We are all lucky to be here in this country, the home of the free and the brave. No matter how you became an American, naturally or immigrant we are all one now! Embrace our liberty and freedom which was earned by and protected by our forefathers, our military and yes our law enforcement officers ever since.
I sure hope everyone celebrated in some way and did not let the Covid Scare scare you off. The Captain and the Utah Military History Group were invited to participate in a great 4th of July military vehicle “Roll out”.
The rollout was organized by one of the greatest military history groups that honors our Military, First Responders and everything great about America. Everyone should visit their web page support their cause and try to attend some of their events. Started by Vernon Stout and his Patriot family the organization does so much for the community. Check them out! below:
The rollout did 40 miles all over Orem, Utah showing no fear. The Captain made a special visit to Ken Watson, a young 93 year old WW2 Navy veteran who served with the 3rd Marine Division in the Pacific. He participated in 4 Island landing and survived having a ship sunk from under him. Proud of his service he lied about his age and joined at just 16 years old! He still lives with the loss of many friends and is one to be honored for his service. Semper Fi, America.