New York City Tunnel to Towers run event. This is the most patriotic gathering in support of those who have given so much. This is an event that remembers all those who ran into the destruction of 9/11 no matter the risks. We remember those lost, those struggling now with those experiences, the families forever changed. We remember and appreciate all of our military which were thrust into an unconventional war on terror, their families who lost their loved ones who served us fighting terror. We now face the post 9/11 deaths and illnesses related to those who served us during the searches for remains and removals of debris. Our military members who have returned home severly wounded. The run is an event that raises awarness, raises funds, and brings people together to heal and share love of one another and our great country while recognizing those who could not be there. All in support of First Responders, our Military, Veterans and their families.
Now this was an honor to meet Rob Oneil, Navy Seal who sealed Osama Bin Laden's fate with two to the head. Evil was dealt with by men like Rob and the might of our American service men and women. A volunteer force that serves us all. Rob met with many of us at the T2T dinner.
A great time was had during my visit to Paul, Idaho and the Les Schwab tire dealer. This independantly owned location at Paul, ID is owned by the Twiss family and they sponsored with (4) new tires for Little Glory. After meeting and greeting everyone at the dealership, it was time to go out and meet the public. This also gave the Captain and Little Glory a chance to get a look at a section of the trail which will be used during the cross country trip next year.
The Twiss family owned location at Paul, Idaho
Its all about family at this Les Schwab in Paul. The Twiss family has owned and operated this store when Les Schwab himself was building the business. Hard work, genuine concern and love for their customers and their employees.
Fellow Marine Corps Veteran who works at the Twiss family’s Les Schwab dealer.
The drive up to Idaho is a nice ride and Idaho truly is beautiful country
Meeting veterans while out and around Paul, Idaho, I met a Navy Seal retired.
Some of the many employees who call this location home.
One shoe at a time
Nothing like a new set of tires.
Almost ready to roll
Out and around the little town there is so much history. I love small town America.
Patriotic homes everywhere like this one
Brenda and Brian in front of their patriotic home.
Outside of Paul, Idaho little towns rich in history and will be in the area of the cross country trip.
Along the RR tracks East of Paul we will pass here for sure next year
Little Glory and the Captain will be all over this area next year and we will have an event at the tire dealer n town
Face time in the wind on recon of the trail once blazed by Col. Horatio Nelson Jackson
You must take the time to take in tthe history of wherever you find yourself. Here in Idaho prisoners of war from WW2 where kept here in camps.
Little Glory taking in the history
Always taking the time to visit our memorials for our veterans
Patriots who served our country and thereafter never stop serving and giving of themselves for our country
Very well done this memorial and thousands like them stand in most all little towns. Please take the time to visit them and reflect on the sacrifices of so many on our behalf.
Getting the bugs out we had a Gremlin incident. But nothing this Motor T guy couldn’t handle.
The culperate a made in China junk pump! Sorry about that guys and gals. I’m using an electric pump to avoid vapor locks.
Sadly before this trip would be in the books we hd another enemy Gremlin attack. Yes while towing Little Glory Home we had a new tire failure. Firestone and Kaiser Willys to the rescue they will warranty the tire.
No matter there are Patriots everywhere to meet even when broken down with a bad tire there is time to meet them all. This Patriot Austin came in time to help the Captain with a good jack to make a swift tire change.
More memorials t stop at on my way home American Falls
Again Patriots who served and never stopped serving we need to honor and remeber them all
More history along the way the Oregon trail ran through this area
Very cool memorial and remonder of our fighting men here in Malad, Idaho.
Thank You Beau Twiss and the Twiss Family at Les Schwab Tire Paul, Idaho! “I’ll be back”….
Draper Days Parade/Car Show/Concert July 16th
Huge Parade great time had by all.
I always have time for our First Responders Draper City Fire.
Everyone loves a Jeep, girls young and old. It’s a Jeep thing.
Everyone had a good time climbing into the Jeep
Ready for the parade redy to roll
Well represented the parade was HOT but well worth the ride so many patriots.
Ms Salt Lake City and Ms Orem City in the parade.
This woman just had to climb on Big Glory and sit in that ejection chair from a figter jet retrofitted into the truck!
Future flag waiving patriots and I’ll bet Jeep owners.
They love the Jeep and they are learning all about America and hostory when they meet the Captain.
