforce Helicopters Crew Chief 1970 and 1971, gave it to me the way it should be NAKAGWA.
Nakawga and the Captain at the M38..
Look out here come the Marines, check Rick out US Marines 1968 to 1971…..But wait there is more to Rick’s story. Rick came back and did another 22 years as a Navy man! Ohra Rick. Well done.
Here comes another Jerry served us all 1964-1966, Sinal Corps VietNam. Welcome home Jerry.
Here comes the Army again the Marines are surrounded and supported well today. Dave 1975-1978, Infantry.
Now meet citizen soldier National Guard 1956-1964, John. Thank you for your service.
John meets the Captain in front of Little Glory.
Ok now we are talking. Want to talk about tough? US Air Force fighter pilot, got to love it. The Captain has an ejection seat in his motor home and guess what? Jeff here knows all about it. That is because Jeff was flying F4’s and F105’s 1969-1981. Awesome man and real patriot.
Always good to see Jeff at the show the college does so much for a youth. Thanks Jeff for your support.
We have more Army today in the “AO” area of operations of this Captain of Marines campaign. Meet Tim, he did the whole 9 yards 1984-2004! US Army Military Police! Ohra Tim great time today a the show.
Love the hat….now you all know ladies wear hats right? Marines wear covers….hahah Tim is a Mega Patriot, glad to meet and be in his company. Thank you for your service brother.
Ok Army link up with the Marines, meet Paul US Army 1967-1970, combat engineer. Welcome home brother thanks for your service, UVU car show today!
What a day so much fun, lots of parts and lots of Patriots! Gunship “Marines Dream Winnebago and Little Glory in the background”.
Now hear this, Met Jack today at the UVU swap meet event 5/20. Yes I know but beleive it or not Jack was a US Navy Veteran 1964-1966. Thanks Brother orah!
Jack and the Captain with 1952 Gartforvets Jeep “Little Glory” in the background first show in public!
Veterans along the way “brothers and sisters”
Happy 97th Birthday “Nort” Sergeant of Marines! Yes everybody another brother from a different mother…Mother Marine Corps. You want to see another good looking Marine..but a Parris Island Marine?
Nort Townsend of Wallace, North Carolina. WW2 Marine turns 97 on May 14th.
Sgt. Nort’s family owned Auto Parts store where the Sgt. still reports for work five days a week. Family owned for 75 years!
Nort at post #1 on duty as Sgt. of the Guard Towndsen Auto Parts.
Sergeant and Captain best ranks in the Corps. Happy Birthday my brother, God Bless I want to be just like you when I grow up!
Ok now this is an exception to the veterans encounters blog because Adam here has a very patriotic US Marine Grandfather who served during the Korean War. His Marine Grandfather JB McCollough wrote a book and Adam was kind enough to give one to me. Adma and I and yes his Marine Grandfather Ohra JB. Semper Fi!
Note the Veteran parking at Lowes and the Captain’s other Jeep a 1943 Willys MB.
Ok, now JB, Adam’s Marine Grandpa and I are brother’s from different mothers or brothers from Mother Green the Marines. Check him out, something about this photo I LOVE!
For you Jeep and Willys fanatics, that is a WW2 Willys MB in Korea 1950’s
On the innocent side, the young boy “JB” who became a man in the Marines! Wow how young.
Stationed in Oceanside at Camp Pendelton, you can see JB grew up fast and became what is known as a true “Hollywood” Marine! Damn, even looks like a Hollwood star! Bet he was popular with the ladies, no doubt.
Every Marine is a rifleman first, JB with one of the Marines 75mm recoiless rifles. Great weapon.
Awaiting photo of Phil US Army National Guard 1963-1970, served with 11th Corps Artillery. Very nice guy a passer by “Megan” took our picture and I’m waiting for her to send it to me. Hope she does as she said she would
Now this was a nice encounter! Meet the double team…Yes Two Air Force veterans Alanzo 20 year veteran and his wife LIsa too. Thank you both for your service. Their boy Dominick was ready to go too! Our first husband and wfe veteran encounter.
OK the Captain meets Active duty….Master Sgt. Griffen, US Air Force. Young and strong but the Air Force won’t have him much longer. In just 19 months, Msgt. Griffen will have completed the “whole 9 yards” he will have 20 years and be elligible to retire. He will be in the “KMA” club. Thank you for your service brother
Meet Bill, US Air Force 1962-1965, Airman 1st Class. Bill was also a first class banterer, proud of his Air Force service he gave me a good ribbing about being a Marine….But you know I gave him a share of equal pride in my own service! What a nice guy, full of vineagr at age 80 and going strong! Thanks for your service Bill.
Rocky meets the Captain, Way to go Rocky, US Army 1966-1991. E8 retired new to the Utah Area. Hope we will see Rocky again at events around the town. Rocky’s son just retired from the US Air Force.
Marcus, US Navy Diver 26 years retired.
Clyde, aka Bill, US Army Retired 75th Rangers, 3 and 5th S/F, Vietnam, Gukd War, Iraq and the war on Terror.
Ira, US Navy 1966-1969 River Boats, Vietnam.
Mark, US Marines Marine Security Guard US Embassy Beirut 1980’s. Semper Fi.
Larry, US Air Force 988-1994 Desert Storm SRA Security Police.
Gone but not forgotten Raymond Leroy Hedberg US Navy Korean War. USS Manchester Bay 1951-54
Patriot, proud of our country and proud to serve. Ray served us all and we veterans followed in his footsteps.
USS Manchester Bay 1953
Everyone remembers that day…Graduation Boot Camp!
Prelude to the drones of today! Hahah
Thank You Ray for your service, God Speed get things sqaured away for us for when we all arrive
Marines will always find Marines. The Captain was camped along the Provo river where the camper on the left flank was also a Marine. This is Scott he is a Marine that served from 1995 -1999 as a 0331 Machinegunner. He served with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. Scott is only one of many Marines in his family. Both his grandfathers are Marines of WW2, His Dad and uncles are Marines and Navy veterans. His family has served in every conflict from WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and beyond. Scott and his wife continue to serve us as Deputy Sheriff’s in California. Semper FI, Scott! I do want to mention that one of Scott’s grandfathers was a Marine on the USS Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack! Photos of Scott’s fmily of Marines and Sailors to follow.
One night later at a new campsite 15 miles away the Captain had a new camp beighbor who was also a Marine. As you can tell from his Marne Corps Pride. The Capatain talked with him while he was waxing his beautiful ship Monco RV. Hope to hear from this Marine again.
Tom. He answered an ad I had on line selling what else but car parts. I am selling all sorts of things to help pay these crazy gas prices to keep my campaign going. Well tom need a set of orginial 1965 VW headlights and buckets. He got them and I had another Veteran encounter!
Tom served us all from from 1988 to 2008. He served with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Divison. Served in Germany, Korea, and Iraq. I am positive we will do some events together because he too is a car guy. look at two of his cars below.
Tom In Iraq and Tom chuting with the Golden NIghts.
Awesome VW vehicles. Notice they are in the garage and his moderin car is outside hahahahah.
Rex here USAF three months before injured badly at boot camp. A veteran no doubt he stepped up and volunteered. Donated the ax for the Jeep Thanks Rex!
Now this US Army Veteran just had to ride in Little Glory. We had a great time when he introduced me to his church crew of Patriots you will learn more about later. Raff served us all in the US Army.
Ok granted not a good picture of Daniel here with his eyes closed, but look at that young Marine in his prime in his Boot Camp photo! Dan is a Sergeat of Marines for life. Full of good work ethic, best at what he does working at Les Schwab Tire Paul, Idaho he helped install the tires on Little Glory. Proud to have met my brother on the road we shall meet again when I come through next year on the Great American Road trip across our great nation.
All work no play look, but good natured hard working patriot. NO better friend no worse enemy a Sergeant of Marines!
Brothers for life and beyond in the after life, Marines that earned the Eagle Globe and Anchor.
Now Brandon here is not a veteran but he is a Patriot I enjoyed meeting. He is living and working out near Minadoka, ID where the Captain was doing some recon as to the trail that will be taken during the cross country trip next year. Brandon’s sister is an Air Force Veteran and we may get a photo of here if he sends it along to us. Naturally he liked the the Jeep and the mission we are all on.
Now his Cat is a cool dude. He has a hand shake like a Bear Paw and he is a solid moutain of a man. He has some cool treasures in and about his land but he is a US Navy Seal Veteran of 20 years and 3 months! Former veteran of Naval Special Warfare he retired as a Chief Gunners Mate. Was a member of Seal Team 5 served from 1967 (VietNam vet until 1987) so we actually served together at the end of his career. His name is George Merrill and guess what? He is related to the Frank Merrill of Merrill’s Marauders fame during WW2! How cool is that.
This is Geroge’s brother who is a VietNam vet as well. He served in the National Guard from 1967-1973 was a Spec-4 in Armored Cavalry. He is in a battle with the BIg C but I have no doubt we will kick its ass. He and his brother will come see me when in town down in the swamp of Salt Lake City.
Today we honor a WW2 veteran who made it home but died so young in a horibile accident after returning from war. Submitted by Terry who I met at one of my most recent car show events.
“An uncle I never knew”
Clair C. Anderson, from Fountain Green, Utah. PFC in the United States Army, he was with the 39th infantry in Europe. He was with the first platoon to cross the Rhine into Germany. He was born Nov. 30, 1925 he died in a coal mining accident at Hiawatha, Utah Jan.10, 1947. I’m proud to know of him and his selfless service.
I submit this to honor him.
Terry L. Anderson
Young patriots like Terry’s Uncle didn’t think twice about their responsibility to protect freedom and liberty here in our country. But they also went when called to foreign lands to stand for freedom all over the world. America has been the defender of freedom since her birth as a free nation in 1776.
Very much enjoyed meeting Steve who is a Marine who served from 1953 until 1956. He was a Baker in the Marines and he was a Corporal when he left active duty. He still has his uniforms and photos from graduation. His son is a Marine Corps veteran as well, his son served from 1980 until 1984. His son the Marine was stationed at Naval Weapon station Oakland, California. I intened to visit Steve again down in the Salt Lake City area. We met as all Marines manage to find one another, but we met at this great Cafe called Molly’s in Snowville, Utah. It is a blast from the past right out of the 1960’s. But friendly service home cooking and a great little place, there should be more places like this around.
Draper Days July 16th
US Army 1987-1995 Military Police Corporal.
Justin here was a Corporal as a Marine Corps Data Network Specialist. Yes high tech networking set ups had to be established in the combat theater. Justin deployed to Afghanistan 2010-2011 and served in our Marine Corps from 2007 to 2011. Enjoyed meeting him alog with his family during the Draper Days parade and car show that followed.
Edwin was with the imfamous 25th Infantry US Army 1968-1969. He was in Tanks in Vietnam. Welsome home Edwin.
