Meet Robert US Army 101st
Robert served us all in Vietnam when he was drafted 1969 – 1971. Robert was an artillery cannon cocker but served in Vietnam wth the
USMC Vietnam
Meet Dave he served us all as a Lance Corporal with 3rd Battalion 7th Marines. He fought in the Tet Offensive and was right in
US Army brothers Vietnam
Meet Tony bith he and his brother were drafter to serve in the Army for Vietnam. Tony’s older brother Paul served 1967-1969 in an artillery
US Navy Vietnam
Meet Gordon he served as a Seaman 1975-1979. He was on a Mne Sweeper the USS Enhance and the Navy flew him all the way
US Army 25th Infantry
Meet Rich he was drafted 1972-1973 US Army. Served with the 25th Infantry volunteered to go to Vietnam but ended up in Hawaii when the
USMC Vietnam
Meet Mo, he served us in the Marines 1961 to 1968. He served as a cryptologist and must of had fun. He was a Lance
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