Meet Gary US Navy 1969-1972 we met at the convoy to Shriners Hospital for kids.
Meet Jerald, US Army 1969-1971 Missile tech Spec-4. He also was at the Shriner Hospital convoy for kids.
Ok everyone, this is Daniel we met at Home Depot he came to the USA in the 1980's from South Africa. HIs Dad and he promises to send me photos and bio fought with the British in WW2. His father was in a South African Battalion sent to Italy to battle the Nazi's early 1942. His father was at the Battle of Monte Cassino, the liberation of Rome with Patton's 3rd Armor. He is a patriot and loves this country and our flag as much as anyone.
Meet Andy, US Air Force retired! 1979-2000. He was visiting from Colorado Springs and we met at Home Depot. He served us all for 21 years was a Tech Sergeant working with Space systems. That is global GPS, Missile Warning systems. He is a American Legion Rider Post 209 Colorado Springs which he helped start. Great guy patriot. I could have stayed at HOme Depot all day but I had to leave so many patriots among us and so many to meet and honor.
Now you all know I was at Lagoon Park. There are so many great patriots working here at this Utah treasure of a business. Meet Captain...Captain meets Captain. Joe here served us all in the US Air Force as a Security Forces Police Officer, He served from 1977-1992. He is a proud veteran, patriot and squared away secutrity officer at Lagoon. I really enjoyed sharing stories with him and hope to see him again.
Meet Gary srved us all 1964 to 1968 as a Staff Sergeant US Army Infantry. Was with 8th Special Forces served in Panama.
Ok these two were super patriots that fired the Captain up. We have Jessica she served us all in the US Air Force Security Forces from 1991 to 2011! Way to go Jessica the whole 9 yards. Master Sergeant Jessica served in Kuwait and Iraq 1997. Her Step Dad is a Marine who served during the Vietnam War. Tim here served us all with the US Army 2011 to 2016, served in Korea as a Specialist worked on power generaton for our deployed camps. They fully support the Captain and we look forward to getting together again. Ohra
Another meeting fo the Captains. Captain meets Captain here is a Captain in the Air Force who served us all from 1993 to 2008 as an aquisition engineer. The Captain ran the Pilot training for KC-10 tankers, and other aircraft.
Now you know this campaign is all about veterans and first responders. So meet Aliza she has been an EMT for a year now certified with EMT Utah and is a student at Weber State in the Criminal Justice program. She wants to be an FBI Agent one day. I have no doubt they will want her. She is also studying two foreign languages and she is a true patriot serving us all. On the friendly staff at Lagoon ready render aid at the park as an EMT.
Another Lagoon EMT Dallin has been certified and working for us all since May of this year! He is the new guy
Ok here comes a combat Army veteran. This is Corporal Kyle, he served us all from 2006 to 2010. Love this guy he was a Motor T guy like the Captain but he was on a Gun Truck with the 109th GTC Gun Truck Company served in Iraq 2006-07 for 15 months. Very proud Army and loved giving the Captain some gruff for being a Leatherneck.
Ok look out Field Grade Officer on Deck. Meet Sal, he was a LtCol in the US Army. He served us all in Bosnia, Afghanisran and Korea. He has been in and out of the reserves and active duty from 1981 to 2019
Another great employee of Lagoon who works as an EMT and is a true patriot supporting our campaign.
This is a loaded one. A first responder and Army Veteran married to a Marine. Meet Sierra she served 2017-2018 injured while in service as a PFC. Her husband Marine 0331 Infantry Machine gunner served us 2015-2019 and deployed with Marine Infantry Battalion with an Expededitionary Unit.
Meet Shane here he served us in the US Navy 1986 to 1999. An Electricians Mate. But that was not enough so he joned the Air Force serving us all at a Tech Sergeant 1999 to 2011! He was a "Port Dog" loading delivery in C-17's C5's and C130's.
Meet Dayton, Marine veteran 1997 to 2005. He was a Corporal working HIgh Frequency Radio. Semper Fi Brother
Meet Bill, US Navy veteran and married to a Marine veteran. Now that is a true Navy Marine Corps team. Bill is one of the long time organizers of the Bonneville Chevy Club members who puts the Lagoon show together. Thank all so much for this show it is fantastic. My favorite one so far!
Ok this is Jerry he served us all as a Master Seargent US Army 1985-2011 he was a Supply guy. HIs brother Jay served us in the Marines as a Lance Corporal and he was a weather specialist! Their Grandfather (hope to get photos) was a WW2 Marine served in the Pacific at Guadalcanal. Their Dad served in the Air Force in Greenland 1961-1964.
Jay 1983-1987
Meet Carl. A pilot and Air Force Veteran and huge supporter of Gartforvets. We share the same barber! Carl loved the Gunship winnebago and I hope to get with him for some more details about his service and his Dad's service in WW2. Stand by.
And now we have another Captain Meets Captain. Marine and Marine young and Old Corps under the EGA. Sterling here is an Infantry Marine served from 2016 to 2021. Deployed with 31st Marine Expededitionary Unit and member of 1st Battalion 4th Marine Regiment. He is currently in the National Guard trying to get a command billet with a Marine Corps Reserve unit in Utah. He is the proud father of 4 beautful children and a proud veteran and supporter of this campaign. Thanks Skipper...Semper Fi!