The Jeep is factory fresh now right off the assembly line. No military marking yet but that will come.
Since this Jeep is essentially new, zero miles now she “Little Glory” is the new guy in the fleet. Check out Little Glory meeting the fleet. Let’s Roll!
Kaiser Willys has been the greatest sponsor to date. They have been helping the Captain complete the build by shipping me parts as needed since April. We are getting close….details are coming together. Electricians hat is on now old Captain Sparky is in the wire room. This week will be OD week again….the Captain’s favorite color.

Lights camera action, you know we are getting close when we start working on the lights. These 24v blackout drive lights have been converted and put back in working order for 12 volt use. Fronts will be amber signal and park lights. Rear will be brake, signal, and blackout tails. Of course the blackout drive light on the fender will work as well for tactical driving.

The Body fitting has begun and wire harness install too!

Well now time to say we are cool. Thanks to Mike Meditz and we are as cool as it gets. Check it out, new reproduction radiator is a drop in perfect replacement.

Now we did encounter a few things the Captain did not like, so the Transmission and Transfer case was removed and redone. Now new seals again, and a few gears and bearings she is reinstalled. Guess what will go into that PTO opening?

If you don’t get your hands dirty then it just isn’t fun.

We are talking Jeep starter day! Generator exchange of West Jordan, Utah has donated the labor to rebuild “Little Glory’s” starter motor. One more part off the list and ready to install.
Covid be damned. Captain had it and beat it in a week. The mission goes on!

Still to be purchased
5 new tires $800; new new 12 volt starting battery and accessory Battery $180; 12 volt stereo and speakers $300; GPS vehicle tracking device. Can you help? Contact the Captain please. 385-261-4083
December 15, 2021. Another Jeep Body purchased in order to speed this build up. Despite the cost, The Captain and Colonial Flag Company of Sandy, Utah purchased this Jeep Body.

A good friend and great neighbor of the Captain went to work on some of the body repairs needed. Lalo is an expert and made fast work of the repairs in preparation for the Captains shop.

With body repairs made the Captain is next up.

The Captain made quick work of getting the body all primed for the big day!

OD day Olive Drap paint party. Back to military glory!

The Captain’s favorite color “Olive Drab”. Now on to complete the Engine install. Little Glory is coming together.
As we begin the engine install. I want to start recognizng not only the business entities that are helping the Captain on this Jeep build, but all the individuals.
To date: Greg and and Cammelia have purchased most of the internal parts of the Engine rebuild – Pistons, rings, gaskets, valves, timing chains, oil pump, bearings and such
Pete and Alice have purchased front and rear brakes, front Disc brake conversion parts, rear drums, brake shoes, master cyclinder, bearings, gaskets and seals.
The Captain has purchased and donated the Jeep itself, gas tank, paint, external engine parts, alternator conversion, body parts, front bumper, shock absorbers, canvas top, water pump, fuel pump, front end parts.
September 10, 2021. Drive Shafts complete thanks to Dale Mitchell of Driveshafts Utah! Two shafts ready to rock I can feel the power now!

September 9, 2021. The Captain in true military style received the completly rebuilt engine from Ramco Machine in Salt Lake City. The engine was picked up in the Marine Fighter Truck and transported to the Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) to ready it for install. Next goal is to try to assemble the entire Jeep in time to put her in the prade on Veterans Day.

February 23, 2021. New Year behind us, the winter cold has stalled my progress in the garage. The engine will be secured in March. The transmission and transfer case been installed. So much to do but it will make for a very busy Spring.

Saddle up! More parts have been secured and installed! The very best part is the Captain has broke out his favorite color paint…Olive Drab. The jeep was paint stripped and red oxide painted as you have seen. Now with all the brakes done to include a front disc brakes conversion. All brake lines, hoses, axels seals, bearings, steering linkage and steering bell crank have been replaced. A few body parts have been sand blasted primed and painted (the hood, tailgate new gas tank and fenders. So the OD paint came out and boom we are on our way. Next up is to install the transmission and transfer case.