Nice running into former Law Enforcement friends from the old days of kciking doors in to get the bad guys. Here is Troy former Salt Lake Police Department. Owner of an awesome 59 Caddilac!
No doubt he will own a 4×4 when he can and I’ll bet he won’t want it to be electric…hahahah
Maybe a future Captain
He is for sure ready to roll
He too was ready to roll he wanted to hear Bog Glory roar!
Special thanks to my dear friends “family” Angie and Scott. Scott was my former partner at the department, boy do we have some stories to tell. Angie helped me so much with meeting and greeting all the patriots at the show.
Really enjoyed meeting everyone
Now these two were very motovated we will meet again I have no doubt!
July 14th Gartforvets car show
JC Hackett #1 in car shows and entertainment
Les Schwab Tire 4335 South State Street
JC Hackett Car Shows #1 in shows and entertainment!
Get fired up and hit the road to help raise funds for
Veterans, first responders and their families.
Thursday July 14th 5- 8:00 pm Les Schwab tire
4355 South State Street
Murray, Utah
Stand by we are working on a great edited video of this event and the great 30×50 flag raising we had for all of you!
Beautiful site to see!
Old Glory takes to the wind
LIttle Glory poses in front of one of her supoorter’s for the July 14th event.
Little Glory takes on Les Schwab
On the scene to serve Jason and crew.
The only game in town for the best Kickass BBQ Jason and Smoke-A-Billy BBQ
Wagstaff stepped up in the heat of the battle. Look at that Crane in the background! The Capatain and Wagstaff operator getting pumped up for the huge flag raising.
Wagstaff rocks we all had a great time, little bit of work but all fun.
Little Glory brought a few of her friends attached to and being deployed to this campaign “Gartforvets”.
From left to right Old Glory, Big Glory, Jet Fighter Truck, and Little Glory! Wait until the entire fire team is deployed along with Gunship Winnebago “Marines Dream”.
Otis my man! he did all the work on his father-n-Laws 1942 Jeep. Otis is one cool cat! Hs wife is just as fun! More to come as they will be attending the August 27th Rally in Heber, Utah!
JC always rocks the best car shows in town. Captain was lucky to secure Joe for this quick offense action at Les Schwab thanks to Nicholas the Murray Store manager “Military Veteran” who sought to help the campaign honoring veterans and first responders!
Nick Les Schwab manager the Captain and a proud Marine Corps veteran and winner with his Chevy!
Another proud winner with his Chevy!
Proud winner with his Ford Mustang!
Proud winner Patriot and owner of an awesome “Woody”. still waitng for her to share her photos of the Marines with her car?? Best of show winning a set of (4) tires from Les Schwab
All fun and happiness winning winning and winning.
The Captain on top of Jet Fighter Truck with all that represents me flying in the Background…Old Glory, Betsy Ross, all our military flags, the POW/MIA, and our first responder’s flag. And look at the the Marine Corps flag held herself out for this photo!
Bad photo of me but what the hell! Funny face and “old” man looking hahahaha.
Dino Day Rodeo Vernal, Utah!
Bringing in our National Colors
And our Anthem
Military and First Responders Honored
Great folks at the KOA, Captain with the troops at KOA who support the mission…We need to do an event right there!
Great people that know what it is all about.
Everyone loves jumping in a Jeep
Breaking the seats in with lots of visitors
Larry the Captain and Ray Allen, Sergeant of Marines and Korean War Veteran.
Randy and the Captain. Randy is a Mule Skinner, Western Movie actor extra and private Outfitter. Randy is also an Army veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The show is about to begin as the sun sets and the action begins.
Great people fun time on the rail watching the action.
Free concert by local cowboy Charley Jenkins.
Send in the Marines, challenging the public to pullups young and old make or female they all took a leap and pull a few out.
Our local police on the job.
Dance and great music. Marines will always find one another in a crowd.
This was a great event so patriotic and the people of Vernal are just fantastic hosts.
Vernal Car Show July 9th great one!
Honoring a friend no longer able to be with us with his car
Orem City Park July 3rd and 4th. Military History Days. DONE!
What a great time, I passed on the parade for ore time meeting and greeting patriots and veterans at the base camp.
So much work it takes Passion to bring history allive look how authentic these patriots are.
Even the ladies are historically acurate and every bit involved in bringing hostory alive at the park.
Our founding fathers helped bring American history alive by educating the public through lecture and demonstration.
