Meet Larry he served us in Vietnam 1969-1975. Larry was a Sergant and door gunner on Huey helicopters with US Army's infamous 1st Air Catvalry. He served two tours in country and had many close calls when in combat. Sadly he now suffers the effects of Agent Orange. Larry's brother Dale was also a US Army door gunner during the war with 1st Cavalry Division 7th Air Cavalry Regiment. Dale was a Staff Sergeant and served us 1969-1978. Dale was highly decorated with Bronze Star, Air Medals and Purple Hearts. SSGT Dale survived 8 helicopter crashes. Dale came home and continued to serve our country by helping our veterans at the Veterans Administration. Sadly Dale suffered multiple health complications and cancer from the effects of Agent Orange. Dale ended his own life after the effects were to great to overcome. May we never forget the sacrifices Dale and his brother both made while serving in that war.