September 3, 2020! Secured…Yes sports fans the Captain has been given a rebuildable L134 engine block to work with for the Gartforvets Jeep. Two great Jeep loving Willy’s fanatic brothers who have several awesome original WW2, Korean War and Civilian model Willys Jeeps has donated the workable engine block. The engine block has been delivered to the engine builder and the complete engine parts kit has been ordered. The engine will be bored .20 over pistons and main bearings and rod bearings will be cut to .10 over. Complete new valves, guides, lifters will be installed. By the way, these Willys Jeep brothers are in need of a WW2 engine block. They are restoring a WW2 Jeep and would like to keep it original. If anyone has a lead on an engine block please reach out to me. It is a part of my mission to help them as they have helped me.
August has been busy on the build. We have advanced on the front and had one set back, but will overcome it all and keep moving forward.
We had a huge bump in the form of a very generous “In Kind Donation” from Brad at Rad Jeeper in Salt Lake City, Utah. Brad has been the owner of a total Jeep restoration and custom Jeep fabrications for over 20 years. He just happen to have a used 1952 M38 Jeep tub body that was sand blasted and ready for finishing body work. This “tub” was better than the original one on hand and should give us a bump in time to get the body work going. Thank you Brad! If you are a Jeep fanatic, need work done you can’t do yourself or need parts check his web page out. Brad know it all and he has it all new and used.
John Egbert (US ARMY Veteran) has given his all and completed a rebuild of the transfer case and T-90 transmission. This included complete total tear down. Replaced gears, gaskets bearing and seals. This is ready to rock and be re-installed on the frame after the frame is painted our favorite color “OD” Olive Drab!

The Captain attacked the frame and axels taking it all the way down to bare metal, what we call “BMS” Bare Medal Syndrome. Then came the Red Oxide Primer as the anti-rust primer.

With the frame prepared for OD Paint, work has started on the rear brakes, differentials and axels.

Then came a shot across our bow. The engine shop advised that the heart of the Jeep, The Go Devil L134 4 cyl. engine would need to be bored out to .80 over size pistons or have all four cylinders re-sleeved. After much discussion, we decided to avoid risking a over bore that far out. We also wanted to keep costs down and the labor involved in re-sleeving all four cylinders. We are now on the hunt for a new engine block. The Captain is networking and has a few hot leads on another block. Have no fear. A good Motor T officer is a good scrounger and networker and one will be found. By the way do you know of one in someone’s back yard out there? Call me!
As always the Captain can’t thank all those who have supported the effort so far, and knows this project can’t be done alone. Thank you everyone. Back to work!

Ok Sports Fans, here is a “sitrep” Situation Report. The transmission and Tranfer case is out to Army Paratrooper Veteran John Egbert who is an expert in the drive train systems on these Jeeps. He has torn it down to the gears and found some issues for which we have parts ordered. I pulled it from the Jeep one night and steamed it and clean it for rebuild. John took it up as his contribution to the project. The Captain has also pulled the “tub” or the body from the frame. I will begin to restore the frame, brakes, steering, cables and lines. The body will be redone and we may have a used tub that may be in better shape to work with. A recent sponsor may donate a “New Tub” which would be crazy great! Here are some shots of the progress.

June 23, 2020: The build continues…Ryan At Ramco Machine has really gotten into the machining. The block is bored to .60 over and one cylinder will be re-sleeved in the block. Nothing but perfection for this build!

Also on the way is a brand new gas tank for the M38, along with some small body parts and the paint “Olive Drab” correct Korean War vintage color. The body work will begin just as soon as I get the transmission and transfer case removed this weekend. Moving forward on many fronts, don’t worry more photos and updates to follow.
June 11, 2020: Ok Sports Fans! Game on and we are moving fast with the help of Ramco Machine in Salt Lake City, Utah. M38 L134 Flathead four is torn down to the nitty gritty and headed to the washer. As previous analysis revealed one bad cylinder due to excessive cylinder wear was discovered as well as a few broken piston rings. The tesr doiw also revealed well worn valve seats. But this tough little guy will now get bored for over sized pistons, new rings, valves, valve guides, bearings, timing chain and gears as well as a new oil pump. She will be depot fresh brand new for the epic year of promotions and the trip across America. Photos of the heart and soul of “Little Glory”