Ok now Matt here was a mustang, that is he was a prior enlisted soldier before earning his commission as an officer. Matt served from 1990 until 2017! Yes that’s right 27 years. First on up to a Staff Sergeant as a Communications Specialist then as an Infantry Officer ending up as a Green Barret. Matt here did 6 tours over seas. Once to Afghanistan and five times to Iraq. Matt is a proud retired Lt.Col US Army.
Now these to Army guys were set up right next to the Captain at the Draper Days car show. We kidded one another about our services as to who was more proud hahaha but there were two of them and one of me. We had fun. Ron had a very cool rat rod and they had a good time. Both are Vietnam Vets and Ron on right was in service 1968 to 1971, Frank on Left 1970-1973. Frank was a helocopter mechanic and Ron was lucky enough to be in the Army band, so who do you think got lucky? But both served when called and we are thankful for their service forever.
Captain with Corvin US Army Motor Transport Mechanic. He served from 1968 to 1969 in Vietnam. Both Motor T guys, he appreciated the Jeep and the restoration I did on Little Glory.
Finally some Marine backup, as you can see we are the few. Jerry is a Marine and he served from 1971 to 1979. Jerry was in the Fleet Marine Force as a grunt “0311” rifleman and made it up to a Staff Sergeant “0369” in the Infantry. Proud ground pounder and told me so.
Dan and I talked about the old days in service. Dan was a Spec4 US Army Artillery “cannon cocker”. Served from 1980 to 1986.
Gene and I, Navy Marine Corps team. Gene served on several ships the big boy USS Independence CVN-62 alsoserved on two other ships a sub tender and logistics ship. He is a fellow Shell Back for you sea going Marines and Navy.
CV-62 the Independence “Indy”
Les Schwab / Gartforvets Car Show July 14th
One of all the veterans I will meet at our newest sponsor and supporter “Queen of Wraps” in Salt Lake City.
This is Aaron he is an active member of the National Guard. Aaron is also a Captain and he has been serving us since 2011 as an intelligence officer.
Aaron “Captain of Soldiers” and Scott “Captain of Marines…Old Corps”
Vernal Dino Car show in the park.
Ok we have a special Marine here. Gone but not forgotten NO WAY. James Banke served us all in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine. He suffered for years after coming home having to deal with the effects of Agent Orange. But it did not stop him from living life to the max. Loving friends and doing the things that made him happy was what he was all about. His best friend built this car for him and finished it so that during James’ final days here, they were able take a ride togther. This was the exact paint sceme James wanted on his very rare Chyrsler. His buddy remembers him always. I was proud to meet his buddy and remember the brother I never met but love just the same.
Awesome and not stock under the hood!
James, Marine Corps Veteran of Vietnam at home and healthy as best he could be at the time.
So well done.
James wore his Marine Veteran cover with pride despite the sacrifices he and so many others made when the USG exposed so many veterans to Agent Orange and thereafter tried not to accept responsibility for its use and deadly effects on our boys who served in Vietnam. For James it was about the Marine’s he served with.
Very nice memorial. I hope one day someone who loves me chooses to remember me like James’ buddy.
Just awesome. What a car show what great people out here in Vernal.
Very nice tribute
Before his final set of orders home. “Another Marine Reporting in at the Pearly Gates” I am sure we will all meet again. A Marine for life and beyond. We die but the Marine Corps lives forever. Semper Fi Marines
Welcome home Vietnam Veteran Clarence 1965-1973. He served in the Intelligence “ASA” Army Security Agency. We are talking NSA stuff interceptions and code breaking spy stuff. He was a Sergeant and deployed to Vietnam in 1970. He has this awesome Clipper Car!
A Clipper! He has put 90,000 miles on her upgrades under the hood and driveline.
Clarence ASA Agent Vietnam Veteran.
This is Norm he was Army Intelligence Operator 1982-1992.
Norm Army Intel with the Captain
Jason was a Devil Pup as a kid a Jr. Marine. BUT his dad was a Vietnam Marine and proud of it. Check out Jason’s tattoo to honor his Dad’s service as a Marine.
Jason’s tattoo on left the Captain’s on right…Officers don’t get tattoos….Yeah right..hahah not this Officer. You know what, when I got that tattoo while at Camp Pendleton my Executive Officer Major Stein at 7th Motors chewed me out while reporting in as Officer of the Day. He said it was not professional for officers to have tattoos. I asked to speak and said. “Some day sir, you and I will not be in uniform and when not in uniform among the rest of the world, I want the whole world to know I am a U.S. Marine.
Segeant Horn here served 1997 – 2002. He served with U.S. Army’s proud 82nd Airborne and 5th Corps in Germany. Sgt. Horn was all Infantry.
Sgt. Horn proud Patriot meets the Captain.
Now the Captain really enjoyed meeting and speaking with Adam. He was a Major and an Emergency Room Doctor. He completed two tours in Iraq with 1/6th Cav. and served with 86th CSH. He served from 1999 to 2013. You know he saved lives and saw the real wounds of war, but you also know he saved lives and treated our own and others. God bless this Major. Thank you for your support Sir, your kind donation helps me do what I am doing. He has a beautiful family and I met them all.
Adam a life saver, US Army Doctor, Iraqi War Veteran with the Captain.
This Army Veteran Dale has a cool story to tell. He served with 588th Engineer 20th Combat Brigade in Vietnam. He did a tour in 1969 and served from 1968 to 1970. When he came home from Vietnam he purchased a 1969 Camero…guess what he still has it. Here it is in the car show.
69 Chevy Camero Dale’s welcome home from Vietnam car.
Dale and his 69 Chevy
Dale US Army meeting the Captain in front of “Little Glory”.
Steve and Cynthia. Steve a Veteran of the US Air Force is a patriot and shows it on his ride. check it out. Steve served from 1991-1994 with National Guard then 2005-2017 with Air Force.
Displaying pride in our country and our veterans. Dale’s Tailgate
Vernal, Utah Dino Days Rodeo July 7-10th.
This morning we honor the family member of a patriot I met. This is Robert E. Lee who served us all in the US Navy from 1958 to 1962. He is Patriot Lori’s father n law. Lori is a fellow Jeep owner and her husband is a Marine! By the way Lori “Ducked” me with another rubber Ducky.
God Bless you Robert Marines Love the Navy.
Larry US Marine! 1992-1998 a supply guy in our Corps served in Japan and out in “29 stumps” thats 29 Palms, CA. Ohra! Three Marines brothers in arms Ray Allen age 88 Korean War Marine “Sergeant of Marines”.
Larry US Marine served with 1st Bn 7th Marines
Hahaha the Captain is learning so much now I’m a Ducker. Bud the original Duck on right was later abducted or should I say “ubDUCKED”…but his replacement was ready to fill the void.
Randy here has been there done that my friends. Randy was US Army Ranger served two tours in Iraq, one in Afhanistan. Was a Sergeant with Army’s 82nd, 173rd, and 1st Cav. Served us all from 1992 until 2006.
Randy is a real Cowboy, handles Mules and was a Ranger wit the US Army.
Love meeting Marines, here is Jamie served our Marines as a Sergeant 1976 to 1980. Was a real sport jumped in the Jeep and also gave us some Marine Corps Pull Ups!
Jamie the Pullup Machine
Jamie takes to the Jeep with Pin up girl. Great patriots solid people. Semper Fi Mac!
Jamie jambed out some pullups including two for Chesty Puller!
Here are Anthony and Tanya both veterans of our great Armed Forces. Anthony served US Army CID investigator 1999-2020! Retired 1st Sergeant US Army. Served two tours in Iraq, served in Korea and Bolgaria. Tonya served from 2000 to 2004 as a bridging engineer and she did one tour in Iraq.
Anthony and Tonya Patriots and both veterans.
Patriots and veterans who run Operation Brat. Sending care packages and letters from the public to our troops deployed all year long. Keith US Navy Air operator loading ordenance on our fighter bomber aircraft served from 1996 to 2012. Keith pulled 7 tours 4 to Iraq and 3 to Afghanistan! Windy was US Navy 1994-1998 and she was a firefighter.
Navy Vets and Patriots support our troops all year long.
Mac is a retired Marine Sergeant served 1964-1984. Wounded Purple Heart, Vietnam Veteran. Mac here served in the Infantry with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. His son is a Marine Mustang serving now as a Captain of Marines and is about to retire with 22 years of service to us all. That’s Mac’s rig in the background. Ohra Semper Fi Mac!
Jukly 4th Orem City Park with the Utah Military History Group.
Richard here served our Marine Corps from 200 to 2004. He was a Corporal of Marines and made the run up and initial March to Bagdad serving with the 7th Combat Engineers. Semper Fi Mac!
Check his short out FREEDOM!
Art served with the 3rd Marine Division as Military intelligence 1997-2004.
Marine and Marine brothers for life.
I enjoyed meeting and talking withTim, he supported the campaing by taking away a Gartforvets hat to help promote the mission. Tim served from 1959 to 1964 as a Comabt Engineer with the US Army.
Darrell here is a proud veteran of WW2. He served us all from 1945 to 1947. He served in Japan as part of the United States Occupational forces at Sasebo, Japan.
So honored to meet those I followed into service. It really makes me proud to be a veteran when I see these men of past generations of veterans come out to see us all.
Active Duty up! Cayden is serving us now in the US Navy as an Aviation Electritian Mate.
Young and strong here is the Navy Marine Corps team. So proud of our young military members. Wish I could turn back time.
Captain meet Captain, John a Captain in th signal Corps US Army from 1972 to 1976.
Check John’s hat out, a solid patriot.
Joe is a first responder Police Officer in Arizona. Thank you Joe, we support you and your brothers and sisters.
On the job!
Sal is a patriot check that hat out All American Patriot. Sal’s Father served in the military and he is going to send me his Dad’s photo so that we may honor his father for his service to us all.
Jason is was my counterpart (MOS) in the US Army. He served from 2004 to 2007 as a Motor Transport soldier with 115th Maintenance Battalion.
Proud of his service he wears the shirt with Army Pride.
From left to right Steve served from 1984 to 1992 as an Engineer US Army and was a Gulf War verteran at the end of his time in service. Myself then Mike US Army who was also a Combat Engineer from 1989 to 2001. On the right is Zach who is all Infantry…where the rubber meets the road. Zach is a Specialist serving us now with 157th and has been serving since 2020.
Army surrounds the lone Marine. These Army members have families full of Army veterans.
Lee was a US Navy Underwater guy yeah thats right a Submarine guy. Served on a conventional non-nuke submarie USS PickerPickerel SS-524. He served during the Vietnam War 1963-1967. Check out the boat…
USS Pickerel SS-524 in her glory. She was later sold to the Italians in the 1970’s.
Family members with Veterans we honor them all!
