Meet Cliff he served us from 1989 to 1993. He was a Petty officer in avionics serving on the USS JFK. What a hotel ride he had, what a ship.
Cpl. Anthony served us in Kuwait and Iraq during Iraqi Freedom. He served with the Marine Air Control MAC-1. They controlled all aircraft at the border with Kuwait. He works for Larry Miller Dealership which is a proud supporter of our veterans.
Naturally if you are a Marine this magnetizes you, radioactivates your blood, and supercharges your soul, but even if you are not a Marine you can appreciate those who proudly call themselves Marines for life. A peek into who we are forever changed and forged by our life experiences. Semper Fi
Big Glory made a landing at America’s Coffee HQ. The visit turned into nothing less than a veterans rally! The Captain even lucked out and had a chance meeting with Evan Hafer, CEO Black Rifle Coffee!
The first encounter at BRC was with Bart or should I say, Master Sergeant Bart. Bart served us all and our nation for 38 years! First as a US Army soldier in logistics and later as a Medic. Bart served from 1983 to 2021, with tours in Iraq 2005/06, Korea, and Okinawa. That service was not enough so Bart served again with the Salt Lake City Police 1994-1997. That was not enough either so Bart served us again as a Utah State Trooper from 1997-2017. Wow, what a guy what a career he has had. If you meet him tell him I said Hi! Thank you for the warm welcome we will see you again so
Next up Marines! Meet Lcpl Jennifer. She served us all as a Marine from 1992 to 1994. She was a 1341 MOS, get this a diesel engine mechanic and heavy equipment mechanic. Awesome, she went through Parris Island, Camp Lejuene, 29 Palms, and Okinawa Japan. She served with the 3rd Marine Air Wing. S/F Jennifer great meeting you.
Corpsman up! Marines love our Navy Corpsman like we love our own. Doc Bush served us all from 2000 to 2009. He wore our Marine greens and served in Okinawa with the 3rd Marine Division. He served in Iraq and now works caring for our veterans at the VA hospital in Salt Lake. Thanks for all you do Doc! Oh yes and this Doc has a big truck too, which we will all see soon.
Navy here! Meet David he served us all in the Navy and is now a movie producer and team member at BRC. You will all hear from David in the future, very big things to come.
Great clear and sunny day for driving Big Glory
Meet Sam Everyone, that is Sergeant Sam to all of us. He served us all from 2008 to 2019, US Army National Guard, Camp Williams, Utah. He served as a bulk fueler with the 1457th Engineers Battalion in American Fork, Utah. O’Reilly’s Auto Parts is lucky to have the Sergeant working for them.
Volunteers all across America and here in Utah honored our veterans with this great organization. Wreaths Across America. //www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/
By visiting the website you can find your local veterans cemetery and help honor, teach your children and remember those who served us all. This is an annual Christmas event that happens on December 17th. If you missed it, I hope to see you somewhere next year.
Tunnel to Towers has stood beside our military families.
Tunnel to Towers to Help Families of Two U.S. Marines Killed in CA Aircraft Crash
We can never forget those who have volunteered to serve us all in our military. Tunnel to Towers continues to help the families of those who have suffered the loss of loved ones who have died in the line of duty.
Hold those dear to you and be with your families this Thanksgiving. Rememeber all those who have served and those who mourn the loss of their loved ones.
Sgt. Stanfel is a Marine veteran, fellow Jeep owner (1963 Willys) and supporter of Gartforvets in the Toledo Area of Operations (TAO). Sgt. Stanfel served us all from 1968 – 1972, serving state side and overseas at Okinawa, Japan. Besides earning the EGA and basic training as a Marine, he served as a court reporter within the Judge Advocates Corps. Pictured below, we were all young once. Nevertheless just as much a Marine as ever. Ohra.
There is more to this Veteran’s story. Respect for our military, veterans, our nation, and our history starts at home. Sgt. Stanfel comes from a family of military service to us all. Sgt. Stanfel’s father and uncle served in WW2 and one did not make it home. The good Sergeant’s own grandson is a veteran as well. Below we honor the good Sergeant’s father and Uncle who served us during WW2.
Marine Veteran Cpl. Bass who attended the informal Marine Birthday cake cutting celebration on November 10th has come away with the highest bid for the Gartfovets Henry Rifle.
The Rifle has traveled over 4500 miles with me to over 50 events since May 20, 2022, in support of Gartforvets.org.
The Capatin is happy that a fellow Marine stepped up to bid and win this commemorative Golden Boy Henry rifle honoring all our military services. The rifle auction will help support the campaign to cross the USA May 23 to July 26, 2023, in order to raise funds for T2T.org.
The rifle a .22 caliber limited commemorative rifle has all the military services represented on the forestock and old glory on the buttstock. With engraving on the receiver she is all American and top quality. I love the slogan Henry uses that says “Made in America or not made at all“.
Meet Corporal Bass, United States Marine Veteran 2011-2015. Cpl. Bass was a Tactical Wireman a 0612 MOS. Cpl. Bass served us all from San Diego Boot Camp through schools at 29 Palms, CA to Camp Foster Okinawa to Miramar Naval Airbase, and the Island territory of Guam. Cpl. Bass served with the 1st and 3rd Marine Air Wing here in the United States and on Okinawa Island, Japan. Cpl. Bass was one of the lucky Marines to have walked the historic Island of Iwo Jima as he is pictured here above.
Thank You Cpl. Bass for making the winning bid on the Henry Rifle.
Semper FI, Captain Montefusco.