June 3, 2020: It was a busy week for the Captain and his many projects, but let us not get bogged down on that list. It was a busy week for Gartforvets too! The Jeep build is really moving alone thanks to many who have already jumped in to lend a hand.
Wednesday the 3rd of June, John a fellow Veteran and jeep lover helped the Captain pull the engine from the 1953 M38 Jeep. This is the very Jeep the Captain will use to make this epic trip from San Francisco to New York City. This is also the Jeep some lucky person will win when the Jeep is given away in New York City.

The plan for the day was to have the engine pulled and staged in the Captain’s F-4 Phantom Chevy pickup truck. The engine is scheduled for delivery to the engine rebuild machine shop on Friday the 5th of June. John and I wasted no time, but just prior to pulling the engine we did some data and analysis on the currently running engine. She had good oil pressure 20 psi at idle and 40 psi at rpms. She had 100 psi on three cylinders and one low one at 80 psi. She did burn a little oil with a bit of blue smoke keeping which did keep the mosquitos away. It is our feeling that perhaps we have some worn valve guides and at least one worn vale where the low cylinder was registered. No worries though, as the entire engine will be gone through and new parts will be installed which will include bearings, pistons, rings. As the saying goes “the whole 9 yards” so to speak.
So John and I tore into “Little Glory” as the Captain has named her. It was not to long before Aaron and Alyse showed up to lend a hand. Aaron and Alyse are fellow members of the Utah Military History Group of which the Captain so proudly joined a few years ago.
Well you know Marines always accomplish the mission they set out to do right? So the engine was pulled and staged in the pickup for transport without a hitch. Yes a few curse words here and the there and a busted knuckle as well, but mission accomplished.
Friday June 5th as scheduled the Captain delivered the goods…the L134 Go Devil Willys four cylinder engine was delivered to a very special person who works at Ramco Automotive Machine in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ryan is his name and he is also an owner partner in a huge start up Machine shop named Dynamic Machining, in Salt Lake City. Ryan has extensive experience working in the automotive machine shop and has built hundreds of engines over the years. The Captain has had his 1948, Plymouth 6 cylinder rebuilt by Ryan and his Dad as well as another Jeep engine which is in one of the Captain’s favorite WW2 Jeeps he has now owned for more than 25 years! Ryan’s machine and engineering experience has led him to step up the machining game in his new business. This unlike his automotive machine shop specializes in fine fabrications machining with virtually unlimited capabilities. They have the lated most sought after equipment and have provided productions for many large corporations. Ryan’s partner Jason at Dynamic Machining just happens to be a Marine just like the Captain. Jason served as a Light Armor Vehicle (LAV) mechanic based at Camp Williams, Utah as a member of Charlie Company, 4th LAR.
So now you know where the heart of “Little Glory” is and that her rebuild has begun. More to follow as the schedule is being updated. Next up is the removal of the T-90 Transmission and Transfer case to be rehabed, inspection, cleaned, painted with new gaskets and seals installed.
May, 2020: Well Sports fans the Captain has been very busy with veteran’s affairs. Primarily caring for and assisting Sgt. Edgar Harrell USMC, age 95, and the last USS Indianapolis Marine survivor travel the country to share his story. The Jeep build has been slow but the harvesting and parts gathering has been continuous. This Jeep will be built and this trip WILL HAPPEN. Date push backs have happen but this is due to the busy times for the Captain. The Captain did retire full time during the delay and now attention is turned back to the trip. So here is the Situation Report (SITREP).
I had many parts sand blasted and I painted others, have collected all sorts of drive line and body parts. Some donated but most purchased with Captain’s own funds. I have decided in true Military honor to use one of my own Military Jeeps for the trip and to donate it and give it away at the end of the trip.
She is a 1953 M38 Korean War Jeep Willy’s. Needs restoration but it was a runner and driver and the body is not to bad. I will pull the engine and drive train and start on the body work now Memorial Day 2020.
So she looks rough but this is not that bad.
