Once again always after events, I take the time to find the local memorial to our veterans. No matter how small the town of Magna, Utah is, there is a very nice memorial to our veterans. And yes a few historical items like this recoilless rifle, I think I need that on the roof of Gunship Winnebago.
WW2, Korea and Vietnam. Freedom is not free a memorial to remember all those who did not come home.
To commemorate all of our military branches of our American Armed Forces.
Where would we be without patriotic organizations like the Lions who support projects like this one which stands today from years past.
Just happens this park is right on the route and site of an original Lincoln Highway marker. I love that, the "Lincoln" was the first highway to connect New York to California completed in 1929 but traveled on since 1919. Even the Captain followed this road from New York to Salt Lake City back in 2002 in his 1948 Plymouth P-15 car.
Captain's Plymouth P-15 Lincoln Highway cruiser. Also my wedding car used to take my bride and I from the Church to the reception.
Original plates from 1948 she is just about all stock.
Love these old car interiors, we have owned her for 20 years now.
Few modern gauges to monitor the old girls functions.
Original Re-Elect Truman from 1948. Remember the famous photo of 1948 "Dewey Defeats Truman"
I couldn't resist sharing the historic photo that puts the Plymouth's bumper sticker in context 74 years later. By the way you all know he was a WW1 Army veteran right? But he was not a big fan of the Marine Corps but he ended up eating his own words for things he said about them. At the end of the day he was a politician what do you expect :).