Hello Scott, I talked with you at the Hill AFB air show Saturday last, I believe you have an honorable and worthy cause you’re engaged in. You mentioned you were interested in knowning about family member’s veterans, I will share a little about my dad, Arthur Wendell Anderson, who was a Private First Class in the United States Army, from Fountain Green, Utah.Born August 4, 1923 he enlisted when he was 19, refusing an agricultural deferment his mom had obtained for him. I believe he was initially with the second Army. He trained in field artillery and armored artillery at Ft. Knox. He volunteered for the paratrooper jump school and qualified at Ft. Benning. He was proud to serve as an Honor Guard for President Roosevelt’s funeral train as it passed through. Dad was assigned to the Eighth Army and stationed at Manila, Luzon. He was with the motor pool, driving ‘his own’ duce and a half. From there, after Japan’s surrender, dad was transfered to Japan as part of the occupational force along with his truck. He also chauffeured ranking officer’s to transitional meetings along with an interpreter, a Japanese man from Salt Lake City. He drove to Mt. Fuji and saw the ruined cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He sailed by Hawaii twice without stopping. Dad was honorably discharged. At home he married my mom, Carol Sparks, with whom he had corresponded during his time over seas. They raised four children, three sons (all Eagle Scouts) and one daughter, all of whom are successful good citizens. Dad and mom were married for 69 years, both passed away in 2017. Dad was a Scoutmaster for 17 years. I was able to accompany my dad on an ‘Honor Flight’ to Washington DC in May of 2015 to tour the veterans war memorials and the Capitol City, it was a signal honor for me to be his escort.Best Regards, and best of luck for a successful mission.Terry L. AndersonKearns, Utah
Terry thank you so much for following through and sending me this. What a man, what parents you had. I love sharing family veteran stories I wish everyone would follow though as you have to share their stories. We must never forget our veterans service to us all.
Happy in love
Happy GI at work
I’m so proud of those who served before me and whom I have followed into service. I recall meeting Terry and his Dad at the Honor Flight what an honor.
Another family proud to honor their loved ones. Thank you too for allowing me to share your veteran’s service on our website. Here is Kenneth Allen Sargent a WW2 combat wounded Marine.
Purple Heart pinned I’m glad he made it home. Semper Fi
Hill Air Force Base Air Show 6/24-26th/2022
Gus US Marine 2000-2012, two tours Iraq 2004 and 2008, Staff Sergeant his favorite tank “Big Pito” hahaha. Gus was with 1st Tanks and with the Marines tearing down Saddam Hussein’s statute.
Army up! Matthew a Pvt. and Motor T mechanic with the Army’s 365th CBRN, he will have his first year of service come August 15th.
Navy Marine Corps Team Jack here US Navy 1963-1996! a Mustang Officer he retired as a LT. LDO officer. Of the many ships he served on were USS Bennington, USS Camden, USS Halsey, USS Peleliu, and the nighty Moe BD-63 USS Missouri. I too deployed with and had Marines on the Peleliu.
Barry with the Captain checking bin he served us all 1969-1972. Staff Sergeant Telecommunications specialist. Welcome home Barry proud veteran of Vietnam.
Mario guess what service he served in? Dah…Marines! 2005-2011 a Lance Corporal to the end would have made Chesty proud! Mario was with out Air Wing swinging with the wing as we say in the Marines.
Jared served as a Fire Fighter US Air Force a Senior Airman 2003 to 2009.
Mike here he served as a Sergeant in communications and I hope I remember right that he was a soldier in the US Army 1982 1986 .
Aim High Air Force veteran Roger served us all 1982 to 1992 as an F15 Avionics Specialist Staff Sergeant.
1984 to 1988 Scott served us as an operating room tech with the US Army Medical Corps.
Now Thor here only did three tours on the ground in Iraq with the Marines! Oh man, proud member of 2/5 that’s 2nd Battalion 5th Marine Division. Two tours in 2003, 2005, and third tour as a scout sniper with 1st Recon 2nd Platoon 2006. Thor saw action in Fallujah and Ramadi. This is his service dog that had just gulped up water provided by the Captain in his own WW2 Steel Pot helmet on this hot day.
Our own Hill Air Force hosts Daniel and Kellen are two of Air Force finest active duty F35 crew Chiefs…hot damn F35!
Sergeant of Soldiers Bill was with SOEC 1968-1974. Combat medic worked in the Hospitals caring for our own.
Jeff was a Mustang Army Officer served enlisted then Officer in the greatest rank of all “Captain”. Jeff was an MP and an Infantry Officer 2007 and 2008 with tours in Iraq. He served us from 1995 until 2009. Great time meeting these men.
Serving in the US Army from 1975 to 1996 retiring as a Major he was a communications MOS and served in Delta Company.
David was a fire fighter for 34 years, 28 years Sanaquin FD and 4 years Deputy Sheriff.
Allen was first a Marnie then a Soldier then Army National Guard. He served 27 years from 1974 until 2001. He was a Staff Sergeant in avionics.
Daniel served 2000 to 2021! Congrats is in order there he did the entire 21 years to retirement. A Petty Officer 1st class US Navy.
Hell yeah they serve here are young future leaders and patriots of service. They are members of the Cache Valley Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol. Proud to meet and talk with these young responsible boys and girls.
Now Allen here is a big man and a personal guest to the Captain’s home this weekend. He served a tour in Iraq 2007-2008, served in the Army Guard 2006 -2024!. A specialist and proud Army veteran.
Welcome home brother. Now here is a solid proud veteran. Army Air Cav Vietnam 1966-1968, crew chief door gunner in the mighty Army helos of the Air Calvary. He and his crew survived after being shot down in the Shau Valley during a lift out. Sadly five other helos were lost that day but no others survived their crashes. Heroes walk among us and some never came home. God bless those who went to Vietnam or served then. Welcome home all Vietnam Veterans who never received the proper home coming or support from those who were back home here safe and sound. We shal meet again at other events.
Encounters continue we are surrounded by patriots.
This is Bob at your local Home Depot proud veteran US Army 1966-1969. He loves hstory and our country. I always make time to talk with Bob about history. He is proud to wear the hat as a Vietnam Veteran but always tells those he did not go to Vietnam. But this is not necessary, he served and would have gone if ordered. We go where we are sent and everyone knows it. Ohra Bob love you man.
Ok lets be fair to the home improvement businesse, here is Derrick he is a proud verteran of 20 years! Veteran of the US Air Force Staff Sgt aircraft refueler and veteran of Enduring Freedom. But wait there is more… his son Ethan is now currently serving in the Air Force with the Security Forces. see below! Ohra. Derrick has a family of veterans more to come!
A1C Ethan 151st ARW Security Forces looking young and strong trooper….ah I mean Airman! Ohra
June 18th Provo VW show
I met many veterans but I also met many family members of Veterans. I always ask those with family who served to send me photos so that I may honor their loved ones. Sadly many don’t follow through. If you have a family member you wish to honor please send me their information we should never forget any of them. Now those I met.
Very intersting man. Ralph loves and appreciates history too. His mother and father were both WW2 veterans. Dad served in European theater and Mom in Burma during the war. He himself erved in Germany 1972-1975 with the US Army.
Marine and Marine, Brian here is a veteran who served in Iraq with Charlie Company 4th LAR. Brian served us all from 2006 to 2014 a Sergant of Marines he gets it! Solid patriot and I hope to see him again at other events. Ohra Marine Semper Fi Mac…
Not veterans but they have a family of veterans and I wish to honor them. So this “John Wayne” patriot family will send me photos of their loved ones to post here in honor of their veteran family members. God bless America and John Wayne!
Now this young man Josh has 21 years US Army experience behind him now. Yes congratulations is in order for this former Sergeant First Class RETIRED. A veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, he was a proud member of a striker brigade with 2nd Infantry Division. Hope to see him again at the Willys Jeep Rally at Heber Airport August 27th.
June 11th Sounds of Freedom Car Show.
Active Duty here Senior Msgt Michelle has been serving since 1999. Here Dad was a Vietnam Veteran Army Natonal Guard. Here Dad was also a Jeep collector and patriot of America. Here is Michelle with here two children enjoying the car show with the Captain!! Proud supporters of the Gartforvets. Thank you all hope to see you at the air show June 25-26th at Hill. Below is a picture of Bob, Michelle’s Dad who served us all and was a fellow restoration guy who had many jeeps like this M151 he restored. Sure wish I could have met Bob, God Bless.
A young Bob with his M151.
Here is Philp he served us all from 1971-1979. He is US Army veteran served in Germany was a wheeled vehicle mechanic. A true car guy!
Here comes the Air Force again this is Rick on my roght served us all 1973 to 1997 he was a MSgt worked on all the Airforce fighters and is an engineer. Scott on my left served 1985 to 1991 as a Sergeant working on our F15’s
Army veteran Seth he served from 2000 to 2004. Heavy equipment vehicle mechanic. Great guy he gets it!
Active Duty Long Island New York boy like the Captain, here is Ray. Like any New York guy out of New York he wanted to know where the good Pizza was in Utah. It is Estes Pizza in Salt Lake. Anyway Ray is Active Duty he as just two years to go to retire. Since 2005 he has worked Security Forces, and Avionics on C130’s and F35’s.
Now meet Mason, fellow Marine served from 2004-2014. Served with 3rd Radio Bn. He is a big car and truck guy great time at the show.
Tom and I here. Tom served US Navy as a Yeoman frst class 1975-1995
Ben here served 1960-1971 Vietnam Army veteran then Air Force 1980-1990 as an EOD tech.
Owen here served from 1961-1966 he was an Army Soec 4 specialist in communications.
Marines here is Staff Sergeant who served 1958 to 1968 Vietnam veterans…Welcome home brother.
All Marine Vietnam veteran that is his awesome Forebird tribte to his Marines he served with. Semper Fi brother.
Here is Captain Dan…..Captain meets Captain. Dan woth his service/companion dogs. Dan served Air Force 1972-1993.
Finally a Coast Guardsman Dave 1980-1990 and Army Staff Seargant Norman served 1963-1970
Vietnam Veteran Henry lucked out maybe he served the Army in Korea during his hitch 1966-1968.
Robert here served us all 1980 to 1990 Combat Engineers.
Love the hat…Curt here was in the National Guard 1988- 2007, he too was a combat enginneer.
Michael here checking in with the Captain. Michael served two tours in Iraq with the Army and served from 2004 -2016. Good dude no doubt.
Vietnam Veteran who was involved in the last evacution of Siagon!
Ogden 25th street show….veterans poured in…
Sergeant US Army 1981-1986 and US Marine 1986-1992 served with HMX-1 The Marine Presidential Helecopter squadron. Outstanding encounter
This is Alan with the Captain served 2010 to 2015 as a Flight equipment tech. Marine Corporal with HMLT 303 out of Camp Pendleton, California
Happy Marine with family Tryst, Odyssa, Lucian, and little Mathias in Momma’s arms.
Cool cat Master Sergeant Ray served 1980 to 2003! Army through and through
US Army veteran served as a PFC 1986-1988 at Ft. Lenardwood.
Ken here served as a Marine infantry grunt with the 7th Marines 2004 to 2008 Ohra Brother
The whole 9 yards..this is Jay proud US Army Strong served 1967-2009. Jay served as a Command Sgt.Major.