Here is the plan and the new time line:
Jeep will be completed, rolling driving and field tested by Thanks Giving November, 2020. Captain will get Administratively prepared for 2021 advertising and promotion tour beginning just as soon as Spring Breaks 2021. The Kickoff for the one year count down will be on May 23, 2021, for when I will depart for New York on May 23, 2022. I will reach New York on July 26, 2022 after 63 days on the road. 100% all proceeds collected and the Jeep will go to Veterans 501C Nonprofit organizations.
During 2021, the Captain will attend every public function he can find in Utah from swap meets, to show and shine car shows, to patriotic events and visits with veterans to promote the trip. During these public events, the public will have a chance to purchase a hat or shirt or some other promotional items for a chance to win and take the Jeep home. This of course after the Captain reaches New York after the 63 day drive! I will keep you all posted now. Keep in touch….and as always, Semper Fi America!!!
Great to the Blazer back in service!
Nice Captain ! Proud of what you do over there ! Cheers from Belgium !
Thank You Ben, when we met over in your country during the WW2 event we shared I knew we would be life long brothers. We have so much to do yet together. When you come to America you will have a part in Garforvets and you will do many miles in the Jeep moving across America meeting and greeting many great patriots. Patriots much like those who liberated your country during WW2. When I complete this mission, I will ship a 1944 G506 1.5 tom WW2 truck to your country and we will do a EU version of my trip in America to raise funds for the many WW2 museums preserving the history of WW2 and all those who served and died for FREEDOM. Thank you for your support brother. Your Captain and former crew member of Barbara!
Looking good 👍 buddy ,it sure doesn’t seem like that much time has gone by since we met up at Glenn’s Ferry with the little glory jeep. Good luck with the project. If you guys need anything give me a shout. Clint g
Thank you Clint, when I was lucky enough to purchase “Old Glory” from you after you worked so hard to give him his freedom from that damned School district it started an epic adventure. And a life long friendship. I told you I would not go away. That we would be friends and share life’s adventures until our books were completed. Semper Fi, and thank you. I will reach back when I think there is something you can do to help!
Semper Fi, Captain Montefusco….BTW Old Glory just got a complete 100% correct WW2 Paint job inside and out! Photos to follow.
Nice my brother !!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thanks Eddie, for your support, your friendship I look forward to seeing you at the events especially the finally on the flight deck of the USS Intrepid when I reach NYC to give away the Jeep. Semper FI, your Dad was a great patriot and veteran of WW2 and Korea. Your Dad will be honored along the way during my trip, you will see!
Captain Montefusco
Can’t wait to see the finish product and a fully operational WWII jeep! Keep truckin’…SF, Lancer
Ok now, lets be correct. Our final selection for the Jeep and the one we are building is a 1953 Korean war M38 Jeep. Essentially the same Jeep used in WW2 with an improved transmission (has more roller bearings instead of bushings used in WW2 Jeeps) and a few minor body style changes like a taller one piece windshield, taller tires, but in all the same engine, the same old great flat fender world famous Jeep that the world knows. Thank Lancer can’t wait to see you at some of the events. Semper Fi, Captain Scott
What a wonderful way to honor our men and women who give so much for our freedom. I am happy this organization exists. It’ll be exciting to hear when the drive starts. Keep up the great work.
Thank you Roland for your support, the drive will be epic! I’m sure I will get a chance to meet you and many other patriots who support, respect and love those who honor our country. We can’t say enough good about those who serve and support us all. I hope you get a chance when we are set up to do so to purchase our Gartforvets items which will support our charity and give you a chance to maybe win the Jeep when I give it away at the trips completion. Semper Fi America and Roland! Captain Montefusco
Looking forward to the finished product