Don’t you want to go back in time and be there?
Future Jeep owners, Kids just Love Jeeps…oh everyone does!
Ready to roll they had a blast checking out the Jeep.
I was with the WW2 group but just love walking back in time to our revelutionary patriots.
Little Glory and friends at the WW2 camp. Awesome Vehicles at the show.
Its all about history AND our future. Spending time talkig with the futrue of our nation and the youth of America. So important. Highlite of all my events is this time spent with them all.
Flags Flying, come on it doesn’t get any better than this. They love the Jeep and they love America.
Love seeing those I have met before at previous events. Here is a fellow veteran and her service dog.
So much fun and so important, the Jeep is the perfect center of this campaign.
Fellow First Responder Emery and his boys, there is an amazing story behind how we met. This family bleeds Red White and Blue. It was not by chance we all met. Friends for life. Ohra.
A very special year at this years show! The Marines have landed!
Hill Air Base Show DONE! 6/24,25,26th!!
Call signs Shrek and Spicoli Commanding Officers VMX-1 F35B pilots
This years show not only had the worlds greatest fighter aircraft, it had Marine Corps F-35B V/STOL capable Marine aircraft on deck at the Air Force show.
VMX-1 also landed with The Osprey V22 and the Cobra Attack Helicopter. Marines are a self sufficient fighting force Air land and Sea!
VMX-1’s Cobra and crew with the Captain, aka G-Man
VMX-1’s Osprey pilots Naval aviators on the Air Force’s turf.
The Captain had too much fun with all the Marines on Deck.
Shrek and his F35B Marine Fighter Aircraft.
Yes Yes the Jeep Little Glory and the Captain had front row seats to it all along with 700,000 others this weekend!
Little Glory as Shrek taxis by in the F35B fresh in from MCAS Yuma, AZ.
Just days from Retirement Colonel “Shrek” Sullivan the Captain’s brother from a different mother.
The show was outstanding with record crowds no doubt.
Gartforvets with the Marine Recruiters keeping an eye out for quality not quantity! “The Few the proud.”
Always veterans connecting, Scott meets Scott he served as an Army Medic he served as an operating room tech Specialist 1984-1988.
The Captain along with our Corps recruiters motivated our future leaders and guardians of our nation.
There is never enough time to meet veterans and their children, future patriots who love and respect our nation now and forever.
One family after another Little Glory and the Captain had the honor to meet them all.
V22 Osprey aircraft at the show.
Captain’s favorite an F-18 arriving at the show. Man did he put on a great flight for all to see and HEAR!
Another favorite in vintage aircraft, the Marine’s WW2 B-25.
No that’s not a gremlin that’s Mini Shrek or the CO’s Mini Me…doesn’t he know there is no smoking cigars on aircraft…..hahahaha
What a great time I hope I got to meet you, if not I’m sorry you missed a great weekend! Hope I see and meet you down the road.
Provo VW Show Done! 6/18/22
The Captain Arrive with captured 1964 VW Bug
Arrival at Provo riding Shot Gun is Matt Captain’s side kick mechanical assitant.
Super clean awesome ride
KIds just love Jeeps even in the middle of a VW show. These kids were smart and fun to talk with their our future and I’m happy about that.
Great patriots these folks and certified fellow “Wayneologists” those who love John Wayne, his movies and all he respresented as an American Icon. Sure hope they follow up and reach out to the Captain, I sure want to see them again.
As alway there were many verterans to meet. Like Joshua, a Sergeant First Class Retired US ARMY!!! not only a veteran but Willys Jeep retoration guy. He is restoring a 1946 Willys. But before he had the time in retirement he served us all once in Iraq 2003 and once in Afghanistan 2014. He served us all from 2001 until 2022. Now out of uniform he is a patriot among us all. Proud veteran of striker brigade with 2nd Infantry Divison sure was an honor to meet him. Hope he comes to the Willys Jeep Rally at Heber Airport on August 27th. He will ride with the Captain on the convoy road trip following the show.
Sounds of Freedom June 11th Layton City Park. Done!
Yet another great car show loaded with American Patriots and veterans alike. Had a great time meeting and greeting so many. JC Hackett always knocking it down with big crowds bringing people out and together.
Great set up real nice day at the Layton show.
Awesome Jeeps from the MIA/POW group Fat Bob’s Garage some serious Jeeps here. Zac Robertson’s
Thy have that right!