Melvin here served in the Army with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Division and was an artillary man 1968-1970.
Fernando was having a good time, he served wih th 389th construction battalion in Iraq. 2001 to 2009 two tours in Iraq 03-04.
Jim here is all Air Force served as a Jet aircraft mechanic 1974-1994.
Jason here served 1994 to 2006 as a crusher he was in Tanks!
Navy Marine Team here is Claude he served surface Navy. First on Destroyer of WW2 vintage in 1965 the USS Walton Perkins see here here below. Claude also served on the Patrol River Boats in Vietnam went on to serve until 1992.
Walton Perkins proudly served us 1944-1968 what a ship.
Now here is Jared served our Marines from 1994 to 2002. HIs brother was the trainer for “Bart” the huge Grizzl bear made famous in so many movies.
West Jordan Memorial Car show. Meet John served on USS Nimitiz 2003-2018! Mater at Arms 2nd class Petty Officer. Captain’s favorite time in the Marines was riding on the ship across the ocean many times.
Ah yes one of the best. Fernando just graduated US Army boot camp three days ago! He jumped right in to help me set up! Fernando is of course a Private, he is stationed at Ogden with 744th Engineer company. He is trained to blow things up and buid bridges and stuff so look out!
Coast Guard up! This is Victor served us all 1973-1977 from California to Alaska!
Marine to Marine this is Caig served our Marine Corps 1975-1979 he was a Sergeant and a crash crew guy swinging with the wing! Ohra
Heber Creeper run on the rails! Meet Ron US Army Proud 1959-1963. NIce guy and a true train lover. He is a mechanic works on traines now out at the Ruond House in Evanstan, Wyoming! A must follow up visit for the Captain!! We shall meet again Ron and the Captain.
Go Navy, here is Ryan riding the rails he served us all from 2012 to 2020. Ryan served as a 1st Class Petty Officer on the USS Pinckney check her out below! Love that Navy Marine Corps team spirit!
USS Pinckney on duty running strong!
Now this is Bob a fellow officer but US Navy LT. Bob served in Vietnam and served us all from 1966 to 1970. He served with VSU Unit 1 and the Navy Seals. He has come home and he is proud to have served. I enjoyed meeting Bob very much.
Ok now this is __________________ served US Army__________________two tours “he says only two tours” holy crap in Iraq. That tells you just how bad those days were with most doing more than two tours in those bad places Iraq and Afghanistan. Now the Captain has a bone to pick with this soldier. I meet so many people it is hard to keep up and keep track so I asked that he send me his years of service, rank and name. Until then, I sadly can only provide you what I remebered. One other note is that I loved meeting his wonderful family for sure!!!
Look at that smile, talk about a fun happy guy. This is Dave our Air Force guy for the train ride. He was securoty police and intelligence. He served us all from 1990 – 2000. His family was a blast too I sure hope to see them all again at another event. check them out!!!
I love this picture so much really enjoyed meeting the little ones. They just loved the Jeep super fun kids….the future of America lies with them.
Can you say happy young children having a great time with family. That is what the train ride and meeting and greeting them all is about. We talk about history, our veterans and what is important about loving and respecting our country. Especially on Memorial Day weekend. LOve this photo.
Now one of my favorite encounters with our veterns on the train that night. I love my elders for we in service follwed their foot steps. We have carried the standards forward and we an only hope the youth of today will do the same for us. Roy here served from 1948-1952. He served right through the Korean War. He served on the USS Perkins and he was a 2nd Class Petty Officer working electronics and radar. Check out the DD877 in action below
Great shot of Roy’s ship. I loved my time at sea what an experience.
Well the VFW may have canceled the car show due to rain but that did not stop the captain from holding his own car show. Rain never hurt anybody. May not have been a lot of people but sure were some quality people!
Mike served in the US Army 1968-1970. Proud veteran and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and talking with Mike. Here he and I are in front of Big Glory and our flags.
Very proud of his service Mike came to see me after church today.
Now there are special people all around us everyday. Some you have a chance to meet and talk with and some you don’t. Trust me, they are all around you everyday. Here is Jason a solid Christian and he just happens to be a US Marine to boot! I beleive you will be seeing he and I again over of the next 14 months. Really enjoyed meeting this man, then his wife and daugther. Jason served in the Marines 1996-2004, in the 4th Marine Air Wing, was also a recruiter.
We will meet again and you will see this Marine team again!
Jason’s awesome family
Jason and his wife braved the rain and cold to come out and meet me. Ohra!
The best of the best is this incredibile man who also happens to be an Air Force pilot veteran who has trap time flying off Aircraft Carriers! How about that! Mark served us all for 24 years in uniform formerly a KC-135 tanker refueler, Mark kept our fighters on station keeping our guys on the ground safe and lethal. Love this photo! You will be seeing a lot of the captain and Mark but that is just a hunch. Wait until you meet his mega patriot wife Valerie, memeber of the Daughter’s of the American Revolution.
“Tell it to the Marines!” This is Mick, congrats to Mick. He is the proud owner of a brand new side by side. This is where the Captain met his brother Marine at Young Powersports in Centerville.
Mick is one of my own “Marines” served with 3rd Recon 5th Battalion Marines. 1967-1987.
One the Marines truck.
Brand new ready to roll off the lot. Young Power Sports Centerville, Utah
Nice Shirt!
Proud of his service!
Here is the David with Little Glory in the background. We are at another great car show put on by JC Hackett. At the Garage Grill Draper, Utah.
World tour hat of David’s tours.
I met he will never loose that hat. Nice David thank you for your service to us all.
Here we go again go AIR FORCE!! yes Ross was with the Air Force 1970-1975. Ross was aviation avionics specialist. We had a nice time at the Draper Car show. 5/24.
Another Air Force Veteran, this veteran I met while at one of America’s coolest stores Cal Ranch. Here is Jim he served from 1970-1973 with one tour in Vietnam 70-71. Jim worked on operation Palisades Dog which cross trained So Vietnamese soldiers. Great speaking with this veteran big baseball fan too!
So many great talks with our proud veterans. Enjoyed meeting and talking with Joe, US Army Proud 1971-1974. He worked with heavy lift crain helecopters CH54’s he was a Crew Chief engineer.
Now this youngster is active duty reserves. Us Army Private Buchanan! Yes the Captain had to feed him and take him for a ride in Little Glory. And yes! The Captain had to teach him how to drive a clutch. I am happy to say he is a fast learner and he did just fine!
David here served in the Infantry with the 9th division and 5th. !967-1969. Welcome home David.
Dennis with the Captain US Navy 1970-73 3rd class petty officer. Nice Navy Marine Corps team. UVU swap meet 5/20/22
Couple of wise guys…no just kidding US Navy on my left that is David served 1960-1965 on USS Ticondaroga aircraft carrier. Chuck was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army….1956-1964.
Jack pictured here with the Captain Jack also was a National Guard Soldier 1972-1979. He had plenty of Jeep time as the Guard had these M38 Jeeps for many years after they were built.
UVU car show was floaded with patriots and veterans alike. Check out Jerry, a proud National Guard veteran who served from 1960 to 1972. Enjoyed meeting Jerry very much he is a patriot real solid American.
Now this was a treat meeting this Marine officer who served same time as the Captain. This is Sefan, served 1983 to 1987 as a “cannon cocker” Ohra! Stefan is also the assistant Dean at UVU. Thanks for all you do for our youth and your great automotive program.
Here comes the Army with Eldon 1972-1977 Sergeant 4th Infantry Division. Great day at the swap meet car show Orem Utah.
Now this is a good one. Yes you have two and they are father and son. Dad, Ron Marines 1951-1953,,, the year of Little Glory a 1952 Willys M38. Dad was a combat engineer. Son Russ, Army 1979-1991, Heavy equipment engineers.
Right in the middle f the wheeling and dealing at the swap meet. Great people, father and son who served us all. Thank you men.
Now we all know Marines can’t spell. So Nakagwa US Airforce Helicopters Crew Chief 1970 and 1971, gave it to me the way it should be NAKAGWA.
Nakawga and the Captain at the M38..
Look out here come the Marines, check Rick out US Marines 1968 to 1971…..But wait there is more to Rick’s story. Rick came back and did another 22 years as a Navy man! Ohra Rick. Well done.
Here comes another Jerry served us all 1964-1966, Sinal Corps VietNam. Welcome home Jerry.
Here comes the Army again the Marines are surrounded and supported well today. Dave 1975-1978, Infantry.
Now meet citizen soldier National Guard 1956-1964, John. Thank you for your service.
John meets the Captain in front of Little Glory.
Ok now we are talking. Want to talk about tough? US Air Force fighter pilot, got to love it. The Captain has an ejection seat in his motor home and guess what? Jeff here knows all about it. That is because Jeff was flying F4’s and F105’s 1969-1981. Awesome man and real patriot.
Always good to see Jeff at the show the college does so much for a youth. Thanks Jeff for your support.
We have more Army today in the “AO” area of operations of this Captain of Marines campaign. Meet Tim, he did the whole 9 yards 1984-2004! US Army Military Police! Ohra Tim great time today a the show.
Love the hat….now you all know ladies wear hats right? Marines wear covers….hahah Tim is a Mega Patriot, glad to meet and be in his company. Thank you for your service brother.
Ok Army link up with the Marines, meet Paul US Army 1967-1970, combat engineer. Welcome home brother thanks for your service, UVU car show today!
What a day so much fun, lots of parts and lots of Patriots! Gunship “Marines Dream Winnebago and Little Glory in the background”.
Now hear this, Met Jack today at the UVU swap meet event 5/20. Yes I know but beleive it or not Jack was a US Navy Veteran 1964-1966. Thanks Brother orah!
Jack and the Captain with 1952 Gartforvets Jeep “Little Glory” in the background first show in public!
Veterans along the way “brothers and sisters”
Happy 97th Birthday “Nort” Sergeant of Marines! Yes everybody another brother from a different mother…Mother Marine Corps. You want to see another good looking Marine..but a Parris Island Marine?
Nort Townsend of Wallace, North Carolina. WW2 Marine turns 97 on May 14th.
Sgt. Nort’s family owned Auto Parts store where the Sgt. still reports for work five days a week. Family owned for 75 years!
Nort at post #1 on duty as Sgt. of the Guard Towndsen Auto Parts.
Sergeant and Captain best ranks in the Corps. Happy Birthday my brother, God Bless I want to be just like you when I grow up!
Ok now this is an exception to the veterans encounters blog because Adam here has a very patriotic US Marine Grandfather who served during the Korean War. His Marine Grandfather JB McCollough wrote a book and Adam was kind enough to give one to me. Adma and I and yes his Marine Grandfather Ohra JB. Semper Fi!
Note the Veteran parking at Lowes and the Captain’s other Jeep a 1943 Willys MB.
Ok, now JB, Adam’s Marine Grandpa and I are brother’s from different mothers or brothers from Mother Green the Marines. Check him out, something about this photo I LOVE!
