This young man represents the very best of our American spirit. A patriot that joined our “all voluntary military services” which I fear many young people take for granted. He was raised to embrace all the good our nation has to offer. Sadly, he as many before and after him had tragically suffered wounds from his service in a war zone. He was a fighter that faught to overcome his wounds and health complications that followed. With his family by his side he finally succumbed to his fight and returned to a better place on of all days December 7th 2013. We will never forget his service to us all, especially those he served with in the field as a medic.
I had the honor to meet his mother Janet and father Don at Gunnison’s 9/11 remember memorial activities this year. They have taken tragedy and loss and turned it into a way to honor, heal and raise awarness for those who serve today and those who have sacrificed so much. Many who have lost a family member struggle to find the strength to do such things but like their son they are strong and proud and they manage to do this for us all. What a family, what a man they raised up to be. They are patriots of the highest order and a Gold Star Family to keep in our prays.