Time is flying by for me and many others of my age. Our young citizens won’t realize how fast time passes until they retire or get to be a little older. I pray that our youngest generation will hold our nation together by recognizing what is happening now. We must not forget our founding and our history as Americans. We must remember those who have served and sacrificed to carry our country forward from 1775 until now. I would like all Americans to listen to this 20th anniversary of 9/11 podcast. For the young, remember these Americans who were here before you and who lived and died through our darkest days. For those who are a little older, remember and recognize where we are now. We can not forget the events that have forged us going all the way back to our founding. Listen to the podcast and find the strength to stand up for our country and all she is meant to be and can be. This podcast was produced by Ed Hoffman on his Main Event site at Edhoffman.net. Thank you Ed for your cast to remember. Semper Fi