It is with the utmost of sadness that I must report that we have lost an American Patriot. Sgt. Edgar Harrell, a man born from the Greatest Generation who served our nation and continued to serve us all until the end. Words can not express my deepest condolences for his family and all those who have had the pleasure and honor to meet this Marine.
The Captain and many others have traveled many miles with Sgt. Harrell so that he could share his story of survival during World War II. His telling of the tragic sinking of his ship USS Indianapolis and the loss of so many of his shipmates is a painful memory of war. But it is so much more. His experience having lived through that horrible act of war, only strengthened his faith in God and his love of country and all living souls, His story as told directly by him was one of honor, loyalty, courage, integrity, friendship, patriotism, survival, forgiveness and most of all faith.
My dear friend, brother Marine and servant of God touched many lives as I bore witness time and again. I and many others as well as our country will surely miss him.
May he be reunited with all of his and our loved ones who have gone before us. May he look down on us all now and gently guide us to find what we must do before our own history’s are complete.

January in Salt Lake City 2020

Edgar was always surrounded by Marines and all veterans at his speaking events.

Semper Fidelis, God Speed my old friend put in a good word for me.
Captain Montefusco
What a story he had to tell:
It was SUCH an honor meeting you today and spending time recalling stories of experiences shared with Mr. Ed. He will truly be missed.
Thank you for your time today and, especially, thank you for your service!
It was a pleasure meeting you and your family all. I love the people of Tennesee, all genuine warm and great spirited people all. It truly was an honor , duty and service to be with Edgar as we crossed our country sharing his story. Now we will continue his work for him and all those he served with and for.
We were so sorry to hear about sweet Edgar. You were a great friend to him and he was blessed to have you in his life. He will be truly be missed by all that knew him.
He and Ola Mae are reunited and that is a blessing for sure.
Thank you for all you have done for him over the years – Semper Fi
Debbi & Harold Bray
Thank You Debbi for thinking of me. It was a tough trip going back East for my last trip with my Sergeant. I loved the man and personally watched him touch lives in so many ways. He lived a full life to the end. He and Ola Mae were so loved and so giving to so many. Shining examples of all the good in this world. My very best to you and Harold. I will see you at the reunion.