For you Jeep and Willys fanatics, that is a WW2 Willys MB in Korea 1950’s
On the innocent side, the young boy “JB” who became a man in the Marines! Wow how young.
Stationed in Oceanside at Camp Pendelton, you can see JB grew up fast and became what is known as a true “Hollywood” Marine! Damn, even looks like a Hollwood star! Bet he was popular with the ladies, no doubt.
Every Marine is a rifleman first, JB with one of the Marines 75mm recoiless rifles. Great weapon.
Awaiting photo of Phil US Army National Guard 1963-1970, served with 11th Corps Artillery. Very nice guy a passer by “Megan” took our picture and I’m waiting for her to send it to me. Hope she does as she said she would
Now this was a nice encounter! Meet the double team…Yes Two Air Force veterans Alanzo 20 year veteran and his wife LIsa too. Thank you both for your service. Their boy Dominick was ready to go too! Our first husband and wfe veteran encounter.
OK the Captain meets Active duty….Master Sgt. Griffen, US Air Force. Young and strong but the Air Force won’t have him much longer. In just 19 months, Msgt. Griffen will have completed the “whole 9 yards” he will have 20 years and be elligible to retire. He will be in the “KMA” club. Thank you for your service brother
Meet Bill, US Air Force 1962-1965, Airman 1st Class. Bill was also a first class banterer, proud of his Air Force service he gave me a good ribbing about being a Marine….But you know I gave him a share of equal pride in my own service! What a nice guy, full of vineagr at age 80 and going strong! Thanks for your service Bill.
Rocky meets the Captain, Way to go Rocky, US Army 1966-1991. E8 retired new to the Utah Area. Hope we will see Rocky again at events around the town. Rocky’s son just retired from the US Air Force.
Marcus, US Navy Diver 26 years retired.
Clyde, aka Bill, US Army Retired 75th Rangers, 3 and 5th S/F, Vietnam, Gukd War, Iraq and the war on Terror.
Ira, US Navy 1966-1969 River Boats, Vietnam.
Mark, US Marines Marine Security Guard US Embassy Beirut 1980’s. Semper Fi.
Larry, US Air Force 988-1994 Desert Storm SRA Security Police.
Gone but not forgotten Raymond Leroy Hedberg US Navy Korean War. USS Manchester Bay 1951-54
Patriot, proud of our country and proud to serve. Ray served us all and we veterans followed in his footsteps.
USS Manchester Bay 1953
Everyone remembers that day…Graduation Boot Camp!
Prelude to the drones of today! Hahah
Thank You Ray for your service, God Speed get things sqaured away for us for when we all arrives.
Marines will always find Marines. The Captain was camped along the Provo river where the camper on the left flank was also a Marine. This is Scott he is a Marine that served from 1995 -1999 as a 0331 Machinegunner. He served with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. Scott is only one of many Marines in his family. Both his grandfathers are Marines of WW2, His Dad and uncles are Marines and Navy veterans. His family has served in every conflict from WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and beyond. Scott and his wife continue to serve us as Deputy Sheriff’s in California. Semper FI, Scott! I do want to mention that one of Scott’s grandfathers was a Marine on the USS Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack! Photos of Scott’s fmily of Marines and Sailors to follow.
One night later at a new campsite 15 miles away the Captain had a new camp beighbor who was also a Marine. As you can tell from his Marne Corps Pride. The Capatain talked with him while he was waxing his beautiful ship Monco RV. Hope to hear from this Marine again.
Tom. He answered an ad I had on line selling what else but car parts. I am selling all sorts of things to help pay these crazy gas prices to keep my campaign going. Well tom need a set of orginial 1965 VW headlights and buckets. He got them and I had another Veteran encounter!
Tom served us all from from 1988 to 2008. He served with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Divison. Served in Germany, Korea, and Iraq. I am positive we will do some events together because he too is a car guy. look at two of his cars below.
Tom In Iraq and Tom chuting with the Golden NIghts.
Awesome VW vehicles. Notice they are in the garage and his moderin car is outside hahahahah.
Rex here USAF three months before injured badly at boot camp. A veteran no doubt he stepped up and volunteered. Donated the ax for the Jeep Thanks Rex!
Now this US Army Veteran just had to ride in Little Glory. We had a great time when he introduced me to his church crew of Patriots you will learn more about later. Raff served us all in the US Army.
Ok granted not a good picture of Daniel here with his eyes closed, but look at that young Marine in his prime in his Boot Camp photo! Dan is a Sergeat of Marines for life. Full of good work ethic, best at what he does working at Les Schwab Tire Paul, Idaho he helped install the tires on Little Glory. Proud to have met my brother on the road we shall meet again when I come through next year on the Great American Road trip across our great nation.
All work no play look, but good natured hard working patriot. NO better friend no worse enemy a Sergeant of Marines!
Brothers for life and beyond in the after life, Marines that earned the Eagle Globe and Anchor.
Now Brandon here is not a veteran but he is a Patriot I enjoyed meeting. He is living and working out near Minadoka, ID where the Captain was doing some recon as to the trail that will be taken during the cross country trip next year. Brandon’s sister is an Air Force Veteran and we may get a photo of here if he sends it along to us. Naturally he liked the the Jeep and the mission we are all on.
Now his Cat is a cool dude. He has a hand shake like a Bear Paw and he is a solid moutain of a man. He has some cool treasures in and about his land but he is a US Navy Seal Veteran of 20 years and 3 months! Former veteran of Naval Special Warfare he retired as a Chief Gunners Mate. Was a member of Seal Team 5 served from 1967 (VietNam vet until 1987) so we actually served together at the end of his career. His name is George Merrill and guess what? He is related to the Frank Merrill of Merrill’s Marauders fame during WW2! How cool is that.
This is Geroge’s brother who is a VietNam vet as well. He served in the National Guard from 1967-1973 was a Spec-4 in Armored Cavalry. He is in a battle with the BIg C but I have no doubt we will kick its ass. He and his brother will come see me when in town down in the swamp of Salt Lake City.
Today we honor a WW2 veteran who made it home but died so young in a horibile accident after returning from war. Submitted by Terry who I met at one of my most recent car show events.
“An uncle I never knew”
Clair C. Anderson, from Fountain Green, Utah. PFC in the United States Army, he was with the 39th infantry in Europe. He was with the first platoon to cross the Rhine into Germany. He was born Nov. 30, 1925 he died in a coal mining accident at Hiawatha, Utah Jan.10, 1947. I’m proud to know of him and his selfless service.
I submit this to honor him.
Terry L. Anderson
Young patriots like Terry’s Uncle didn’t think twice about their responsibility to protect freedom and liberty here in our country. But they also went when called to foreign lands to stand for freedom all over the world. America has been the defender of freedom since her birth as a free nation in 1776.
Very much enjoyed meeting Steve who is a Marine who served from 1953 until 1956. He was a Baker in the Marines and he was a Corporal when he left active duty. He still has his uniforms and photos from graduation. His son is a Marine Corps veteran as well, his son served from 1980 until 1984. His son the Marine was stationed at Naval Weapon station Oakland, California. I intened to visit Steve again down in the Salt Lake City area. We met as all Marines manage to find one another, but we met at this great Cafe called Molly’s in Snowville, Utah. It is a blast from the past right out of the 1960’s. But friendly service home cooking and a great little place, there should be more places like this around.
Draper Days July 16th
US Army 1987-1995 Military Police Corporal.
Justin here was a Corporal as a Marine Corps Data Network Specialist. Yes high tech networking set ups had to be established in the combat theater. Justin deployed to Afghanistan 2010-2011 and served in our Marine Corps from 2007 to 2011. Enjoyed meeting him alog with his family during the Draper Days parade and car show that followed.
Edwin was with the imfamous 25th Infantry US Army 1968-1969. He was in Tanks in Vietnam. Welsome home Edwin.
Ok now Matt here was a mustang, that is he was a prior enlisted soldier before earning his commission as an officer. Matt served from 1990 until 2017! Yes that’s right 27 years. First on up to a Staff Sergeant as a Communications Specialist then as an Infantry Officer ending up as a Green Barret. Matt here did 6 tours over seas. Once to Afghanistan and five times to Iraq. Matt is a proud retired Lt.Col US Army.
Now these to Army guys were set up right next to the Captain at the Draper Days car show. We kidded one another about our services as to who was more proud hahaha but there were two of them and one of me. We had fun. Ron had a very cool rat rod and they had a good time. Both are Vietnam Vets and Ron on right was in service 1968 to 1971, Frank on Left 1970-1973. Frank was a helocopter mechanic and Ron was lucky enough to be in the Army band, so who do you think got lucky? But both served when called and we are thankful for their service forever.
Captain with Corvin US Army Motor Transport Mechanic. He served from 1968 to 1969 in Vietnam. Both Motor T guys, he appreciated the Jeep and the restoration I did on Little Glory.
Finally some Marine backup, as you can see we are the few. Jerry is a Marine and he served from 1971 to 1979. Jerry was in the Fleet Marine Force as a grunt “0311” rifleman and made it up to a Staff Sergeant “0369” in the Infantry. Proud ground pounder and told me so.
Dan and I talked about the old days in service. Dan was a Spec4 US Army Artillery “cannon cocker”. Served from 1980 to 1986.
Gene and I, Navy Marine Corps team. Gene served on several ships the big boy USS Independence CVN-62 alsoserved on two other ships a sub tender and logistics ship. He is a fellow Shell Back for you sea going Marines and Navy.
CV-62 the Independence “Indy”
Les Schwab / Gartforvets Car Show July 14th
One of all the veterans I will meet at our newest sponsor and supporter “Queen of Wraps” in Salt Lake City.
This is Aaron he is an active member of the National Guard. Aaron is also a Captain and he has been serving us since 2011 as an intelligence officer.
Aaron “Captain of Soldiers” and Scott “Captain of Marines…Old Corps”
Vernal Dino Car show in the park.
Ok we have a special Marine here. Gone but not forgotten NO WAY. James Banke served us all in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine. He suffered for years after coming home having to deal with the effects of Agent Orange. But it did not stop him from living life to the max. Loving friends and doing the things that made him happy was what he was all about. His best friend built this car for him and finished it so that during James’ final days here, they were able take a ride togther. This was the exact paint sceme James wanted on his very rare Chyrsler. His buddy remembers him always. I was proud to meet his buddy and remember the brother I never met but love just the same.
Awesome and not stock under the hood!
James, Marine Corps Veteran of Vietnam at home and healthy as best he could be at the time.
So well done.
James wore his Marine Veteran cover with pride despite the sacrifices he and so many others made when the USG exposed so many veterans to Agent Orange and thereafter tried not to accept responsibility for its use and deadly effects on our boys who served in Vietnam. For James it was about the Marine’s he served with.
Very nice memorial. I hope one day someone who loves me chooses to remember me like James’ buddy.
Just awesome. What a car show what great people out here in Vernal.
