The Captain in true military style received the completely rebuilt engine from Ramco Machine in Salt Lake City. The engine was picked up in the Marine Fighter Truck and transported to the Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) to ready it for install. Next goal is to try to assemble the entire Jeep in time to put her in the prade on Veterans Day.

Looks like an engine that I need for my 49 L head!
Say there Butch, 49 what? Pickup, Cj2A, Post a photo of your Willys. How did you find my site or did you meet me out there in the wilds of the world. Get that Jeep together and join me at one of four Willys Jeep Rallies we are planning with There will be (4) going across America along with a few convoys. If you like the engine, perhaps you would like a chance at winning the entire Jeep! We are building a chance to win this Jeep campaign. I will be giving this Jeep away when I reach New York City on July 26, 2023. Hope to hear from you again. When we kick off the campaign, follow this site by signing up.
Ohra Butch, The Captain