LIttle Glory showing her stuff.
The Sounds of Freedom was a great show. Just as the National Anthem ended the F35’s from HIll Air Base roared over! Great ceremony. So many great people came to see the cars and trucks. Wish I could make the show next year BUT I WILL be on the road across the USA in Little Glory!
Rat Fink Ed Roth show Manti, Utah 6/4/22 done!
Captain’s first Rat Fink show…too bad I can’t make it next year! I Will be on the 63 day trip from San Francisco to New York in the 1952 Willys!
Classic Fink art! Catch the fever…
Custom built and a regualr at the show every year.
Mobile Portch.
A little of everything at this show
Cummins diesel in what follows Heavy Duty man I love this ride!!! My favorite at the Rat Fink
Bad ass machine! This is a Gator Mclusky machine remember that move from the 70’s?
So rugged
Always a favorite at shows the classic VW buses
Indian 1940’s the owner has had her for over 60 years! so perfect.
The Gunship Winnebago “Before the wrap that is coming” and Little Glory the Jeep
Wait until you all see The Wrap that is coming!
Gunship winnebago named “Marines Dream” upgraded…bringing the Captain into the 2022 erra look at the original 440. Sequencial Port Fuel injected, coil packs, distributorless, Serpentine belt kit upgrade modern 140 amp alternator and powersteering unit and extra flow water pump. Don’t forget electric cooling fans.
The Captain’s gunship goes modern…..
She is getting a face lift with the wrap to come!
Equipped with the only satellite equipped dual purpose ball turret for air surpression of enemy contact.
Little Glory and our service flags
Classic natural beauty
Ogden Historic 25th Street show 6/3/22…Done!
The set up at Ogden drove down 25th street
Favorite Beer Joint….it is always about history with the Captain.
Just amazing look at these other shots of this insane awesme car
Good old M151 converted for civilan fun.
True and steady croud pleaser VW bus and buggies
Very nice Chevy and Jeep
Little Glory and fellow veterans visit
Very Clean Thing!
My favorite at this show Chevy suburban towing a beautiful vintage wood boat.
Great time, love riding the rails and the public loves it. Lots of opportunity to meet great people who love our country and having a good time.
Plenty of people gathering at the train depot for the short ceremony before riding the rails. Little Glory getting some people time too!
Meeting and greeting the veterans on the train ride learning about their service to us all!
Live goodtimes music 1940’s what a time in America and the world!
West Jordan Memorial Park car show 5/30/22 rain or shine Loved it!
West Jordan Memorial Park 5/31/22 done!
Trophy Little Glory’s first!
Meeting and greeting veterans like Craig Marine to Marine! If it aint raining we aint training love the rain!
Patriot supporter of Gartforvets thank you so much!
He really liked Little Glory the Jeep, this supporter just had to have a photo with the Jeep and I.
Navy Marine Corps team meet John Master at Arms served on the USS Nimitiz… stuff great guy and Willys Jeep owner too!
Now meet Parker……he reminds me of….ahhhhhhhhhhhh…..ME! but much younger of course. Who shows up at a car show with a helmet ready for battle? Me and Parker hahah. He has that awesome M38A1 next to Little glory in the background. Parker was hard core out there in shorts! No jacket freezing his ass off! That’s the Captain’s jacket on parker now….take care of the troops!
Parker and his Jeep and I. Nice Cj2A in the back ground that is James’ Cj2A of the Flat Fenders Group on Fake Book.
VFW Riverton Car show 5/29/22 done!
One Man Car show we held down the show 10am – 4:00 pm
Set up for the one man show! Still met some amazing people veterans too!
Veterans still came to see the Captain. Here is Bob a National Guard Veteran
Lock and Load ready for the road
Part truck part helicopter gunship Bg Glory
Scratch that one off the list! Great little show JC Hackett filled the lots again great Job Joe!
Big Glory and Little Glory rolled in and secured the entrance to the Garage Grill ca show 5/24/22…Ohra
FBI Salt Lake City HQ’s-May 27th-Friday
Private function for one of the great ones who has earned his retirement.With the permission of Special Agent ______:) The Captain will post some photos after the event. Congratualtions Special Agent ________:) 25 years of service to our nation.
Bringing back flash backs, the old office haunt. Service to our nation has not stopped since the last time I rolled out these gates.