The Captain and Gartforvets has reached out to Portraits of Honor to help. I hope you can too! Time is critical and this project will stand forever in honor of so many who gave so much representing the America we know and love. Check this out!
Jeff Reese Portraits of Honor: Col. Cooper enlisted in 1942 and served a total of 38 years in the USMC. Among his decorations is the Legion of Merit medal. After boot camp at Parris Island, training in North Carolina, Quantico, VA and Camp Pendleton, CA he boarded a ship bound for Guadalcanal. He also fought in the battle of Okinawa. After Okinawa, his unit moved to Guam to prepare for an invasion of Japan, until the dropping of two atomic bombs and the Japanese surrender ended the war. Col. Cooper was again called to active duty during the Korean War, serving in artillery and infantry, and during the Vietnam War, working mostly in training and recruiting in Washington, D.C. and California. He had a career later in education and coaching, and working with FEMA.
Please visit the web page, watch this great video, donate and follow the project. Semper Fi!