Meet Joe US Army drafted 1965-1967. Joe served us all and at that time was lucky enough to be sent to Alaska! Time in service at that time was HOT and I don’t just mean in the jungle. I mean conflict and combat. Joe answered the call and went where the G sent him. No jungles for Joe, but he had his share of weather and insects I’m sure.
Category Archives: Vet Encounters

Army National Guard

US Navy Vietnam

Meet Benny, we met at the gas station on the way to the Midvale City Car show. Benny served us all in the Navy after being drafter for Vietnam. He served us from 1971-1973. He was a River Boat crew member. Benny is suffering the effects of that damned Agent Orange and I pray he has the care he needs and that he keeps his spirits up. May God Bless Benny a US Navy veteran.

Welcome Home Captain
Welcome home Captain Kunz, US Army Aviator. What a pleasure meeting this Army Captain while going about our projects at Lowes. This Captain served us all between 1966 and 1972. Capt. Kunz served one tour in Vietnam as a “Bird Dog” Spotter plane pilot. He served with the 21st Reconnaissance Airplane Company the “Black Aces” acting as a spotter plane for air support targeting and intelligence missions. When deployed to Vietnam 1968-1969, Capt. Kunz flew out of the Danag and Chu Lai airbases. He spent a lot of time supporting the 1st Marine Divison in and around Marble Mountain…thank you Capt. Kunz. The work horse aircraft so valubale to the mission was the Cessna L-19/O-1 Bird Dog. That aircraft flew with all the services and served from 1949-1974! Great time meetng Capt. Kunz and I plan on visiting him at his home and having him come with me to future events.

Check out the Challenge coin the Captain gave to this Captain. Thank You Sir! Very nice coin.

Tim US Navy
Here is a telephone encounter with Tim who works for Dakota Digital Automotive Instruments. Tim was an electronics tech in the Navy 1982-1988. Tim served us all on the USS California CGN-36 aka, the Golden Grizzly. She is now decommissioned like many of the ships the Captain served on as well. But Tim and I live on as veterans of the sea services. Tim and I are both Golden Shellbacks meaning we crossed the equator at the date line and are shellbacks of the higest order. You Navy Marines know what crossing the equator is all about. If others want to know…Google it! Ohra, I’m waiting for a picture of young Tim in uniform.

Pack of Army Vets
Meet a pack of Army veterans. Marine surrounded by Army veterans. Arne and Suzanne served together and met in the Army. Suzanne served us all from 1973 to 1976 as a medical records technical Specialist 4. Her husband Arne served us all from 1974 to 1977. He was a combat engineer that worked on power generators that ran our camps when deployed. Arne’s dad was a WW2 Marine that faught in the Pacific with the third Marine Division. I eagerly await his Dad’s photo and information about his service so that we can honor him here on this site. Suzanne’s Dad also served us all in the US Navy and her brother also served in the US Air Force. Now Tom here in the photo was a Motor Transport soldier. No wonder Tom is a car guy just like the Captain. Great people, I very much enjoyed meeting them all and I hope to see them again at future functions.

US Army 1963-1964
Meet another Army veteran. Forgive me but I did not want to misidentify my Army friend here. I met too many veterans and do not wish to get it wrong. I’m sure I will see him again to get his correct first name. This Army veteran served us all from1963 to 1964. He was what we call a “Cannon Cocker” an artillery guy.

Randy US Army
Meet Randy US Army veteran, patriot and supporter of our veterans, first respnders and Gartforvets. Thank You Randy, Randy served us all from 1975 to 1979. Randy served the Army as a Medical Tech and obtained the rank of Staff Sergeant despite some running around and time off on the golf course. Proud of his service and you should see his awesome Ford she is perfect.

Meet Michael a Marine
Meet Michael he is a Marine. He served us all from 1982 to 1992. Michael was a Sergeant and an “Admin Ranger” he was responsible for all our service record books both officer and enlisted. He is highly motivated and pround to be a Marine. He served under LtCol. Robert Neller who would later become the commanding General of the Marine Corps, the Commandant of the Marine Corps.