Very nice tribute
Before his final set of orders home. “Another Marine Reporting in at the Pearly Gates” I am sure we will all meet again. A Marine for life and beyond. We die but the Marine Corps lives forever. Semper Fi Marines
Welcome home Vietnam Veteran Clarence 1965-1973. He served in the Intelligence “ASA” Army Security Agency. We are talking NSA stuff interceptions and code breaking spy stuff. He was a Sergeant and deployed to Vietnam in 1970. He has this awesome Clipper Car!
A Clipper! He has put 90,000 miles on her upgrades under the hood and driveline.
Clarence ASA Agent Vietnam Veteran.
This is Norm he was Army Intelligence Operator 1982-1992.
Norm Army Intel with the Captain
Jason was a Devil Pup as a kid a Jr. Marine. BUT his dad was a Vietnam Marine and proud of it. Check out Jason’s tattoo to honor his Dad’s service as a Marine.
Jason’s tattoo on left the Captain’s on right…Officers don’t get tattoos….Yeah right..hahah not this Officer. You know what, when I got that tattoo while at Camp Pendleton my Executive Officer Major Stein at 7th Motors chewed me out while reporting in as Officer of the Day. He said it was not professional for officers to have tattoos. I asked to speak and said. “Some day sir, you and I will not be in uniform and when not in uniform among the rest of the world, I want the whole world to know I am a U.S. Marine.
Segeant Horn here served 1997 – 2002. He served with U.S. Army’s proud 82nd Airborne and 5th Corps in Germany. Sgt. Horn was all Infantry.
Sgt. Horn proud Patriot meets the Captain.
Now the Captain really enjoyed meeting and speaking with Adam. He was a Major and an Emergency Room Doctor. He completed two tours in Iraq with 1/6th Cav. and served with 86th CSH. He served from 1999 to 2013. You know he saved lives and saw the real wounds of war, but you also know he saved lives and treated our own and others. God bless this Major. Thank you for your support Sir, your kind donation helps me do what I am doing. He has a beautiful family and I met them all.
Adam a life saver, US Army Doctor, Iraqi War Veteran with the Captain.
This Army Veteran Dale has a cool story to tell. He served with 588th Engineer 20th Combat Brigade in Vietnam. He did a tour in 1969 and served from 1968 to 1970. When he came home from Vietnam he purchased a 1969 Camero…guess what he still has it. Here it is in the car show.
69 Chevy Camero Dale’s welcome home from Vietnam car.
Dale and his 69 Chevy
Dale US Army meeting the Captain in front of “Little Glory”.
Steve and Cynthia. Steve a Veteran of the US Air Force is a patriot and shows it on his ride. check it out. Steve served from 1991-1994 with National Guard then 2005-2017 with Air Force.
Displaying pride in our country and our veterans. Dale’s Tailgate
Vernal, Utah Dino Days Rodeo July 7-10th.
This morning we honor the family member of a patriot I met. This is Robert E. Lee who served us all in the US Navy from 1958 to 1962. He is Patriot Lori’s father n law. Lori is a fellow Jeep owner and her husband is a Marine! By the way Lori “Ducked” me with another rubber Ducky.
God Bless you Robert Marines Love the Navy.
Larry US Marine! 1992-1998 a supply guy in our Corps served in Japan and out in “29 stumps” thats 29 Palms, CA. Ohra! Three Marines brothers in arms Ray Allen age 88 Korean War Marine “Sergeant of Marines”.
Larry US Marine served with 1st Bn 7th Marines
Hahaha the Captain is learning so much now I’m a Ducker. Bud the original Duck on right was later abducted or should I say “ubDUCKED”…but his replacement was ready to fill the void.
Randy here has been there done that my friends. Randy was US Army Ranger served two tours in Iraq, one in Afhanistan. Was a Sergeant with Army’s 82nd, 173rd, and 1st Cav. Served us all from 1992 until 2006.
Randy is a real Cowboy, handles Mules and was a Ranger wit the US Army.
Love meeting Marines, here is Jamie served our Marines as a Sergeant 1976 to 1980. Was a real sport jumped in the Jeep and also gave us some Marine Corps Pull Ups!
Jamie the Pullup Machine
Jamie takes to the Jeep with Pin up girl. Great patriots solid people. Semper Fi Mac!
Jamie jambed out some pullups including two for Chesty Puller!
Here are Anthony and Tanya both veterans of our great Armed Forces. Anthony served US Army CID investigator 1999-2020! Retired 1st Sergeant US Army. Served two tours in Iraq, served in Korea and Bolgaria. Tonya served from 2000 to 2004 as a bridging engineer and she did one tour in Iraq.
Anthony and Tonya Patriots and both veterans.
Patriots and veterans who run Operation Brat. Sending care packages and letters from the public to our troops deployed all year long. Keith US Navy Air operator loading ordenance on our fighter bomber aircraft served from 1996 to 2012. Keith pulled 7 tours 4 to Iraq and 3 to Afghanistan! Windy was US Navy 1994-1998 and she was a firefighter.
Navy Vets and Patriots support our troops all year long.
Mac is a retired Marine Sergeant served 1964-1984. Wounded Purple Heart, Vietnam Veteran. Mac here served in the Infantry with 2nd Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. His son is a Marine Mustang serving now as a Captain of Marines and is about to retire with 22 years of service to us all. That’s Mac’s rig in the background. Ohra Semper Fi Mac!
Jukly 4th Orem City Park with the Utah Military History Group.
Richard here served our Marine Corps from 200 to 2004. He was a Corporal of Marines and made the run up and initial March to Bagdad serving with the 7th Combat Engineers. Semper Fi Mac!
Check his short out FREEDOM!
Art served with the 3rd Marine Division as Military intelligence 1997-2004.
Marine and Marine brothers for life.
I enjoyed meeting and talking withTim, he supported the campaing by taking away a Gartforvets hat to help promote the mission. Tim served from 1959 to 1964 as a Comabt Engineer with the US Army.
Darrell here is a proud veteran of WW2. He served us all from 1945 to 1947. He served in Japan as part of the United States Occupational forces at Sasebo, Japan.
So honored to meet those I followed into service. It really makes me proud to be a veteran when I see these men of past generations of veterans come out to see us all.
Active Duty up! Cayden is serving us now in the US Navy as an Aviation Electritian Mate.
Young and strong here is the Navy Marine Corps team. So proud of our young military members. Wish I could turn back time.
Captain meet Captain, John a Captain in th signal Corps US Army from 1972 to 1976.
Check John’s hat out, a solid patriot.
Joe is a first responder Police Officer in Arizona. Thank you Joe, we support you and your brothers and sisters.
On the job!
Sal is a patriot check that hat out All American Patriot. Sal’s Father served in the military and he is going to send me his Dad’s photo so that we may honor his father for his service to us all.
Jason is was my counterpart (MOS) in the US Army. He served from 2004 to 2007 as a Motor Transport soldier with 115th Maintenance Battalion.
Proud of his service he wears the shirt with Army Pride.
From left to right Steve served from 1984 to 1992 as an Engineer US Army and was a Gulf War verteran at the end of his time in service. Myself then Mike US Army who was also a Combat Engineer from 1989 to 2001. On the right is Zach who is all Infantry…where the rubber meets the road. Zach is a Specialist serving us now with 157th and has been serving since 2020.
Army surrounds the lone Marine. These Army members have families full of Army veterans.
Lee was a US Navy Underwater guy yeah thats right a Submarine guy. Served on a conventional non-nuke submarie USS PickerPickerel SS-524. He served during the Vietnam War 1963-1967. Check out the boat…
USS Pickerel SS-524 in her glory. She was later sold to the Italians in the 1970’s.
Family members with Veterans we honor them all!
Hello Scott, I talked with you at the Hill AFB air show Saturday last, I believe you have an honorable and worthy cause you’re engaged in. You mentioned you were interested in knowning about family member’s veterans, I will share a little about my dad, Arthur Wendell Anderson, who was a Private First Class in the United States Army, from Fountain Green, Utah.Born August 4, 1923 he enlisted when he was 19, refusing an agricultural deferment his mom had obtained for him. I believe he was initially with the second Army. He trained in field artillery and armored artillery at Ft. Knox. He volunteered for the paratrooper jump school and qualified at Ft. Benning. He was proud to serve as an Honor Guard for President Roosevelt’s funeral train as it passed through. Dad was assigned to the Eighth Army and stationed at Manila, Luzon. He was with the motor pool, driving ‘his own’ duce and a half. From there, after Japan’s surrender, dad was transfered to Japan as part of the occupational force along with his truck. He also chauffeured ranking officer’s to transitional meetings along with an interpreter, a Japanese man from Salt Lake City. He drove to Mt. Fuji and saw the ruined cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He sailed by Hawaii twice without stopping. Dad was honorably discharged. At home he married my mom, Carol Sparks, with whom he had corresponded during his time over seas. They raised four children, three sons (all Eagle Scouts) and one daughter, all of whom are successful good citizens. Dad and mom were married for 69 years, both passed away in 2017. Dad was a Scoutmaster for 17 years. I was able to accompany my dad on an ‘Honor Flight’ to Washington DC in May of 2015 to tour the veterans war memorials and the Capitol City, it was a signal honor for me to be his escort.Best Regards, and best of luck for a successful mission.Terry L. AndersonKearns, Utah
Terry thank you so much for following through and sending me this. What a man, what parents you had. I love sharing family veteran stories I wish everyone would follow though as you have to share their stories. We must never forget our veterans service to us all.
Happy in love
Happy GI at work
I’m so proud of those who served before me and whom I have followed into service. I recall meeting Terry and his Dad at the Honor Flight what an honor.
Another family proud to honor their loved ones. Thank you too for allowing me to share your veteran’s service on our website. Here is Kenneth Allen Sargent a WW2 combat wounded Marine.
Purple Heart pinned I’m glad he made it home. Semper Fi
Hill Air Force Base Air Show 6/24-26th/2022
Gus US Marine 2000-2012, two tours Iraq 2004 and 2008, Staff Sergeant his favorite tank “Big Pito” hahaha. Gus was with 1st Tanks and with the Marines tearing down Saddam Hussein’s statute.
Army up! Matthew a Pvt. and Motor T mechanic with the Army’s 365th CBRN, he will have his first year of service come August 15th.
Navy Marine Corps Team Jack here US Navy 1963-1996! a Mustang Officer he retired as a LT. LDO officer. Of the many ships he served on were USS Bennington, USS Camden, USS Halsey, USS Peleliu, and the nighty Moe BD-63 USS Missouri. I too deployed with and had Marines on the Peleliu.
Barry with the Captain checking bin he served us all 1969-1972. Staff Sergeant Telecommunications specialist. Welcome home Barry proud veteran of Vietnam.
Mario guess what service he served in? Dah…Marines! 2005-2011 a Lance Corporal to the end would have made Chesty proud! Mario was with out Air Wing swinging with the wing as we say in the Marines.
Jared served as a Fire Fighter US Air Force a Senior Airman 2003 to 2009.
