Now here this… Arne and Suzanne have followed up with the Captain as ordered. Check these photos out!
Ladies first Suzanne before she met Arne in the Army. Suzanne is the good looker second row from the front 2nd one in from the left. Classic photo love it.
Now Arne a single guy before he met the love of his life in the Army! I can't pick him out! I'm sure he will give me an update when we meet again, I don't want to guess. Can you pick him out see below.
Ok I'm going to say top row but thats all let me know what you think.
Arne's father WW2 Marine who served in the Pacific. His Dad top row 4th fomr the right.
Classic boot camp graduation photo every Marine cherishes. All Privates look at those old salts in center Sergeant and Private First Class I winder where they all went and served. Were that at Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Tarawa, god knows and how many made it home?
Like many famlies of that time Arne's Dad and his two brother's all served in WW2. Here is Arne's Dad in the middle of his two Navy Brothers. All came home.
Super classic war time photo. Arne doesn't know where this photo was or what unit Dad served. But looking at it very few Marines wore the "Frog" camo trousers his dad is wearing. Was he a Raider? I'm not sure. From boot to combat veteran in the middle of it all in the Pacific.
This is not his Dad but the sign is where his Dad served. Not sure if this is a local logo to a Company or area of operations for a campaign, but it is a clue.
Now this is cool beans! We don't know if Arne's Dad wrote this or copied is or what but this is a cool WW2 war time peak at history and service branch rivalry. Thanks to Arne the Army hahah for sharing his Dad's memorabilia from WW2.
Captain meets the Green Berets. Big, strong and young. This is the best of the best. America’s strength is reflected in great men like this. Meet Albert. He is not just Army strong he is a Green Beret. What an honor to meet Albert and his wife. Both have served us since 2004. Yes, she is the support network behind Albert who is and has been on the front lines. Albert did a tour in “The Crack” of Iraq 2004-05 and in Africa 2019. Albert serves with the 19th Special Forces and he will retire in 2024 at the very top of our mighty enlisted ranks as a Sergeant First Class. I hope to see Albert and his wife again at future events. Albert presented the Captain with his Special Forces pin that I will carry with me when I cross the United States for our veterans. Check it out below. Thank You Albert.
Marines Army no difference we all serve with honor and pride.
Special Forces pin in latin reads "to free from oppression" the motto of those who serve to defend freedom.
VFW State Commander Therral Curtis. Pleasure meeting our VFW representative. Therral served us all in the US Navy and did the whole nine yards as we say, retired US Navy. Thank You Chief for your support and for promoting and leading our VFW. We have so much work to do to keep our veterans cared for, appreciated and engaged. Our mission puts our veterans first, and seeks to promote patriotisim, love of country and our history of which our veterans are so much apart of. Therral was kind enough to present the Capatain with his challenge coin and Commander’s pin.
Meet Mark US Army Sergeant 1st Class served 1985-2010. Mark served all over the world from Panama to the Middle East. His Mom is a Patriot who served as well and she was the first to establish the “Healing Field” in Utah when she started a flag field for her son Mark when he deployed to the Middle East.
Like flies to honey Gunship Winnebago brings them in. Here is Marine veteran Lance Corporal Dan who served us all 2001-2008. I hope I got that right. He must have had some fun after all those years and still a Lance Corporal. Dan was part of the run up into Iraq where he served with 1st Marine Expeditiary Forces and then later with 1st batallion 4th Marine Regiment.
I hope I didn’t get this veterans wrong. But I beleive this is Brice a US Army Spec 4 veteran who served from 1965 to 1970. He served with the 144th Medical Evacution folks commonly known as Mash units.
US Army reserves 1961-1964. Richard, aka Dick was a Motor T guy like the Captain. Dick worked on M38 Willys Jeeps just like Little Glory, he knows all about them. Dick served right up until the Cuban Crisis when they held him 6 days after his contract for what was going on at the time.
Not the best picture Dick, we need to take that one again.
Marine! Meet Corporal West a Marine who served us all from 1996-2000. He served as a Communications specialist and he served in Japan at Mt. Fuji and on the Rock at Okinawa. Ohra Corporal.
Army again, doesn’t anyone want to serve in Navy or Marines? No this shows you just how large the Army is. There are more woman in the Army then all Marines in the Marine Corps. Anyway during the draft, you did not have a choice what service you went in to unless you ran down and joined before you were called up!
Meet Don who joined us by serving in the Army from 1957 to 1961. He served in the Signals Corps in Germany and was a Sergeant.