Yes it is Wayne’s birthday again, the Duke would be 115 years old today. He may not be here with us but he is within us as patriots. Wayne was years ahead of his time. I remember him calling out all those who were running down our country long before we got into the things we are into now. Look around and ask yourself what would Wayne say! Check out the new books that Ethan Wayne, the Duke’s grandson has released. The Captain is going to make these availible on the website.

Everyone can get this magazine now, it is just one more great item you can find at America’s Ranch store Cal Ranch. Sorry for you all back East because you can’t walk in and buy it and see how cool Cal Ranch stores are. But you can support this store that supports our veterans and first responders by buying the Wayne Magazine issue and many other items in their online store here:
I love this store check them out on line or in the flesh!

Visit the store here! John Wayne is back!
Bracelet update, The Captain found it! Finally, I located an orginal MIA/POW bracelet issued during the Vietnam war in 1970. This is the same name and same MIA American who was on John Wayne’s bracelet. What are the odds, check that out. A Marine Captain too. Sadly if you read more below, we found that Captain Hanson died on the day his helicopter when down in the jungle. One other crew member did survive and evade but was later captured but made it home years later.

The Captain naturally is a lover of all things “Wayne” and a fan of America’s great American Icon and movie star John Wayne. But John Wayne was much more than a movie star to all Americans. He was America’s symbol of self reliance, rugged individualism, conservative politics, success through hard work ethic, and above all else a Patriot who once said “United we stand, dividid we fall…we’re American’s and that says it all.”

The Captain wears a solid brass bracelet he had made from melted down M60 machine gun brass while he was deployed overseas with the Marines at Subic Bay, Philippines in 1985. The Captain had his bracelet made to emulate the one worn by John Wayne after making “The Green Berets ” film in 1968. The Captain’s bracelet also represents his deep commitment and the brotherhood he shares with a few very special individuals. Of course John Wayne’s bracelet was a gift from the Green Berets Special Forces and the legendary Montagnard Vietnamese fighters after making the Green Berets movie.
The Montagnard bracelet, a prestigious symbol of friendship and respect, was given to U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers “Green Berets” and others during the Vietnam War. The bracelets were made of brass taken from used bullets casing. John Wayne received his bracelet in Vietnam from a Montagnard Strike Force led by a U.S. Special Forces A-Team. “Duke” never took it off thereafter.

John Wayne was a Patriot and great supporter of our military no matter the politics or the times. Wayne wore another very special bracelet which many may not know about or remember. The Captain has search high and low for an original one just like the one worn by Wayne but has not found one yet. Many copies of this one worn by Wayne were produced and worn by many American’s in support of our Vietnam POW’s and Missing in Action Soldiers, Sailors and Marines during the Vietnam war.
The POW/MIA bracelet worn by Wayne represented Marine Captain Stephen Paul Hanson, who was shot down on June 3, 1967, along with his crew of four Marines and Special Forces Army passengers. The following informations tells the tragic story of what became of then Marine Captain Stephen Hanson, his Co-Pilot 1st Lt John G. Gardner, Crew Chief door gunner Sgt Timothy R. Bodden, Door Gunner LCpl Frank E. Cius, and Special Forces passengers that day when many died, went missing or were captured so long ago.
So today May 26, 2020 we celebrate one of our greatest Patriots and beloved Americans John Wayne and what would have been his 113th Birthday. God Speed “Duke” see you when we get there.

Semper Fi, America
Captain Montefusco