Mike here he served as a Sergeant in communications and I hope I remember right that he was a soldier in the US Army 1982 1986 .
Aim High Air Force veteran Roger served us all 1982 to 1992 as an F15 Avionics Specialist Staff Sergeant.
1984 to 1988 Scott served us as an operating room tech with the US Army Medical Corps.
Now Thor here only did three tours on the ground in Iraq with the Marines! Oh man, proud member of 2/5 that’s 2nd Battalion 5th Marine Division. Two tours in 2003, 2005, and third tour as a scout sniper with 1st Recon 2nd Platoon 2006. Thor saw action in Fallujah and Ramadi. This is his service dog that had just gulped up water provided by the Captain in his own WW2 Steel Pot helmet on this hot day.
Our own Hill Air Force hosts Daniel and Kellen are two of Air Force finest active duty F35 crew Chiefs…hot damn F35!
Sergeant of Soldiers Bill was with SOEC 1968-1974. Combat medic worked in the Hospitals caring for our own.
Jeff was a Mustang Army Officer served enlisted then Officer in the greatest rank of all “Captain”. Jeff was an MP and an Infantry Officer 2007 and 2008 with tours in Iraq. He served us from 1995 until 2009. Great time meeting these men.
Serving in the US Army from 1975 to 1996 retiring as a Major he was a communications MOS and served in Delta Company.
David was a fire fighter for 34 years, 28 years Sanaquin FD and 4 years Deputy Sheriff.
Allen was first a Marnie then a Soldier then Army National Guard. He served 27 years from 1974 until 2001. He was a Staff Sergeant in avionics.
Daniel served 2000 to 2021! Congrats is in order there he did the entire 21 years to retirement. A Petty Officer 1st class US Navy.
Hell yeah they serve here are young future leaders and patriots of service. They are members of the Cache Valley Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol. Proud to meet and talk with these young responsible boys and girls.
Now Allen here is a big man and a personal guest to the Captain’s home this weekend. He served a tour in Iraq 2007-2008, served in the Army Guard 2006 -2024!. A specialist and proud Army veteran.
Welcome home brother. Now here is a solid proud veteran. Army Air Cav Vietnam 1966-1968, crew chief door gunner in the mighty Army helos of the Air Calvary. He and his crew survived after being shot down in the Shau Valley during a lift out. Sadly five other helos were lost that day but no others survived their crashes. Heroes walk among us and some never came home. God bless those who went to Vietnam or served then. Welcome home all Vietnam Veterans who never received the proper home coming or support from those who were back home here safe and sound. We shal meet again at other events.
Encounters continue we are surrounded by patriots.
This is Bob at your local Home Depot proud veteran US Army 1966-1969. He loves hstory and our country. I always make time to talk with Bob about history. He is proud to wear the hat as a Vietnam Veteran but always tells those he did not go to Vietnam. But this is not necessary, he served and would have gone if ordered. We go where we are sent and everyone knows it. Ohra Bob love you man.
Ok lets be fair to the home improvement businesse, here is Derrick he is a proud verteran of 20 years! Veteran of the US Air Force Staff Sgt aircraft refueler and veteran of Enduring Freedom. But wait there is more… his son Ethan is now currently serving in the Air Force with the Security Forces. see below! Ohra. Derrick has a family of veterans more to come!
A1C Ethan 151st ARW Security Forces looking young and strong trooper….ah I mean Airman! Ohra
June 18th Provo VW show
I met many veterans but I also met many family members of Veterans. I always ask those with family who served to send me photos so that I may honor their loved ones. Sadly many don’t follow through. If you have a family member you wish to honor please send me their information we should never forget any of them. Now those I met.
Very intersting man. Ralph loves and appreciates history too. His mother and father were both WW2 veterans. Dad served in European theater and Mom in Burma during the war. He himself erved in Germany 1972-1975 with the US Army.
Marine and Marine, Brian here is a veteran who served in Iraq with Charlie Company 4th LAR. Brian served us all from 2006 to 2014 a Sergant of Marines he gets it! Solid patriot and I hope to see him again at other events. Ohra Marine Semper Fi Mac…
Not veterans but they have a family of veterans and I wish to honor them. So this “John Wayne” patriot family will send me photos of their loved ones to post here in honor of their veteran family members. God bless America and John Wayne!
Now this young man Josh has 21 years US Army experience behind him now. Yes congratulations is in order for this former Sergeant First Class RETIRED. A veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, he was a proud member of a striker brigade with 2nd Infantry Division. Hope to see him again at the Willys Jeep Rally at Heber Airport August 27th.
June 11th Sounds of Freedom Car Show.
Active Duty here Senior Msgt Michelle has been serving since 1999. Here Dad was a Vietnam Veteran Army Natonal Guard. Here Dad was also a Jeep collector and patriot of America. Here is Michelle with here two children enjoying the car show with the Captain!! Proud supporters of the Gartforvets. Thank you all hope to see you at the air show June 25-26th at Hill. Below is a picture of Bob, Michelle’s Dad who served us all and was a fellow restoration guy who had many jeeps like this M151 he restored. Sure wish I could have met Bob, God Bless.
A young Bob with his M151.
Here is Philp he served us all from 1971-1979. He is US Army veteran served in Germany was a wheeled vehicle mechanic. A true car guy!
Here comes the Air Force again this is Rick on my roght served us all 1973 to 1997 he was a MSgt worked on all the Airforce fighters and is an engineer. Scott on my left served 1985 to 1991 as a Sergeant working on our F15’s
Army veteran Seth he served from 2000 to 2004. Heavy equipment vehicle mechanic. Great guy he gets it!
Active Duty Long Island New York boy like the Captain, here is Ray. Like any New York guy out of New York he wanted to know where the good Pizza was in Utah. It is Estes Pizza in Salt Lake. Anyway Ray is Active Duty he as just two years to go to retire. Since 2005 he has worked Security Forces, and Avionics on C130’s and F35’s.
Now meet Mason, fellow Marine served from 2004-2014. Served with 3rd Radio Bn. He is a big car and truck guy great time at the show.
Tom and I here. Tom served US Navy as a Yeoman frst class 1975-1995
Ben here served 1960-1971 Vietnam Army veteran then Air Force 1980-1990 as an EOD tech.
Owen here served from 1961-1966 he was an Army Soec 4 specialist in communications.
Marines here is Staff Sergeant who served 1958 to 1968 Vietnam veterans…Welcome home brother.
All Marine Vietnam veteran that is his awesome Forebird tribte to his Marines he served with. Semper Fi brother.
Here is Captain Dan…..Captain meets Captain. Dan woth his service/companion dogs. Dan served Air Force 1972-1993.
Finally a Coast Guardsman Dave 1980-1990 and Army Staff Seargant Norman served 1963-1970
Vietnam Veteran Henry lucked out maybe he served the Army in Korea during his hitch 1966-1968.
Robert here served us all 1980 to 1990 Combat Engineers.
Love the hat…Curt here was in the National Guard 1988- 2007, he too was a combat enginneer.
Michael here checking in with the Captain. Michael served two tours in Iraq with the Army and served from 2004 -2016. Good dude no doubt.
Vietnam Veteran who was involved in the last evacution of Siagon!
Ogden 25th street show….veterans poured in…
Sergeant US Army 1981-1986 and US Marine 1986-1992 served with HMX-1 The Marine Presidential Helecopter squadron. Outstanding encounter
This is Alan with the Captain served 2010 to 2015 as a Flight equipment tech. Marine Corporal with HMLT 303 out of Camp Pendleton, California
Happy Marine with family Tryst, Odyssa, Lucian, and little Mathias in Momma’s arms.
Cool cat Master Sergeant Ray served 1980 to 2003! Army through and through
US Army veteran served as a PFC 1986-1988 at Ft. Lenardwood.
Ken here served as a Marine infantry grunt with the 7th Marines 2004 to 2008 Ohra Brother
The whole 9 yards..this is Jay proud US Army Strong served 1967-2009. Jay served as a Command Sgt.Major.
Melvin here served in the Army with the imfamous 3rd Infantry Division and was an artillary man 1968-1970.
Fernando was having a good time, he served wih th 389th construction battalion in Iraq. 2001 to 2009 two tours in Iraq 03-04.
Jim here is all Air Force served as a Jet aircraft mechanic 1974-1994.
Jason here served 1994 to 2006 as a crusher he was in Tanks!
Navy Marine Team here is Claude he served surface Navy. First on Destroyer of WW2 vintage in 1965 the USS Walton Perkins see here here below. Claude also served on the Patrol River Boats in Vietnam went on to serve until 1992.
Walton Perkins proudly served us 1944-1968 what a ship.
Now here is Jared served our Marines from 1994 to 2002. HIs brother was the trainer for “Bart” the huge Grizzl bear made famous in so many movies.
West Jordan Memorial Car show. Meet John served on USS Nimitiz 2003-2018! Mater at Arms 2nd class Petty Officer. Captain’s favorite time in the Marines was riding on the ship across the ocean many times.
Ah yes one of the best. Fernando just graduated US Army boot camp three days ago! He jumped right in to help me set up! Fernando is of course a Private, he is stationed at Ogden with 744th Engineer company. He is trained to blow things up and buid bridges and stuff so look out!
Coast Guard up! This is Victor served us all 1973-1977 from California to Alaska!
Marine to Marine this is Caig served our Marine Corps 1975-1979 he was a Sergeant and a crash crew guy swinging with the wing! Ohra
Heber Creeper run on the rails! Meet Ron US Army Proud 1959-1963. NIce guy and a true train lover. He is a mechanic works on traines now out at the Ruond House in Evanstan, Wyoming! A must follow up visit for the Captain!! We shall meet again Ron and the Captain.
Go Navy, here is Ryan riding the rails he served us all from 2012 to 2020. Ryan served as a 1st Class Petty Officer on the USS Pinckney check her out below! Love that Navy Marine Corps team spirit!
USS Pinckney on duty running strong!
Now this is Bob a fellow officer but US Navy LT. Bob served in Vietnam and served us all from 1966 to 1970. He served with VSU Unit 1 and the Navy Seals. He has come home and he is proud to have served. I enjoyed meeting Bob very much.
Ok now this is __________________ served US Army__________________two tours “he says only two tours” holy crap in Iraq. That tells you just how bad those days were with most doing more than two tours in those bad places Iraq and Afghanistan. Now the Captain has a bone to pick with this soldier. I meet so many people it is hard to keep up and keep track so I asked that he send me his years of service, rank and name. Until then, I sadly can only provide you what I remebered. One other note is that I loved meeting his wonderful family for sure!!!
Look at that smile, talk about a fun happy guy. This is Dave our Air Force guy for the train ride. He was securoty police and intelligence. He served us all from 1990 – 2000. His family was a blast too I sure hope to see them all again at another event. check them out!!!
I love this picture so much really enjoyed meeting the little ones. They just loved the Jeep super fun kids….the future of America lies with them.
