Meet Doug left and Jeremy Right both Warrant Officers W0-4 and WO-3 US Army Patriots with 807th Medical Command. Both have served us overseas many times. Jeremy twice in Iraq 2003, 2007. Doug served in Afganistan 2003 and Kuwait 2013. They both came out to support T2T and the run. Jeremy’s young son made the walk and wore the Captain’s high school buddy’s tag. Frank Bonomo was a close friend of the Captain and was lost in the towers as he worked to save lives as a Fire Fighter.Young patriot future First Responder. Love and respects America!Frank J. Bonomo. Firefighter. Fire Department City of New York. New York. Age: 42. Year of Death: 2001. Frank was a loving husband‚ son‚ brother and incredible dad to Joseph‚ 4 and Juliana 1. He lived a full life enriched with many friends. He was an achiever in life.Meet Pleasant Grove Police Officer Ruiz he also performed and sang our national anthem at the T2T run event!Meet Ron he served us all in the US Navy 1964-1970. He served on the USS Coral Sea Aircraft Carrier as a Jet Aviation Machinist Mate 2nd class Petty Officer. He served in Vietam 1965-1967.Meet Terry he served us all as a Marine infantry Sergeant with both the 27th Regiment and 4th Regiments in Vietnam. He served 13 months was awarded multiple Purple Hearts during combat 1968. His unit faught the less talked about February Tet offensive as well as the Mini Tet.