We can’t thank our Utah sponsors enough. The Queen was the first to step up for our veterans and first responders on behalf of GARTFORVETS.org

Please if you own a business or just wish to customize your favorite ride see the Queen…the Queen of Wraps, visit the website here and tell them the Captain sent you: https://www.queenofwraps.com/

Action Target
Action Target is the world leader in modern shooting range development, equipment, services, and designer for full service provider of targets, gear, and supplies for the government, law enforcement, shooting ranges, gun clubs, and shooting enthusiasts everywhere.

The Captain is proud to promote and announce another great Utah based small buiness supporter. Racheal and Teresa operate and own the most creative promotional products company around. With over 40 years’ experience in sales, customer service, graphic design, marketing, apparel, embroidery, printing, and promotional products, there is no end to the promotional sevices they can provide. Please consider Trifectaink.com, located right here in Sandy, Utah for all your custom business promotional products.
They are located at 536 W 8360 S Sandy, Utah 84070
Teresa: 801-347-4103
Racheal: 801-573-5052
Check these coins out!

The Captain is happy to report that Ryan and Mike Robinson at Ramco Machine was the first Utah Local sponsor on mission to contribute to the Gart Jeep build. Ramco Machine who has been building engines for 40 years has taken on the job of building the Jeep engine. Ramco has donated all the labor in this rebuild. The Captain has provided all the new parts and nothing will be missed. Pistons, guides, rings, bearings, gaskets, cranks shaft, gaskets total rebuild.
Thank You Ryan and Mike Robinson.