Sgt. Stanfel is a Marine veteran, fellow Jeep owner (1963 Willys) and supporter of Gartforvets in the Toledo Area of Operations (TAO). Sgt. Stanfel served us all from 1968 – 1972, serving state side and overseas at Okinawa, Japan. Besides earning the EGA and basic training as a Marine, he served as a court reporter within the Judge Advocates Corps. Pictured below, we were all young once. Nevertheless just as much a Marine as ever. Ohra.

There is more to this Veteran’s story. Respect for our military, veterans, our nation, and our history starts at home. Sgt. Stanfel comes from a family of military service to us all. Sgt. Stanfel’s father and uncle served in WW2 and one did not make it home. The good Sergeant’s own grandson is a veteran as well. Below we honor the good Sergeant’s father and Uncle who served us during WW2.