Can you say happy young children having a great time with family. That is what the train ride and meeting and greeting them all is about. We talk about history, our veterans and what is important about loving and respecting our country. Especially on Memorial Day weekend. LOve this photo.
Now one of my favorite encounters with our veterns on the train that night. I love my elders for we in service follwed their foot steps. We have carried the standards forward and we an only hope the youth of today will do the same for us. Roy here served from 1948-1952. He served right through the Korean War. He served on the USS Perkins and he was a 2nd Class Petty Officer working electronics and radar. Check out the DD877 in action below
Great shot of Roy’s ship. I loved my time at sea what an experience.
Well the VFW may have canceled the car show due to rain but that did not stop the captain from holding his own car show. Rain never hurt anybody. May not have been a lot of people but sure were some quality people!
Mike served in the US Army 1968-1970. Proud veteran and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and talking with Mike. Here he and I are in front of Big Glory and our flags.
Very proud of his service Mike came to see me after church today.
Now there are special people all around us everyday. Some you have a chance to meet and talk with and some you don’t. Trust me, they are all around you everyday. Here is Jason a solid Christian and he just happens to be a US Marine to boot! I beleive you will be seeing he and I again over of the next 14 months. Really enjoyed meeting this man, then his wife and daugther. Jason served in the Marines 1996-2004, in the 4th Marine Air Wing, was also a recruiter.
We will meet again and you will see this Marine team again!
Jason’s awesome family
Jason and his wife braved the rain and cold to come out and meet me. Ohra!
The best of the best is this incredibile man who also happens to be an Air Force pilot veteran who has trap time flying off Aircraft Carriers! How about that! Mark served us all for 24 years in uniform formerly a KC-135 tanker refueler, Mark kept our fighters on station keeping our guys on the ground safe and lethal. Love this photo! You will be seeing a lot of the captain and Mark but that is just a hunch. Wait until you meet his mega patriot wife Valerie, memeber of the Daughter’s of the American Revolution.
“Tell it to the Marines!” This is Mick, congrats to Mick. He is the proud owner of a brand new side by side. This is where the Captain met his brother Marine at Young Powersports in Centerville.
Mick is one of my own “Marines” served with 3rd Recon 5th Battalion Marines. 1967-1987.
One the Marines truck.
Brand new ready to roll off the lot. Young Power Sports Centerville, Utah
Nice Shirt!
Proud of his service!
Here is the David with Little Glory in the background. We are at another great car show put on by JC Hackett. At the Garage Grill Draper, Utah.
World tour hat of David’s tours.
I met he will never loose that hat. Nice David thank you for your service to us all.
Here we go again go AIR FORCE!! yes Ross was with the Air Force 1970-1975. Ross was aviation avionics specialist. We had a nice time at the Draper Car show. 5/24.
Another Air Force Veteran, this veteran I met while at one of America’s coolest stores Cal Ranch. Here is Jim he served from 1970-1973 with one tour in Vietnam 70-71. Jim worked on operation Palisades Dog which cross trained So Vietnamese soldiers. Great speaking with this veteran big baseball fan too!
So many great talks with our proud veterans. Enjoyed meeting and talking with Joe, US Army Proud 1971-1974. He worked with heavy lift crain helecopters CH54’s he was a Crew Chief engineer.
Now this youngster is active duty reserves. Us Army Private Buchanan! Yes the Captain had to feed him and take him for a ride in Little Glory. And yes! The Captain had to teach him how to drive a clutch. I am happy to say he is a fast learner and he did just fine!
David here served in the Infantry with the 9th division and 5th. !967-1969. Welcome home David.
Dennis with the Captain US Navy 1970-73 3rd class petty officer. Nice Navy Marine Corps team. UVU swap meet 5/20/22
Couple of wise guys…no just kidding US Navy on my left that is David served 1960-1965 on USS Ticondaroga aircraft carrier. Chuck was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army….1956-1964.
Jack pictured here with the Captain Jack also was a National Guard Soldier 1972-1979. He had plenty of Jeep time as the Guard had these M38 Jeeps for many years after they were built.
UVU car show was floaded with patriots and veterans alike. Check out Jerry, a proud National Guard veteran who served from 1960 to 1972. Enjoyed meeting Jerry very much he is a patriot real solid American.
Now this was a treat meeting this Marine officer who served same time as the Captain. This is Sefan, served 1983 to 1987 as a “cannon cocker” Ohra! Stefan is also the assistant Dean at UVU. Thanks for all you do for our youth and your great automotive program.
Here comes the Army with Eldon 1972-1977 Sergeant 4th Infantry Division. Great day at the swap meet car show Orem Utah.
Now this is a good one. Yes you have two and they are father and son. Dad, Ron Marines 1951-1953,,, the year of Little Glory a 1952 Willys M38. Dad was a combat engineer. Son Russ, Army 1979-1991, Heavy equipment engineers.
Right in the middle f the wheeling and dealing at the swap meet. Great people, father and son who served us all. Thank you men.
Now we all know Marines can’t spell. So Nakagwa US Airforce Helicopters Crew Chief 1970 and 1971, gave it to me the way it should be NAKAGWA.
Nakawga and the Captain at the M38..
Look out here come the Marines, check Rick out US Marines 1968 to 1971…..But wait there is more to Rick’s story. Rick came back and did another 22 years as a Navy man! Ohra Rick. Well done.
Here comes another Jerry served us all 1964-1966, Sinal Corps VietNam. Welcome home Jerry.
Here comes the Army again the Marines are surrounded and supported well today. Dave 1975-1978, Infantry.
Now meet citizen soldier National Guard 1956-1964, John. Thank you for your service.
John meets the Captain in front of Little Glory.
Ok now we are talking. Want to talk about tough? US Air Force fighter pilot, got to love it. The Captain has an ejection seat in his motor home and guess what? Jeff here knows all about it. That is because Jeff was flying F4’s and F105’s 1969-1981. Awesome man and real patriot.
Always good to see Jeff at the show the college does so much for a youth. Thanks Jeff for your support.
We have more Army today in the “AO” area of operations of this Captain of Marines campaign. Meet Tim, he did the whole 9 yards 1984-2004! US Army Military Police! Ohra Tim great time today a the show.
Love the hat….now you all know ladies wear hats right? Marines wear covers….hahah Tim is a Mega Patriot, glad to meet and be in his company. Thank you for your service brother.
Ok Army link up with the Marines, meet Paul US Army 1967-1970, combat engineer. Welcome home brother thanks for your service, UVU car show today!
What a day so much fun, lots of parts and lots of Patriots! Gunship “Marines Dream Winnebago and Little Glory in the background”.
Now hear this, Met Jack today at the UVU swap meet event 5/20. Yes I know but beleive it or not Jack was a US Navy Veteran 1964-1966. Thanks Brother orah!
Jack and the Captain with 1952 Gartforvets Jeep “Little Glory” in the background first show in public!
Veterans along the way “brothers and sisters”
Happy 97th Birthday “Nort” Sergeant of Marines! Yes everybody another brother from a different mother…Mother Marine Corps. You want to see another good looking Marine..but a Parris Island Marine?
Nort Townsend of Wallace, North Carolina. WW2 Marine turns 97 on May 14th.
Sgt. Nort’s family owned Auto Parts store where the Sgt. still reports for work five days a week. Family owned for 75 years!
Nort at post #1 on duty as Sgt. of the Guard Towndsen Auto Parts.
Sergeant and Captain best ranks in the Corps. Happy Birthday my brother, God Bless I want to be just like you when I grow up!
Ok now this is an exception to the veterans encounters blog because Adam here has a very patriotic US Marine Grandfather who served during the Korean War. His Marine Grandfather JB McCollough wrote a book and Adam was kind enough to give one to me. Adma and I and yes his Marine Grandfather Ohra JB. Semper Fi!
Note the Veteran parking at Lowes and the Captain’s other Jeep a 1943 Willys MB.
Ok, now JB, Adam’s Marine Grandpa and I are brother’s from different mothers or brothers from Mother Green the Marines. Check him out, something about this photo I LOVE!
For you Jeep and Willys fanatics, that is a WW2 Willys MB in Korea 1950’s
On the innocent side, the young boy “JB” who became a man in the Marines! Wow how young.
Stationed in Oceanside at Camp Pendelton, you can see JB grew up fast and became what is known as a true “Hollywood” Marine! Damn, even looks like a Hollwood star! Bet he was popular with the ladies, no doubt.
Every Marine is a rifleman first, JB with one of the Marines 75mm recoiless rifles. Great weapon.
Awaiting photo of Phil US Army National Guard 1963-1970, served with 11th Corps Artillery. Very nice guy a passer by “Megan” took our picture and I’m waiting for her to send it to me. Hope she does as she said she would
Now this was a nice encounter! Meet the double team…Yes Two Air Force veterans Alanzo 20 year veteran and his wife LIsa too. Thank you both for your service. Their boy Dominick was ready to go too! Our first husband and wfe veteran encounter.
OK the Captain meets Active duty….Master Sgt. Griffen, US Air Force. Young and strong but the Air Force won’t have him much longer. In just 19 months, Msgt. Griffen will have completed the “whole 9 yards” he will have 20 years and be elligible to retire. He will be in the “KMA” club. Thank you for your service brother
Meet Bill, US Air Force 1962-1965, Airman 1st Class. Bill was also a first class banterer, proud of his Air Force service he gave me a good ribbing about being a Marine….But you know I gave him a share of equal pride in my own service! What a nice guy, full of vineagr at age 80 and going strong! Thanks for your service Bill.
Rocky meets the Captain, Way to go Rocky, US Army 1966-1991. E8 retired new to the Utah Area. Hope we will see Rocky again at events around the town. Rocky’s son just retired from the US Air Force.
Marcus, US Navy Diver 26 years retired.
Clyde, aka Bill, US Army Retired 75th Rangers, 3 and 5th S/F, Vietnam, Gukd War, Iraq and the war on Terror.
Ira, US Navy 1966-1969 River Boats, Vietnam.
Mark, US Marines Marine Security Guard US Embassy Beirut 1980’s. Semper Fi.
Larry, US Air Force 988-1994 Desert Storm SRA Security Police.
Gone but not forgotten Raymond Leroy Hedberg US Navy Korean War. USS Manchester Bay 1951-54
Patriot, proud of our country and proud to serve. Ray served us all and we veterans followed in his footsteps.
USS Manchester Bay 1953
Everyone remembers that day…Graduation Boot Camp!
Prelude to the drones of today! Hahah
Thank You Ray for your service, God Speed get things sqaured away for us for when we all arrives.
Making the event special on the night of 10 November, 2017 was the presentation of the Marines NCO sword to Sgt. Luke Marley for his three tours of service in Iraq. The sword was then used to commemorate the bond all Marines have young and old which is symbolized by the cutting of the cake by the oldest and the youngest Marine present. On this special night the guest speaker Cpl. Edgar Harrell cut the cake with Sgt. Marley. Cpl. Harrell age 94 shared his story of survival and service aboard the USS Indianapolis which was sunk during WW2 in August, 1945.