And finished it will be! We are ahead of schedule and I plan to do an exciting shake down test run at a very special place in Utah. It will be to check out all our work. I plan to shoot a short video interview during this adventure with the Jeep. We will fully discuss all the work and upgrades we did so that everyone knows what they will get if they are lucky enough to win this Jeep. Remember, I will give the Jeep away in New York City after completing the “Great America Road Trip For Veterans”. Semper Fi America…and thank you Dan for your support! Captain Montefusco
Pleasure meeting you and talking to you in Dubois, WY sir!
Thank You Austin. Your town is a great place amazing people, patriotic and friendly. Was a great trip even with a little adventure running home. As you know we changed a thermostat in Lander and rolled in to Salt Lake at 0200. Met a fellow Veteran at Lander see Colton above. Your always welcome to come on by my place in Salt Lake just give me a call and know I will be back up there where you are.
Semper Fi, Buddy.
The jeep looks amazing. It was a pleasure to meet you at O’Reilly’s in Lander Wy, the 46 Plymouth lives hope you have a safe trip home.
Thanks Colton, always great to meet fellow Veterans. The Plymouth ran hot for about 25 miles out of Landers but then settled down to 190-198 all the way to Salt Lake made it home around 2:00 am. If you make it in to Salt Lake come see me. I hope your daughter is feeling better and all will be ok. Thank you for your service and I am glad you came home ok after two tours in Afghanistan. Make sure you give the O’Reilly’s a huge thank you for leaving the thermostat out for me, and pay them. But dress them down a bit about their resistance to lend a hand at first.
Semper Fi, Captain
We met the Captain, His Willy’s Jeep, and Mike, on our White Rim Trail trip over the weekend! It was great hearing his stories and this project. Keep up the great work, Captain! And thanks for the Fireball Whiskey introduction!
Yes Sir! Ryan, you and your entire crew were fantastic! Your vehicles were top notch and you were all equipped with all the comforts of home despite being on the trail. Thank you for your hospitality for your fellow 4×4 travelers…the Captain and his A-driver Mike! What a trip, what an experience. 100 miles off road inside and along the river in Canyon Lands National Park.
Post the photo of all of us brother we were a team to be reckoned with weren’t we!!
Hope to see you all on another trip let me see your list!!
Good times in Moab Utah 🙂
Yes Harold so glad we met you guys. You were all great! Love talking about my time in the Philippines, Great country great people, Peole like yourself make the USA even better! Let me see your list brother, and lets meet up someplace else next! Great trip
I was fun to chat with you and see your 1942 one ton truck. The Captain was early this morning at the booth! 5:30 am. A true Vet. Thanks you for your service and to see your support for Trump!
Trump 2020!
Bill Deniker!
Thank You William you are a patriot I know. God bless and be safe, see you out there soon. Semper Fi!
Special thanks to The Captain for supporting our son in a senior (high school) parade. Monty took him on a good drive and shared with him some life lessons. The impact he made on our son who is soon leaving for West Point is immeasurable…except for the size of the smile on his face. Thank you sir! Count on our support for
Charlie, it was my duty to meet with your young rising star son soon to be a West Point Cadet. It gives me hope that we still have young men and woman who get it. You and your wife should be rewarded for raising such a talented, respectful, young man. He surely has learned that his hard work at school is paying off with his appointment to attend the Academy at West Point. Sky is the limit for a boy like him and we need more youth like him that loves our country and is willing to serve us all. God Bless you all, It was a pleasure meeting you all and taking him in the WW2 Jeep. Don’t forget to look up Bannerman Castle when back East on the Hudson.
Raced with the captain at the Buzzards desert race in utah,
Awesome man with an awesome project! Can’t wait to see the jeep drive the country(remember to bring some spare piston rings just in case!)
Nate you are Awesome too. Anyone who races the desert is a winner. It was great meeting you and I hope to see you at many other events to include other MC races. Friends for life my young friend. Love the mechanical tip to brings extra rings, what a race that was. Man and machine and even the machine could not beat the Captain. Just so you know, the Jeep engine is a complete rebuild to include new rings 🙂 and pistons!
Stay well stay in touch Semper Fidelis. The Captain
Ohra thanks for all the support I am looking forwad to so many future events!