You can not put a price on honoring our Gold Star families it is the right thing to do. South Jordan Utah's Honor is clean. What a great effort that was made from start to finish to bring this memorial home.
I beautiful monument one of hundreds being built across our great nation.
We can not state this enough
For all to see and read, I trust that parents will bring their children around to see and teach their family why this is here and what it represents.
Patriots everyone of them, All of those who have been effected by the loss of a loved one in the line of duty.
The dedication was very well done, the speakers were well presented.
Sturdy but with a hole through the granite in the shape of a soluting member of our armed services, it might represent the hole in all of our hearts for the one lost and all those who must go forward without one of their own.
Solemn but with dignity
The memorial is even more touching at night when you are alone with no distractions.
I can not thank the city, the buinesses and individuals who have done so much to make this possible and for the sarifices of the families which this memorial represents. I had to wear my uniform for all those who could not be here in their own uniform.